Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 122 - Unexpected letter and end of semester

After returning from the Forbidden Forest, Ryan was even more busy. Every day, you need to spend a lot of time to study the mysteries of natural affinity. Fortunately, my physique was strengthened in the forbidden forest last time. At the same time, regardless of practicing the mentality of Maoshan Daojing or studying natural affinity, it is conducive to the body to quickly eliminate fatigue. This allowed Ryan to have no physical problems.

After several days of research and comprehension, Ryan finally started to understand this new knowledge of natural affinity. However, if you want to improve this ability after getting started, you need to spend a lot of time to understand nature, and you can’t increase your strength through surprise research like now.

After he was busy with these things in his hand, he found that most of the students in the public lounge and auditorium were discussing the arrangements for the summer vacation. Ryan was shocked that the days of the school year were completely over.

At noon on the last day of school, when Ryan and Weasley twins agreed on the contact information for the summer vacation, a group of owls broke into the common room and sent the final grades to each student. Ryan found that he was still in second grade, and the learning **** Hermione again became the first in his age.

But this year’s transcript is not quite the same as last year. A thin letter is attached to the transcript. After unfolding the stationery, Ryan saw the contents written in emerald green ink inside:

Dear Mr. Liang:

I’m very happy to inform you that you have got the opportunity to go to the Internship at the Castro Brusoh School of Magic in South America.

The exchange is scheduled to begin on September 1 for a semester. Exchange students will return to Hogwarts after the Christmas holiday. We will wait for your owl to bring your reply and your guardian’s signature before July 31st.

Vice principal (female)

Milwa? McGonagall

Behind is a list of items. In addition to the necessary textbooks and utensils, it is additionally stated that this exchange activity needs to pay 200 gallons.

What’s the situation? Ryan was puzzled by the letter. At this time, Hermione also came down the stairs over the girls’ dormitory, holding an identical letter in her hand.

“Ryan, did you also receive this letter?” Hermione asked when he saw the letter paper unfolded in Ryan’s hand. “Do you know what’s going on? I didn’t see anyone else receive the same letter at all. I asked a few school sisters that I didn’t know what happened, so I thought about asking Professor McGonagall. “

“Ask Professor McGonagall? This is a good idea.” After that, Ryan followed Hermione out of the common room to Professor McGonagall’s office.

After reaching the door of Professor McGonagall’s office, Ryan gently knocked on the door. Professor McGonagall’s voice came from inside: “Please come in.”

Opened the door, and Ryan saw Professor McGonagall sitting behind his desk and writing something. Soon Professor McGonagall put down the pen, motioned for Ryan and Hermione to sit down, and then asked, “Do you have anything?”

Ryan took out the letter and asked: “I saw that only me and Hermione had this letter, so I wanted to ask what was going on in this exchange study? Because we asked the seniors and got no news.”

“Oh, that’s true.” Professor McGonagall said, taking off his glasses and putting it aside, then said: “This is a new international activity project that the Ministry of Magic made this year. They hope to restore the international interruption caused by war more than ten years ago. Exchange. Because this year is Hogwarts ’first pilot, we selected the top three students from each of the four grades that do not have a big test next year from this year ’s 1, 2, 3, 5, and went to Brazil to participate in this Exchange activities. “

After glancing at Ryan and Hermione who were listening carefully, Professor McGonagall continued: “I am very happy to see all Gryffindor students participating in this activity. Of course, this activity is voluntary, You are given a month of consideration time to allow you and your parents to communicate carefully before making a choice. “

After listening to Professor McGonagall ’s explanation, Ryan signaled that he had questions. After receiving Professor McGonagall ’s permission, Ryan asked: “Brazil is a Portuguese-speaking country. How do we communicate there? Also, our parents Not a wizard, you may not be able to judge the situation of this event. Can you give us some suggestions? “

“The language problem is easy to solve, because there are too many languages ​​commonly used in the magic world of South America, so they adopt a bilingual system of Spanish and English. At least the professors and many students there can speak English, and you don’t need to worry about communication issues. Spanish During this time, I will try my best to learn by myself.

“As for the suggestion.” Professor McGonagall said for a moment. “I personally recommend you to go. This time I chose the students in the top three of the grade. It will not cause too many problems if I don’t take classes in Hogwarts for a semester. After all, Castro Brushuo is also a world-renowned magic school. The teaching level there will not be much worse than Hogwarts.

And for a wizard, it is necessary to have extensive knowledge. The opportunity to go to other schools under different civilizations is a very eye-opening thing. Very beneficial to the growth of wizards. “

“Thank you Professor.” After answering his doubts, Ryan and Hermione thanked Professor McGonagall and left the office.

At the year-end banquet in the evening, the food was still abundant. It’s just that this year’s Academy Cup was won by Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor was defeated by a single point difference because of his victory in the Quidditch game. But most of the people in the college are very happy, because this year they successfully defeated Slytherin.

Only Hermione felt a little regret, but soon the unpleasant feeling in her heart was dispelled by the overall joyous atmosphere of the college.

Early the next morning, the Hogwarts Express sent the students back to London on time. Ryan, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Fred, and George were packed in a box ~ ~ fully enjoying the last time of magic release before the summer vacation.

Hermione was still reading a book, but soon joined everyone’s chat. After learning that Ryan and Hermione received the opportunity to communicate with the Roblox School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Weasley twins seemed to have thought of something like this:

“Castro Bruce School of Magic We have heard of it several years ago, it seems that our brother Bill has a pen pal from this school. Right, George?”

“Yes, Fred, Bill ’s pen pals wanted to get an exchange tour at the time. But Mom and Dad could n’t afford that much money. He said he could n’t go. The pen pal was bad and sent him a spell. The hat made him wrinkle both ears. “

“In short, that school has their unique strengths in the knowledge of magic plants. It ’s a good thing to go there and open our eyes. We seem to have an uncle in Faraway, Portugal, where his children go to school. Now graduated Later he became a therapist in St. Munger. “Finally Fred concluded.

After, everyone started chatting freely, and Ginny mysteriously told everyone that she found Percy looking for a girlfriend. After hearing the news, the twins looked very excited. Lane bet they would take this opportunity to laugh at Percy.

The Hogwarts Express train gradually slowed down and finally stopped. Ryan and Hermione met Harry Potter and Ron as they passed through the site. While saying goodbye to each other, Harry took out a small note with numbers and handed it over: “Can you call me at Dursley’s during the summer vacation? I only spoke with Dudley for two months, I Can’t stand it … “

“No problem.” Ryan took the note and put it in his pocket. Then pass the entrance with them and return to the Muggle world.

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