Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 178 - misfortune

Ryan returned to the dormitory is very excited, although martial arts is not very useful in this world. 35xs is always a long-range magical bombardment in the battle of the wizards, and the phantom manifestation allows the wizards to maneuver full points in the battle, and the internal defense has little effect on magic. So for close combat, the skills in the assassin’s heritage are sufficient. Martial arts is at best a icing on the cake for him.

But not all martial arts are of low value to Ryan. For example, Zixia Divine Skill is a huge gain. It can make people’s eyes and ears more sensitive, and their hearing and vision can be far, which can detect the situation in a distance without touching the magic in many places where there is magic detection. At the same time, it can also protect the body and greatly strengthen the physical defense. In addition to the increase in human body strength, agility, attack and other internal strength routine features are also available.

And this harvest has greatly improved the survival ability of Lane, which is a very valuable asset for Lane, who is a little afraid of death.

After the transaction ended, Ryan did not look for new powers for a while, but he had been running in the powers he had mastered. Finally, ten days before Christmas, the field practice course for Hogwarts students began.

The location of this course is an ancient aboriginal ruin 70 kilometers away. Castro Brusuo built an artificial ecosphere on the basis of the remaining magic circle in that ruin and took that artificial ecosphere as a field practice Course venue.

The day before departure, Ryan had some uneasiness. After all, according to the information received before, this trip may be accompanied by a conspiracy of the former saints.

As he was going to return to the dormitory to pick up things after finishing the afternoon class, the man in the hallway suddenly heard the voice of principal Fernando coming next to him.

Ryan quickly made an excuse to say goodbye to Hermione next to him, then turned left and followed the voice to a nobody corridor. Pushing open the wooden door at the end of the corridor, Lane saw Principal Fernando sitting at a table, and beside him was the owner of the small shop in the mahogany town, the former Saint Szoldsner.

“What needs to happen to call me now? Didn’t you say that Chimera will attack when I travel tomorrow? We shouldn’t be contacted at this time, especially in places like the school where there are many people. “

“We don’t want to, but the situation is not right now.” Scholzne said. “Today the Brazilian Ministry of Magic suddenly received so-called reliable information stating that the local blood gods are going to attack you, so today they began to mobilize Aurors and strikers to the artificial ecosystem you are going to prepare for to ambush the enemy.”

“Wait for the blood **** religion? Are we not talking about the Chimera Society in the former saint organization?” Ryan asked with question.

“Blood gods are the descendants of the group of black wizards who like blood sacrifices and blood magic suppressed by our ancestors. After being hit by our ancestors, they were transferred to the dark place. Now they are the most powerful black wizard organization in the local area. The local black wizards who cooperated with Chimera refer to them. “Principal Fernando explained.

“Oh, that’s right. Wouldn’t it be a good thing for the Ministry of Magic to clear the group of black wizards in advance? You wouldn’t feel uncomfortable because you didn’t avenge yourself?”

“No, by no means.” The two sitting at the table shook their heads at the same time and retorted. Then the principal said, “The problem is that this information is too strange. Even if I was to say that the Ministry of Magic just sent an Auror team to patrol. How? This time, I ’m out of the nest? If you know that these two organizations have been hiding in this place for more than half a century, how could they be exposed suddenly? And how many secrets are exposed in one breath? “

“Yeah, especially Dietrich, the leader of Chimera, was the most cunning among the young saints. In recent years, it has evolved into an old fox. Our former saints have dealt with him for nearly half. In the 21st century, there have been more losses than taking advantage. I do n’t think that such an important conspiracy will be so easily solved by the Ministry of Magic ’s group rice bins, ”Szoldzner said.

“So what did you call me to do today? I don’t know much more than you. It’s useless to tell me these things.” Ryan was a little curious about the purpose of calling them over.

“We just want to tell you how bad the situation is now. For safety reasons, we may adjust what you practice tomorrow. But in the current bad situation, we cannot guarantee 100% safety of the night vision after adjustment, so inform in advance You just want you to be vigilant at all times. Once you find something is wrong, immediately contact us with the brooch we gave you last time. After all, the only thing we now confirm is that your study tour is the goal of the other party, and you are us “The only student in the study tour that can be reached,” the principal explained to Ryan at this time.

“Why not just cancel this event in this case? Don’t tell me that you also think face is more important, so the arranged things can’t be changed.” Ryan asked puzzled.

“Of course we want to cancel, but the problem is that you are flying in. Once you cancel your activity, what if they suddenly attack on your way back? At that time, we could not protect you from the school’s protection circle.” Principal Rubbed his temples, and then said, “So we just want to lead them directly to give them a major blow ~ ~ fundamentally solve the problem.”

“Did this matter tell the professor who led us?”

“We have informed the two professors at Hogwarts College that they have promised to be vigilant at all times. But the problem is that your professors must also be the targets of their attention, and there must be a response plan. And students will Relax a lot, at this time your importance is reflected. “Fernando replied.

“Okay, I will be fully prepared tomorrow.” Ryan nodded, it seems that tomorrow’s event will not be so calm.

The next morning, the genius was bright, and the professor ’s voice rang in the dormitory. “Please rush all staff to the common room as soon as possible. There are important notices.”

When Ryan washed and came to the common room, he found everyone here. A few students looked a little uneasy, but the other students were comforting them.

For example, Zhang Qiu is touching the hair of a small Ravenclaw girl now. Ryan remembers that she seems to be called Alicia Haight, a sophomore in pure blood. However, because the parents are scholars, there is no prejudice against the wizards and Muggles of Muggle origin.

Hermione had planned to develop her into a book club before, so Ryan was a little impressed. She is a timid and introverted girl. It seems that this morning it scared her a little, so Zhang Qiu is comforting her in a whisper. There are several such students. After all, this morning the situation is a bit abnormal.

After all the students had arrived, they waited for a few minutes and everyone returned to normal. At this time Professor Sprout and a strange bald middle-aged wizard walked in.


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