Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 119 - End of semester and invitation of Ma Ren

After a turn in the fortress, Lane returned to the school dormitory with satisfaction. After cleaning up the blood stains on his clothes and hands, he was lying on the bed depressed.

Because of receiving guests this time, they not only did not gain anything but also paid a lot. Ryan decided to wait for her to wake up and ask which world she came from, maybe she could get some gains. Lane thought about comforting himself like this, and then fell asleep. Before I fell asleep, I heard roommates discussing the game today with excitement.

The excitement of winning the Quidditch championship soon passed because the final exam was coming. This can’t escape without the Basilisk, and the students are caught in an atmosphere of tension and anxiety.

Some small changes have also occurred in the school during this time. Lucius Malfoy took the house elf to the school one day and entered the principal’s office. Afterwards, the lonely face came out of the principal’s office.

From that day on, Draco no longer walked around in school with arrogance, as if he were the owner here. On the contrary, he now has a sullen face all day long, seeming to be full of resentment in his heart.

According to the legend in the school, because Lucius did something wrong, he had to release his house elf under the pressure of the principal, and he also lost the right to vote as the director of his school.

It seems that Dumbledore investigated a lot from that note, forcing the Malfoy family to make concessions.

Other than that happened to Lockhart, Rita Skeeter, the greatest member of the magical paparazzi, wrote and published an article “The Rise of Liars”.

She questioned Lockhart’s adventures by finding various contradictions in Lockhart’s book and his lame performance at Hogwarts. Lockhart’s inability to defend was found more loopholes.

Finally, three days before the exam, a team of Aurors came to the school and arrested Lockhart. Because he once stole an old wizard in the United States and stole the experience of an old wizard, after the report of Rita Skeeter circulated, several wizards came out to testify that the werewolf problem was not solved by Lockhart. The US Magic Congress therefore sent an inquiry letter to the Ministry of Magic.

A week later, Wiesengamo sentenced Lockhart to three years in prison and compensated the victim with a large sum of money. Ryan and his classmates also celebrated for a little. At this time, the school ended the final exam. He and a group of students had enough time to celebrate Lockhart’s rollover while enjoying this rare leisure time. The only thing that was unhappy at the celebration was Weasley’s brothers, because they found that the expensive novels they had paid for were now turned into worthless waste paper.

Since Lockhart was arrested, this year’s black magic defense class was given by Snape. The difficult test content made the students who have been grazing for a whole year wailing. Fortunately, the content of the practice is that Professor Flitwick made a question. He came up with a test plan that is close to the actual combat and gave many people the opportunity to redeem their test scores.

There is a lot of obstacles in the room in the test room. The content of the test requires candidates to use magic to shoot down the weapons in the hands of the active dummy when they cross the obstacle. Lane won first place in this exam. I have to say that the actual combat experience helped him a lot.

On the night before the score came out, Ryan received an invitation from Betty the Horseman while studying magic in the Emerald Dream. Betty invited him to participate in this year’s tribe horse’s adult ceremony.

Maju adult? Ryan recalled the memories of the Viking Wizard and found that this was one of the most important rituals of the horse people. Let the natural forces bless the horse people in their adult years. Only foreigners who are naturally recognized may be invited to observe the ceremony. In the memory, the tribe where the Viking wizard was young had a good relationship with several nearby horse tribes, but only one old shaman had received an invitation.

This rare event must be taken a look. The next night, Ryan came to the edge of the forbidden forest according to the agreement, and saw Wolf, the wise giant wolf who came to pick him up.

“Betty asked me to apologize to you because they are so busy today that they can’t draw people. So let me pick you up.” After seeing Ryan, Wolfe explained to Ryan.

“It’s okay, you shouldn’t bother them at this time. Let’s go by ourselves.” After Ryan finished the trail, he was ready to act. But Wolff stopped him:

“My friend, I think you should let me carry it back. Because before I set off, the Druid in the tribe divination came out a little bit earlier than in previous years. If you walk past, you may miss the ceremony.” Said At the end, Wolfe bent his knees slightly to signal Ryan to go up.

Ryan, who had a bad riding technique, lay on the whole body, and then grasped the hair near his neck with Wolf’s reminder to fix himself. Wolfe smelled clean, and there was no smell in the fur.

After confirming that Ryan was lying down, Wolfe slowly accelerated until he ran in the jungle. Ryan saw the trees on both sides quickly retreating backwards, and there was a whisper of wind in his ear.

Ran for about 20 minutes, and Wolfe stopped by the side of a river. Ryan immediately rolled off his back and lay sick on the ground. Because the difference between a wolf and a horse is very large, especially when running, the wolf’s back movement is much greater than that of the horse, which makes Ryan who was turned 20 minutes feel very uncomfortable. He would rather walk over than stay on the wolf’s back.

“Hey, are you okay? The book says that humans and wolf cavalry, why can’t you bear it for a while? You were supposed to talk to you, and you didn’t say a word along the way.” Wolfe was surprised. Said ~ ~ Ryan raised his head feebly and said, “My friend, I just couldn’t open my mouth just because I just turned upside down, otherwise I will spit it directly on you. And seriously, I think You should distinguish the difference between literary creation and reality. Why do n’t you say that there are dragon knights flying all over the book, but I think neither of us have seen a living dragon, have we?

“Yeah.” Wolfe seemed to have a feeling of sudden enlightenment, but the kind of wide-eyed eyes and pricked ears looked more like huskies.

At this time, Ryan slowly looked around, the stars across the river lit up and showed the horse village.

The villages of horsemen and humans are very different. The biggest feature is that each horseman village can maintain perfect harmony with the irreconcilable natural forces surrounding them no matter how big it is. Like the ancient Viking shaman who visited the Maren village in memory, as all races may have a close connection with their surroundings, they subconsciously have a necessary balance between themselves and the natural world. consciousness.

The horsemen will never let any members go hungry or frozen, and lack of materials, but they will not be excessively demanded like nature. They will regularly change various sources of living materials from nature to ensure the redevelopment of the wildlife population. For example, they will adopt crop rotation in order to maintain the fragile natural balance.

In the light of the light, Lane saw the village of the Forbidden Horses built on a quiet riverside open space, a hut or a hut built of rich raw materials in the forest. It doesn’t look gorgeous, but it has a unique sense of warmth.

The river is a little turbulent, but not wide. Lion crossed the river by hook, and then came to the entrance of the village with Wolf. There is already a horseman waiting for them.

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