Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 167 - Strange store

Arriving at the door of the largest bookstore in Mahogany Town, Ryan and they discovered that because today is the school ’s student procurement day, the bookstore took advantage of this opportunity to invite several famous writers to solicit guests, and the entire bookstore was brought here by wizards. They are stuffed up, and it seems likely that they can’t even squeeze in.

Since this is the case, the bookstore can only regretfully crossed out from the travel destination. After all, it’s really unsuitable to read a book like this.

Since such a big bookstore doesn’t work, Ryan immediately thought of going to a second-hand bookstore to Taobao. As a place where books are as expensive as Britain, there are naturally not too few second-hand bookstores. However, because the profits of second-hand books are not high, bookstores will certainly not be located on this bustling commercial street. After all, the profits may not even be able to pay the rent.

You said to sell other things in the name of second-hand books? Well, things that need to be sold under other names are really not suitable for being put on the streets where people come and go.

Because I’m worried about going to the back alleys, especially the description of the law and order in South America in the previous life news is not very good. So Ryan found an excuse to put something in Her pocket outside of Hermione’s line of sight before continuing their journey.

After asking several people, he turned a few circles on the street. Ryan and Hermione finally found a second-hand bookstore on a small road.

This store looks a bit like the Oliver Wand store in Diagon Alley. The facade is very small, but it gives a mysterious feeling. Piles of books were placed in the gray window. There is a metal signboard with severe oxidation on the window, which reads the small shop in Scholz in Spanish.

Pushed the door open, and Ryan discovered that the door of this small shop was not big, but the space inside was not small. Various goods packed the rows of rows of shelves. After probably scanning the things on the shelf, Lane discovered that this was not a mere old bookstore, but a large second-hand store.

A series of feathers of various colors, old wands with various scratches, strange stone carvings, various herbs (Lane vowed as a plant proficiency, most of which are fake) exude colorful props and Magic book, these things are stacked on the shelf layer by layer. With the exception of the simplest sorting, the whole store looks like a large garbage collection bin.

Walk around a little more, can’t see what the original specimen was and crossed a broom with only sticks, Ryan saw the shop owner, an old man with white hair who looked more than 70 years old. He was wearing a black wizard robe sitting behind the counter and dozing off.

After seeing Ryan and the two of them standing in front of him, he just waved weakly and said, “Every shelf has a price. After choosing something, just check it out with me. Remember, once you take it off the shelf, You must buy it. There is magic monitoring in the store. Do n’t think about getting through it. “

Lane returned to the shelves and took a closer look, only to find that the prices on these shelves ranged from one Xike to ten gallons.

After browsing a few shelves, Ryan came to the conclusion that the owner of this shop was a blackhearted businessman. Because he really couldn’t see why the pile of tatters dared to set such a high price. The most important thing is that there are runes on each shelf to shield the magic perception, which allows you to reach into the shelf to look at those things, but only when you take them out, you can know what these things are. No wonder the shop The goods required to be taken off the shelf must be bought.

Watching Hermione flip through some of the shelf textbooks of Yfarmoni and Castro Bruce, Lane walked quietly to the side to investigate the goods on the other shelves.

Although the magic of concealment and isolation is released on each shelf by magic means, it does not mean that the magic is foolproof. When Ryan began to perceive the goods on the shelf using Taoist perception, he found that he could vaguely feel the magical energy contained in some things.

It’s no wonder, after all, Taoism is an extraordinary power of a completely different system. It is likely that the boss did not think of this kind of thing when setting up magic. So some loopholes caught by Lane were also expected.

In Taoist perception, Ryan only discovered that the owner of this shop was darker than he thought. For example, something called wood essence (this kind of thing has a non-magic version of subspecies, called American ginseng), which was introduced in Castro Brusuo ’s potion class, because of its vitality-reinforcing effect and low yield , So the price is expensive.

Lane saw a complete wood essence on a shelf with a price of ten gallons on one shelf. This price is much lower than the market price. However, in the perception of Taoism, the wood essence placed on the shelf actually has only the outermost layer of skin, which is filled with another kind of rhizome that does not know what plant it is.

Seriously, it is estimated that many people will still be fooled by such an exquisite degree of fraud even without these magic barriers.

However, although this shop has a lot of fakes, it does not mean that there are no good things. After all, this store seems to have been operating in this place for a long time, and the magic world has a small number of people. If there were only fakes, this store would have been smashed.

For example, Ryan found an arm-sized millennium lightning wood in a pile of one piece of garbage ~ ~ The only regret is that the mahogany tree is not the mahogany, but for Ryan, do it The sword is enough, depending on the size of the wood, besides making a sword, it is enough to make a set of signs.

In addition to this, Ryan also randomly selected some magical ores to prepare to go back to see what is the use.

When he took a pile of things to the counter to check out, he accidentally found a black leather notebook under the boss’s counter, the cover of the notebook reflected the sunlight outside the window, and Ryan could see a triangle, a circle and a The vertical symbol looks like a triangular eye.

Ryan’s movement paused, because he recognized that the symbol on the book represented the Saints of Grindelwald. Think again about the age of the shop owner and the name of the German shop named Skolzner. Ryan felt that the shop owner was probably one of the saints.

Thinking about this, Ryan felt that she was almost sweating down. After all, the shadow of people’s famous trees. Unlike Voldemort’s hordes of Death Eaters, Grindelwald’s saint organization is much higher than Death Eaters. Once the shopkeeper knew what would happen if he discovered his secret, Ryan now only wanted to call Hermione to leave the shop.

But sometimes I was afraid of coming. The shop owner suddenly smiled at him after reading what Ryan had brought out, and then said, “Boy, your eyesight looks good. Would you like to take a look at the warehouse behind me?” Good thing? “


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