Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 158 - An analysis of the current state of the magic world

The following time is as usual, as usual, weekend fighting practice, as usual, class every day. The only difference is that at the request of Hermione, Ryan began to teach the usage of the patron saint in combat practice.

The patron saint curse is indeed a high-level curse. Even Hermione, a genius who can use magic simply by reading textbooks, has encountered difficulties in learning this curse: after two days of practice, she can only release a ray of one. The plume of silver smoke seems to be a long way from reaching the practical stage.

The day passed like this, until Ryan, who finished lunch on Friday, had just returned to the dorm and heard Hermione knocking on the door outside.

Fortunately, she didn’t rush in directly this time. Ryan walked to the door and opened the door while thinking.

The door opened, and Ryan found Hermione standing outside with a serious face, holding a thick book in her hand.

“What is this?” When the two were seated, Ryan asked, pointing at the book that Hermione had placed on the table.

“This is the information I collected in the library after listening to what you said last week about Muggle wizards, Muggles and pure-blood wizards.” Hermione opened her notebook and wrote it densely in Juanxiu’s font. a lot of things.

“It’s thanks to Castro Bruce is an international school. I can find a lot of information about the world in the library. From these materials I have found some places that I have never paid attention to before.” Hermione While watching her notes, she said to Ryan.

“Actually, the status of Muggle wizards and Muggles has improved compared to before. For example, a few decades ago, in the New Continent, due to the laws of the Rapaport Law, the marriage of Muggles and wizards was even banned. And Britain is not much better. If a wizard wants to marry a Muggle, he must put away his wand and cut the magical world from now on. Now the world has progressed to allow the marriage between wizards and Muggles, and some wizards are allowed to Muggles as family members expose their identity as wizards. “

“You mean this, the magic world can slowly improve and change itself, don’t we need to try to promote change?” Ryan asked Hermione praised the progress of the magic world a bit strangely. He thought that Hermione would attack the inadequacy of the magic world as soon as he came up. It was unexpected that Hermione directly described the progress of the wizards, which made Ryan puzzled and did not know what Hermione wanted to express.

“No, of course not.” Hermione shook her head. “I just want to show that there is progress in the magic world, and we need to summarize the examples of successful progress in the magic world. And learn from these examples for our own actions. Experience. After all, after checking the information, I found that the magic world still has a bad attitude towards the Mage Wizards and Muggles. This situation needs to be changed urgently. “

“For example, I have seen several cases where a wizard killed a person, depending on whether he killed a pure-blooded wizard, a Muggle wizard or a Muggle, and the punishment of his different lineages would be different. This naked description of the wizarding world is from the bones Contempt for those wizards who are not pure blood. “

“Not to mention that I will never forget that when Lucius Malfoy humiliated my parents in the bookstore last year, most of the wizards around disregarded this situation and neglected my parents, and it was all because my parents were not A magical Muggle. “Maybe this matter had a great impact on Hermione. Ryan found that the whole person shivered with excitement when she said this.

“Just as the newspaper said Sirius, who escaped from prison, killed twelve Muggles in one breath in the street. But the magic world only cares about the killed wizard. The dead Muggle was exploded by a gas. The excuses slandered the past and did not receive any compensation for errors in the magic world. “

“So I want to do something to change the status quo. After all, our loved ones and many of our friends are not magic. When the pure-blood wizards rule, the magic world of prejudice and discrimination makes them easy to become The wrong victim of the magic world. “Hermione quickly recovered her calm and concluded.

“So what do you think we should do?” Ryan asked seriously, adjusting his sitting posture. After all, the pure-blood wizard is now deeply entrenched in the wizarding world. He now hopes to hear what useful suggestions Hermione can make to change this situation.

“For this matter, I collected a week’s worth of information and carefully studied a previous person who changed the status of the magic world on a large scale: Gellert Grindelwald.” Hermione did not explain the problem positively, but began to talk about her Information previously found.

“Gellert? Grindelwald? Is that the dark wizard defeated by Dumbledore?”

“Yes, for at least a few hundred years, only he has done the magic world to change himself on a large scale. I think his experience has some merits. He announced that with the development of the Muggle world, Muggles will Slowly destroy the entire world. At the same time, due to the advancement of technology, the wizards will one day be seriously threatened. So he believes that the wizard should break through the old laws to rule the world. “

“At the same time, he also pointed out that he does not hate any Muggles. But he thinks that Muggles lack vision and need wizards to lead them forward, which is why he wants to rule Muggles.”

“This is nothing special? Every powerful villain will always propose a seemingly justified reason to appeal to ordinary people and attract followers.” Ryan said.

“However, Grindelwald proposed that as long as a wizard, everyone should be equal, and the lineage is not important ~ ~ At the same time, he believes that Muggles and wizards can also live in harmony, but only in the order he designed Because of this slogan, a large number of non-pure blood wizards at the bottom and wizards close to Muggles were attracted to him. Finally, after the war, many magic departments controlled by pure blood were hit hard, and those pure blood were also Recognizing the power of non-pure-blood wizards, it was only afterwards that a large number of laws were modified to yield a lot of benefits. “Hermione stood up in excitement at this point and said with a loud voice.

“It’s just that the war launched by Grindelwald did not affect the United Kingdom, so the status of the rule of pure-blood wizards in Britain is still unshakable, even if Professor Dumbledore has tried to solve this problem through gentle means for decades.”

“But now it seems that this gentle method is basically useless. The progress of Britain is entirely due to the loss of the backbone of many pure blood families and even the death of the mysterious people. As a result, the pure blood family has insufficient manpower and has to tolerate the impure blood forces to fill the vacancies the result of.”

“So now is the best time: the power of pure-blood wizards in the United Kingdom has been weakened, and the hemp and mixed-blood wizards have been trained. The only problem is that those pure-blood wizards also try to grasp the magic world. . “

“This shows. In the process of improving the magic world, we are not fighting alone, and we do n’t even need us to stand up as leaders for the time being. What we need to do now is start from a small place, and start to apply it little by little from the classmates around us. Influence. Finally achieve the purpose of changing the British magic world. After all, we are still young and have enough time. “Hermione finally said concludingly.

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