Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 152 - Guardian Charm

Ryan, who was relaxed, suddenly thought of something and asked Fernand: “I want to know what Aunt Betty experienced in the past? Because she never told me.”

“I can tell you this.” Principal Fernand said. “Years in your UK there was a murderous demon who preached pure blood supremacy, which caused the situation of non-human intelligent creatures in that era to be very bad. In this case, the horse people let their colts with the talent of communicating emerald dream in their tribe leave Asylum in Britain, your Aunt Betty is the one who came to me. “

Speaking of which, Headmaster Fernand recalled a warm look in his eyes and recalled: “At that time Betty was about the size of you, as lively and cheerful as a real pony. She stayed here for ten years until that The villain returned to his homeland after he died. “

“It turns out this way, no wonder Aunt Betty looks a bit different from the rest of the Maren tribe.”

“Yeah, but I also feel sorry for her. Because in the last year here, she accidentally stabbed an evil wizard’s conspiracy to the school during a jungle trip. Later, although the teachers and students in the school promptly hit that The evil wizard organization, but Betty was still under a vicious curse by the leader of the organization, losing fertility, to know that fertility is very important to their horsemen. “After talking about the principal Fernand sighed sadly.

No wonder Aunt Betty looked so complicated when she looked at the grown-up ponymen at the tribe’s adult ceremony. It turned out that she had such a sad past.

“That Mr. Fernand, how can this curse be lifted?”

“Either you understand nature to a certain extent, you can use natural power to expel the curse. Or just kill the person who released the curse, the curse will be automatically lifted. I only know these two methods, but unfortunately these two things I Can’t do it. “

Ryan took this matter to heart and decided to pay attention to it in other worlds in the future, maybe other solutions. After that, the two were silent for a while. Principal Fernand broke the silence with a cough and said, “Since you are an apprentice of Betty, a lot of knowledge can be opened to you. But I also hope you can help me thing.”

“No problem, as long as I can do it, please tell me.”

“You know that there are six students in the school who can enter the Emerald Dream, but they are through those masks instead of relying on their own power. This makes me a little worried, so I hope you can tell them how you are Entering the Emerald Dream through your own strength? “

“Aunt Betty said that I was recognized by nature, so after being taken a few times by her, I learned to enter the Emerald Dream on my own. But I don’t know how to explain it to others.” Ryan said confused.

“Natural recognition? I always thought it was just a legend. After all, it was only a very significant contribution to the balance of nature.” Principal Fernand looked at Ryan in surprise, then said: “Since this is the case, Then you can choose what you want to communicate with them. I think they have n’t been able to improve their strength probably because they are a bit proud. If you are a peer of the same age, they might be able to let them know themselves again. “

What can Ryan say about the principal’s painstaking care for his students? What’s more, as one of the wizards who practice natural magic, pay attention to the principle of equivalent exchange. If you do n’t pay anything and rely on your relationship with Aunt Betty to get a lot of knowledge, Ryan will also feel sad.

So in the following days, Ryan went to school every day during the day, and at night in the Emerald Dream I exchanged the experience of natural forces with several Castro Brusuo seniors. Soon after a week of busyness, it was not until he had lunch on Friday that a local student he didn’t know told Ryan to go to the office of the combat class professor to learn the magic of the patron saint in the afternoon, and he remembered it.

After lunch, Ryan came to the door of the professor’s office on the third floor and saw David and another boy waiting there. It seemed that they were the top two in the game that day.

After seeing Ryan, David greeted him happily, and the three of them whispered in front of the office. Ryan also learned that Peter, who won the championship last time, was actually a shy person, but he came from an aboriginal tribe in the Amazon rainforest, so he had a wild instinct in combat.

When the time came to 1:30 in the afternoon, the combat class professor walked down the hallway with a book in his hand. After seeing Ryan they had waited at the door and nodded slightly, then opened the office door to signal Ryan they went in.

Entering the office, Ryan found the office very simple. There is a large open space inside, there is only one table and one chair. The only thing that can feel this is the office of the combat lesson professor, only the parts of the various dark creatures on the decorative plates on the wall and various weapons. Ryan even found an assault rifle hanging above it.

Seeing Ryan staring at the gun on the wall, Professor Jason (who just learned the name of the professor from David during the chat, unlike Europe and the United States, South America is more used to calling the first name than the last name.) Explained to Ryan: “This is Rifle, a kind of hemp weapon. The accidental technique of adult wizards can easily stimulate the defensive magic to block when the bullets touch them. But this weapon is deadly for small wizards and some careless wizards ~ www ~ After the introduction, Professor Jason turned out a blackboard and began to explain the usage of the patron saint. The magic can not be released without knowing the spell. There is no way, who makes those books related to advanced spells difficult to find What? So everything can only be taught from the most basic.

Magic is not something that can be released simply by knowing the spell. Even a simple entry-level magic such as the floating spell has a method of exhaling the pronunciation of the spell. The most basic requirement of the jitter amplitude of the wand when it is released, not to mention the more complex guardian-like Divine Mantra’s request for inner emotions

For example, the spell of Suo Ming is its name. But if there is no learning, it will have no effect at all. As Fake Moody said, Avadaso’s Life Mantra requires a very powerful magic power as a foundation. Otherwise, the nose will bleed at most. The magic power here is not only the magic level, but also the mastery of magic knowledge.

Therefore, Professor Jason chose theory teaching for most of the first class. When he saw that everyone had mastered the theory, the professor asked them to take out their wands and start the experiment.

This is also thanks to the patron saint curse learned by this advanced mantra, which requires positive emotions, and even mistakes will not cause too serious problems.

If you want to switch to advanced attack spells that require negative emotions, such as black magic. It is estimated that this kind of theoretical extracurricular plus simulated practice requires several lessons to allow students to practice, otherwise the consequences will be unbearable if it is turned back.

Therefore, it is correct to not allow those black magics to be learned in the lower grades. When the reserve of experience, knowledge and magic power is insufficient, those little wizards who learn black magic can easily be distorted under the guidance of long-term negative emotions, let alone a counterfeit. Good life is gone.

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