Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 154 - British Letter

After hearing the sound, Ryan stood up and saw a eagle owl knocking on the glass window of the carriage with several letters.

“Oh, my Hermes is back.” Hermione opened the window and let her owl come in. He took the envelopes that the owl carried and looked at them one by one, and finally handed the two letters to Ryan.

“This is your letter.”

Ryan received two letters from Hermione. One was a greeting letter from parents. In the letter, they told Ryan to receive the letter he sent back, hoping that Ryan could take care of himself in Brazil. Ryan felt the warmth of the family from the letter.

Another letter was sent by the Weasley twins, who listed seven or eight questions with a thick stack of parchment paper. Lane smiled bitterly, it seems that this means overtime again on the weekend. But since it was a decision made by myself to blend in the twins’ business, no matter how hard it is, we must continue.

Ryan had just read the two letters, and Hermione took a letter and shook it in front of him: “This is a letter sent by Ginny to the two of us. I think you have to look at it too.”

Tear open the envelope. Ryan and Hermione found that apart from the previous simple greetings and the introduction to the current situation of the school, most of the rest were related to Harry. It seems that she deserves to be Harry’s number one fan.

The reason why Ginny wrote this letter is because everyone gathered together to do homework every night in the last year. Sometimes Ginny would go to Ryan or Hermione for counseling. So even if the two of them are not in school this year, they will still write letters to ask for something and tell the school about the status quo.

“Why don’t you think the people we know have had bad luck this week?” Hermione said after reading the letter. “Harry was directly fainted by the dementors on the train. The teacher of divination said in the divination class that Harry met an unknown person. Life is about to end. Ginny is very nervous about this, so I would like to ask specifically what happened to our two Harrys? “

“For others, it is good news that Hagrid became a professor, but the eagles and winged beasts he brought to the first class hurt Malfoy. This is a big trouble. As an old family, Malfoy His family will not be willing to give up, hoping that Hagrid will lose his job because of this. And Neville is also badly treated by Professor Snape because of Bogut in the black magic defense class. “

“The worst thing is that there are now hundreds of dementors around Hogwarts. It is protection, but it is estimated that the school has become not much different from Azkaban. Really do not know the magic What did the group of people think? “

Looking at Hermione a little angry, Ryan quickly digressed and said, “You write better than me, so it’s up to you to write back to Ginny.”

“Okay, but I don’t know why Harry’s response to Dementors is stronger than others. I can’t figure out what the unknown in the Divination Class is. How to write to Ginny? You can’t talk nonsense. Hermione said distressedly.

“I really know this.” Lane originally wanted to sell the pass, but he quickly said what she knew after seeing Hermione’s eyes. “You know I went to learn the patron saint curse yesterday, and the professor introduced us to the characteristics of the dementors. An important feature is that it absorbs the happiness of people around and reminds them of the worst moments of their lives. “

“The worst moment, could it be said?” Hermione’s eyes widened and she opened her mouth slightly.

“Yes, Harry will recall the day when his parents were killed. That’s why he passed out. I think most other people don’t have such a bad experience.” Ryan said solemnly.

“Although this fact sounds terrible, it is better than what the school now says is a coward.” Hermione nodded and then asked, “So unknown? Ginny said his brother Ron told him, Harry It was indeed a huge black dog when he came out of his aunt’s house. “

“Tell Ginny later that she does n’t need to worry. The unreliable professor of Divination is well known. I once heard the seniors say that the professor would say that a person will die every year, but it has not been fulfilled so far. According to practice, other professors will respond to this Rumor. As for the **** dog, Harry said that he met in the Muggle world. You know that there are so many people who have dogs in Britain. It ’s not strange that one or two large black stray dogs are met. Hermione, I believe. You and I should have met. “

“Really.” Hermione said after thinking about it. “I encountered a black stray dog ​​last year and ran across the street in front of my house. How come it is so unknown. I’m really glad that I didn’t report this divination lesson last year, otherwise I can’t stand it this year. Hey, By the way, you said such a big thing, why did n’t Harry write to us two? Do we need to write him a greeting? “

“How did he write? Did Harry tell us personally that he was disgraced after he met Dementors? His stubborn character certainly didn’t want to expose his fragile side to friends. So don’t both of us write letters, Lest he be upset. “Lane thought about it and shook his head to Hermione.

“Okay, now you write to Ginny. I will go back and write a letter to Hagrid and ask him to ask Ron for help. After all, Ron was born in the wizarding world and knows a lot of people. He can definitely introduce Hagrid to a Reliable legal aid. Then write to Neville to comfort him. “

“Okay, after all, we can’t help us so far away ~ ~ It should also be a letter to greet.” Hermione nodded and finally thought of something like that.

“Well, can you teach me the patron saint curse now? After all, there are so many dementors in Hogwarts now. I am worried that if we go back, they will be in danger when they are still there.”

“I think Dumbledore will not allow them to enter the castle, it should be less dangerous. But if you want to learn this magic, I can teach you, after all, which professor has not said that it is not allowed to be rumored.”

After saying that the two said goodbye to each other and then went back to their dorms to write letters, but it took a long time for Ryan ’s letter to the twin brothers. Even in order to be able to afford it on the weekend. Ryan also asked Hermione to help analyze some things.

“Where did you learn this from?” Hermione asked Ryan to sort these data and asked curiously ~ ~, but you only looked at things related to learning textbooks. I look more complicated than you. Of course, this is why I can’t pass you in the exam. But if you want to live a good life in the magic world in the future, the optical textbook is definitely not enough. “

“Okay, what you said might make sense. It’s just that I haven’t found any knowledge that should be learned in addition to the course.” Hermione said as she piled the collated materials on top of a pile of books.

With the efforts of two people, they finally rushed to write all the letters that needed to be returned on the weekend. As Hermes slowly flew away with a large pack of letters, Lane’s face showed a satisfied smile.

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