Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 150 - Courses and weekends

After waiting for more than forty minutes, as the last student who entered the maze entered the classroom because of a mud puddle, today’s lesson is over.

“Pappapa” The professor, who didn’t know where, came in with applause. Hearing applause, all the little wizards blushed a little, after all, most people did not successfully pass this maze.

“Don’t be so depressed, children. The first labyrinth test this year is actually super-level, because there are some exchange students this year, so I took what should have been mid-term to the present.”

“But you are doing very well, and even one-third of the people completed the maze, which makes me very happy.” Having said that, the students below showed a happy smile.

“But.” At this time, the professor remarked, “The three students from Hogwarts who came to our class today have not received any similar training before. In this case, two students, even if they did not complete the maze, But he walked farther than half of our students, and the other student not only completed the maze, but also got a good third place, especially when he exploded the obstacle with the smashing spell. Most of the classmates are more conscious of actual combat. So everyone should not be complacent because of today ’s performance. “

Under the education of the professor slap and give a date, the students seem to have gained a lot, and the flame of struggle is lit in their eyes. Finally, the professor announced the names of the top three and told them to go to his office after the curse of the patron saint when he had no class on Friday afternoon. Announce class directly.

At this time, David and his cousin came over and patted Ryan on the shoulder and said, “Friend, I really don’t see how powerful you are. How did you think of exploding obstacles directly?”

Watching several students stare at themselves hoping for answers. Ryan quickly organized the language. “It ’s very simple, the professor did n’t say that he should n’t damage the interior furnishings, so I will see where the obstacles are weak, and I will directly destroy the obstacles there to avoid the difficult traps. It ’s much easier to fight. Not to mention if I offended Keppola, maybe I wo n’t be at peace after class. “

“I didn’t expect this. So I just used an armor curse to drill through Kepola’s attack. It seems that your natural fighting consciousness is stronger.”

In this compliment, Ryan found Hermione standing on the side with a look of admiration. He couldn’t help feeling ashamed, because all he said just now was made up. The real reason is that during the process of the federal wasteland banditry, when the enemy is hiding in the front of the building, the firepower is too strong to rush through. It has become a routine operation to bypass the side of the detour and break the wall. So in the labyrinth, Ryan also used to try to demolish the wall naturally.

After a brief lunch, I went back to the carriage and took a shower. In the afternoon, they hurried to the classroom of the deformation class. The deformation course here is not much different from Hogwarts, and even the textbooks on both sides are similar. So this afternoon’s metamorphosis class ended smoothly.

The day ended quickly, and after completing their homework, all the exchange students and two professors of Hogwarts gathered in the common room. Started to exchange analysis of Castro Brusuo’s various courses.

The speech starts with the professor. The first speaker is Professor Bourne who protects magical creatures. He spoke highly of the protection of magical creatures here: “There are a lot of magical creatures here, and the types of students can reach far more than We have more schools. For example, I saw Baram today. They look like a giant jaguar, but they can be domesticated as a wizard’s guard and have a certain effect of destroying magic. I took a look at them The professor’s lesson preparation materials are all such big guys with energy. “

Next is Professor Sprout, who also praised the greenhouses and plantations for the variety of plants here. At the same time, he praised the profound knowledge of the herbalists here.

The experience of the students in the back is mixed, and the actual combat lessons are very popular, but the other courses are similar to Hogwarts, but have local characteristics in the content.

For example, the defense class here is more inclined to curse and remove curses. Rather than resembling the British against aggressive magic and defense against black magic creatures. In the potion class, the local raw materials are more preferred. However, in terms of teaching level, the teachers of several courses here are not as good as those of Hogwarts.

The worst part is that although the professors are all taught in English. However, some Spanish vocabulary will be habitually added during the lecture. This raises the difficulty of comprehending the course to a higher level.

Of course, facing the local characteristic teaching. The exchange students at Hogwarts are somewhat ugly-after all, the professors are treated equally in the classroom, and the exchange students also have to complete their academic tasks. It is basically inevitable that they cannot achieve their goals because they are not adapted. .

But because everyone is the top student in school at school, plus the knowledge accumulated in Hogwarts learning. After adjusting the thinking, everyone can still keep up with the progress of the classroom.

The discussion lasted for several hours until the two professors thought it was too late and asked everyone to go to bed. Although everyone has encountered all kinds of difficulties today, everyone as a representative of Hogwarts is full of fighting spirit ~ ~ Their pride does not allow them to back down on this matter.

In the following week, the exchange students at Hogwarts spent 120% of their energy, and finally managed to keep up with the speed of lectures in the overall course. Of course, everyone this week has also experienced the unique charm of Castro Bruce.

In fact all the wizarding schools in the world have their own two brushes. And as a school, except for some secrets, most of the valuable ones are public. It just depends on whether you have the kind of eyesight to discover the treasure.

Unfortunately, most people do not have this kind of vision. For example, in the top three of Harry Potter in the top three. The students of those two schools have not been to the public restroom of Ravenclaw, and naturally have no access to the precious collections there. In fact, Ravenclaw ’s common room welcomes all seekers to enter, as long as they enter Hogwarts without being malicious. This is obviously not knowing treasure in Baoshan.

The treasure that Ryan found was the emerald dream here. Last time he entered the dream without being blocked, he thought he was hiding himself in the emerald dream by some means, and he was thankful.

But when he looked back carefully the next day, he realized that the school projection he saw was equivalent to the field of the school, and such a field can be built in the Emerald Dream, then the field is definitely not a place where he can hide. Think of it this way, the last time Ryan went in and out of here was acquiesced, otherwise he would have been forcibly driven away from there.

So when the discussion ended on Monday, Ryan quickly returned to the bed to enter the Emerald Dream and tried to enter Castro Brusau’s projection in the dream again to see if he could communicate with those inside to get instructions.

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