Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 138 - reward

Ryan was taken aback by the scream, and then looked into the box. When he saw the contents of the box, he could not help making the sound of a lying trough.

Because the box was actually a person; to be exact, a skeleton, a skull wearing a golden helmet and covered with shiny golden armor.

No wonder Hermione will scream out, after all, for a twelve or three-year-old girl, even in the bright sunlight, a skeleton in a wooden box will startle people.

The skull lies flat on the shock-absorbing cotton batting in the box, underneath is a blue velvet flower cloth, and holds a gold-plated ceremonial ceremonial halberd in the right hand. This appearance does not fall apart, which means that this skeleton should be specially fixed, and was placed there in a standing position before.

The skull is covered with a knight plate armor from head to toe. The plate armor is exquisitely embossed and gilded, and it is also decorated with a large number of precious stones. The most peculiar thing is that the armor was supposed to be the thickest chest with two large holes. Leave the skeleton’s ribs exposed.

In addition, there are a lot of cutouts on the armor and leg armor. Show the bones inside. On the skull’s face, the visor was pushed onto the helmet. The exposed face is covered with gold pieces inlaid with a large number of precious stones on the mouth and cheeks. Even the hollow eyes are covered with gold wire. Surrounded by a large number of pearl flowers, a large piece of sapphire jewelry is set in the middle.

What is more exaggerated is that through the gaps in the armor, you can see that each bone is wrapped with gold wire and inlaid with jewelry.

On the hand armor, each finger wears a ring inlaid with large stones. He even wore a gold chain with a thick thumb on his neck, which was also inlaid with various gemstones, and the largest piece even had a thumb.

In short, this is a pearlescent skeleton. The richness of the jewelry on it is exaggerated to the extent that there is no room for those bones. Then add jewelry.

“What is this?” Mr. Granger asked in surprise. The three women present showed a sad expression. Jewelry is indeed pleasing, but this kind of jewelry directly mounted on the bone shelf is far away, even if it is beautiful, it will not make people want to have it.

Because he was writing an adventure novel recently, Mr. Lambert read a lot of information, and there is exactly information about this thing in front of him. So after listening to Mr. Granger ’s question, he quickly replied: “Sometimes in the late 16th century, some bones were excavated around the 2nd to 5th century AD. At that time, during the Reformation period, the church wished that these bones belonged to the famous saints , Can be used to consolidate the authority of the church. These skeletons are also called “dharma bodies.” The biggest difference between them and the standard skeleton is that they are all dressed in luxurious royal costumes and jewelry from the 18th century. The church is held every year for the jewel skeleton. Memorial ceremony. “

It’s just that there are very few churches in Britain and Northern Europe due to different factions. In the era when there is no Internet, no one knows if some remote knowledge is not specifically searched. So the Grangers couldn’t recognize what this was justified.

“The people doing this are really rich.” Hermione sighed aside.

Indeed, there may be thousands of gemstones on top of it. Except for the broken gemstones for edging, there are hundreds of large gemstones. Especially the red spinel, the size of a pigeon egg inlaid on the chest of the armor, looks no smaller than the one on the queen ’s crown, and it is worth a while to think about it.

Looking at the jewels inlaid above, you know that the people who made this thing were not only rich, but also powerful. Jewelry craftsmen who can at least achieve this level are not easy to find.

“This should be a church thing. Let’s see if there are any clues.” Mr. Lambert’s words just fell, and Hermione replied: “This should be a French thing, because you see the blue under the skull. The velvet is painted with golden luan tail flowers, which represents the French royal family in the past. We have seen many similar things during our summer vacation in France. “

“There’s this too.” Ryan finished and took out a wax seal from the box containing the gold and silverware. There was a French word on it: Lance.

Because many British people choose French as their foreign language, everyone present can understand the word. Mr. Lambert looked at it and said, “Lane, you said the ghost told you that it was sent here about two hundred years ago. I think it was exactly the time of Napoleon and France was in chaos. Some French people put this The important things were transferred to Britain, and they did n’t know why, and they never came back again. These treasures also stayed here. Reims was used as the coronation place of the French royal family in the past. It is also normal for churches there to have such treasures. “

The question now is how to deal with this thing? Although everyone agrees that the two will share 50% of the income in accordance with the law (treasure on private land in the UK ~ ~ divided by half between the founder and the landlord). But how to do it is a big problem. Once the French are attracted, it is really troublesome.

However, Lambert quickly finalized the solution after consulting with Mr. Granger. After returning to London, Lane discovered that his father had started calling the reporter.

Now that his father has a way, Lane enters a normal vacation life. Until this weekend when he was studying in the library, Hermione suddenly walked in from outside and put a newspaper on the table.

“The Sun”? When did your taste become like this? “Ryan asked Hermione strangely after glancing at the newspaper.

“Look at the fourth edition.” Hermione said briefly.

Ryan turned to four editions at once, pretending that the first few editions did not exist. Then he was surprised to see the picture of his father and Mr. Granger standing in front of a silver-plated cross.

Below the photo is written: a dentist and a writer from London. Very precious cultural relics have been found in England. They decided to return these cultural relics to the French, who were willing to pay more than two million pounds as a reward for both of them.

“This is really good news.” Ryan said excitedly.

“Really.” Hermione echoed. “Unfortunately, the magic world manages the exchange of Kanon too tightly, otherwise I will be able to buy a few expensive books.”

Xueshen’s thinking is really different from normal people. Ryan reviewed the pile of money that appeared in his mind just now.

After returning home that day, I saw my parents happy to discuss the use of the money to travel around the world, and I realized my dream of having my own farm when the two first got married. A smile also appeared on Ryan’s face: he could use his ability to bring a better life to his family, and he felt happy from the heart.

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