Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 183 - Unexpected remains

Hermione felt like she was in an endless darkness now.

“Me, am I dead?” She began to recall what happened today. From the morning when the person from the Ministry of Magic of Brazil came to notice, everything became strange today. When he saw the professor trying to hold someone else, he subconsciously stepped forward to save people. As a result, the professor strangled his neck and jumped into a hole.

The last memory is that when the professor fell, she fired a magic to hit her, and then she fell into this endless darkness.

“Woo, Dad, Mom, I still have so many things that I haven’t experienced, and I haven’t read so many books. Woooo–” Just when Hermione was sad, she suddenly heard a familiar voice.

“It’s okay for me to recover this spell quickly, why haven’t I woke up yet? Obviously I just got a coma spell.” After hearing Ryan’s words, Hermione thought she was thinking that the mess was really shameful, so she quickly opened it. eye.

“Ah, you finally woke up.” Ryan took a breath. “I thought I was wrong, what do you think of it now?”

“Well, everything is okay.” Hermione moved her eyeballs when she finished, seeing Ryan half-kneeling beside her, putting away her wand. “What is this place?”

“As far as I know, this should be an ancient ruin under Castro Brusho. The fake professor and the attackers just infiltrated into the school from this ruin.”

“Professor of counterfeit goods?” Hermione exclaimed. “Right where is the other person now, will you not hide where to prepare to attack us?” After she finished, she sat up and looked around with caution.

“Relax, he has just dived and escaped.” Ryan made up a lie that didn’t change his face. After all, he couldn’t tell a 13-year-old girl that he had just chopped down the head of the kidnapper and burned it to ash. His robe was filled with stones and tied to the body and sank into the pool.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Ryan ’s words, and then blushed abruptly, “No, I ’m so sorry to keep you here because of me. I ’m sorry.”

“I just want to know that I have clearly reminded you to pay attention today, why do you automatically send the door to let that guy take you as a hostage.” Ryan asked a little puzzled, after all, Hermione was away from the guy at that time. Not close, it is reasonable to say that Hermione cannot be caught. I don’t know why Hermione rushed up to see Yoshio to push away the guy’s original goal.

“Aren’t you asking me to pay attention today? So I noticed you and the person when you started talking. Then the person suddenly grabbed Alicia with a stern look, I just pushed her subconsciously Open, but I did n’t notice that I stumbled under my foot before being caught by that person. “

It was actually a question reminded before. If I knew it, I would n’t have caused it without reminding Hermione. But Hermione ’s reaction at the time was also understandable. After all, many people who were brave enough to save people were just subconscious actions when saving people, and they did n’t think about anything at all.

“Okay, I think we have to leave here quickly. Professor Sprout and his classmates are fighting for a while and we ca n’t take care of us. You just said that many enemies came out of here, in case someone came to see What? I do n’t think we two can hold the adult wizard. “Hermione climbed up with her hands and said to Ryan.

It is indeed time to change the place. This place is too small. Once there are people from Chimera or the blood gods coming here, there is no place to hide. So you have to leave here quickly, not to mention that the tunnels are alive in that person ’s memory, and after a period of time, they will move to crush people outside several safe areas, and their current location is not safe. Area.

Thinking of here, Ryan immediately acted, and opened a bunch of hanging glowing plants at the end of the shoal according to what was remembered, and a black hole was exposed in front of the two.

“You take this self-defense first.” Ryan finished and took a wand out of her arms and handed it to Hermione. After all, Hermione’s wand was just thrown on it by the guy.

“Where did this come from?” Hermione asked curiously.

“This is the wand’s wand just now. When I was in the water, I knocked out his wand, otherwise you thought why he was running away.” Ryan went on to write his nonsense. Actually, this wand was obtained by his habitual search before he was thrown away.

I have to say that Xiaoqing’s body search level is getting stronger and stronger. In addition, he also searched out a tin pot of freshly prepared compound soup and seven or eight gallons. These things were temporarily thrown into his grocery store because they were not needed.

The two entered the hole and walked along the winding path for seven or eight minutes. Ryan felt something was wrong. The knowledge of Edward Kenway that he received earlier has a lot of memories of high altitude unsafe bungee, so he is very experienced in high altitude bungee jumping. So when he just jumped off, he roughly calculated the height and judged that his position should be on the same plane as the river.

But now that he has walked so far, and it is basically a straight line, if there is no problem, he should walk on the river from under the high ground where the school is. Can illuminate the road ahead.

There must be something wrong with it. When Ryan was thinking about it, he found a sharp turn ahead, and the safety zone in the man’s memory was here. After turning the corner, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

There are countless ways to hide the space in the magic world. For example, a street as big as Diagon Alley has never been discovered by Muggle’s eyelids. It is normal for UU to read books Yes, after all, there is a convention in the wizarding world, the more powerful the things that have been handed down from ancient times.

Think about it too. You can say that something that can be eroded for a long time is not powerful and no one believes it. Not to mention the degree of confidentiality of the wizards’ own knowledge, it is likely that you have found this thing to be left by a school of wizards that has been completely lost and unknown to outsiders. The magical knowledge contained in it may be no less than the current The level of those mainstream wizard schools.

Therefore, although Ryan despised the wizarding world’s style of digging graves and archaeological knowledge similar to the mechanical theology, he also had to admit that the ancient wizards did have their strengths.

It’s just that Ryan has seen more than he expected, because now he is showing a huge space in front of him, and this space is occupied by a giant Mayan-style pyramid temple more than a thousand meters high.

Hermione was a little surprised to see Ryan stopped there, so she turned around and came to Ryan ’s back. She was about to take a photo of Ryan ’s shoulder and saw the giant pyramid. She was immediately shocked by the grand pyramid.

You know that she had just been to France during the summer vacation, and she once lamented the height of the Eiffel Tower. So when faced with the spectacle that is much older than the Eiffel Tower and three times the height of the Eiffel Tower, he was as surprised as Ryan.

At this time, Ryan’s face suddenly became ugly, because after seeing the temple, he found that the headquarters of the blood **** and the road to the ground in the memory are in this temple, and the location of the temple This is the safety zone.


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