Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 143 - Castro Bluestar

Because of the sudden shock just now, many students did not stand firm. Fortunately, there is something about the assassin heritage that Ryan obtained about the activities on the sailboat, which allowed him to help Hermione almost fall on the ground while maintaining his balance. Everyone else grabbed something next to fix themselves at that time, but there was still an unlucky egg that fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, there is no window in this lounge, otherwise it will definitely be lost. But from here, Ryan also understands why after the transportation of the other two schools in the Triwizard Tournament stops, everyone in it will come down after a while.

After everyone finished grooming and followed the professor out of the car door, Ryan heard the low cry of the students around him.

Most of the students have only been to a magical school in Hogwarts before. Naturally, they also think that the beautiful castle by the alma mater is the greatest building in their minds. But after seeing the building of the Castro Brusot College, they felt that they were still somewhat ill-informed. Because the building in front of this school is not as great as Hogwarts Castle.

The place where they are now is a highland by the river. The broad river bends in the high ground and rushes away into the distance. Looking from the highlands to the surrounding, surrounded by an endless jungle. A faint white mist erupted from the jungle, making the highlands where they were like floating in the clouds.

The Castro Bruce College is located on this high ground. The building of the college is made of golden stone. It is a tall square building, much like a temple in ancient South America. The buildings shone in the light of the setting sun.

At this time, I also noticed that the students in green robes on the opposite side were looking at the Hogwarts Express behind them with surprised eyes. Obviously, this opening ceremony gave both parties a deeper understanding of each other.

Under the leadership of the two professors, they lined up to the welcoming team opposite. Then Ryan took out their wands and stood on their chests, saluting each other with the wizards who were welcome across from them.

After presenting gifts to two students at Hogwarts, the headmaster of Castro Brushud began his welcome speech. Fortunately, as you know in advance. At Castro Bruce College, English is a common language. Their principal used English when he gave the welcome speech. At the same time, the occasional voice from the students on the opposite side can also confirm that their English usage is not low.

Finally, after a series of speeches, the headmaster of Castro Brusuo announced that the restaurant was ready for the welcome party. I hope visitors from afar can enjoy a good meal.

At this time, Ryan was refreshed, and the fatigue caused by the jet lag was wiped out. At the same time, he noticed that the students on the opposite side were suddenly energized. It seems that this long mandarin is not welcomed by everyone.

It may be due to the time difference, or it may be that too many courses along the way cause everyone to be a little tired. In short, Hogwarts students entered the Castro Bruce Hall in a groggy state.

After sitting down at the table, the flavor of the dishes on the table made everyone awake. Because there are only two days left before school, only a few student representatives and professors come to the school. So the hall was empty. In the original six-row table, only the one closest to the table was seated.

But although there are not many dishes due to the small number of people, as their principal said, today is just a temporary welcome to guests from far away, and the formal banquet will be held once again when the school starts. But this does not mean that the quality of the dishes has decreased.

For example, a whole roasted Amazon river fish now placed in front of Ryan can be seen that the roasted outer crisp is tender and the inside is just right. There are also plenty of local fruits on the side. The taste has a special fresh sweetness, which is much more delicious than the bland marine fish in Britain. More importantly, this roasted tambaki thorn is carefully removed for easy consumption.

On the table there are local-style barbecues, various fruit pies and other delicacies. In addition, there are some hometown dishes prepared for British guests coming from afar, perhaps because of a problem with understanding, these hometown dishes are a bit strange, such as fish and potato chips and dark dishes Haggis.

Overall, however, the dinner was very sumptuous, and Ryan could feel the welcome of Castro Brushuo to guests coming from afar.

After everyone had filled their stomachs, the Hogwarts teachers and students returned to the camp on the Castro Brusot’s open space, which was the carriage of the Hogwarts Express. Ryan found that the red front is no longer here. According to Professor Sprout’s explanation, the front needs to return to the UK overnight to prepare to send the students to school, and will not come back to pick you up until the exchange is over.

After returning to the lounge, Professor Sprout told everyone that Castro Bruce also started school on September 1 ~ ~, so the next two days will be the time for free communication with their student representatives. Classmates can use their abilities not to embarrass Hogwarts.

In view of the jet lag that caused everyone to be tired now, Professor Sprout quickly ended his speech and let everyone rest. Ryan returned to the carriage and said goodnight to Hermione, and then walked into his dormitory and simply cleaned up. Almost going to bed.

Probably tired, Ryan couldn’t sleep in bed for a long time. So he simply went into deep meditation to let the soul enter the emerald and emerald dream, and used this method to rest fully.

As soon as she entered the Emerald Dream, Lane discovered that she actually appeared on the square of a small Castro Bruce College. What is important is that she found that he was not alone. In the center of the square, the headmaster and several students were talking under the totem pole in the square.

Probably because there is no outsider who can enter the Emerald Dream for a long time, and Ryan who has been baptized in nature can easily hide himself in the Emerald Dream, so they did not find an extra person on the square beside the totem pole. Lane also took the opportunity of their discussion to slip out of the square.

After stepping out of the gate of the square, Ryan thought about it and thought that Castro Brusau College might have a way to enter the Emerald Dream, which improved the affinity of the school members for nature, so he could be unique in the training of magic plants.

Thinking about the solitary tower in the emerald dream corresponding to Hogwarts, and then looking at the magnificent buildings here at the Castro Blue Master College, Lane suddenly felt that he didn’t know enough about the magic world. The novels I read in my life show at most the corner of this magical world, and in order to truly understand the truth of this world, Ryan feels that he still needs to do a lot.

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