Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 185 - Under Temple Expedition

After getting the results of Xiaoqing’s investigation, Lane took a few steps and then turned a corner. An extremely spacious room made of large square stones appeared in front of them. Stepping into this room, Ryan could feel the cool breeze blowing on his body, and the heat that had just been in the tunnel was blown away at once.

It seems that there is a vent in this place, and I thought Ryan started to look around. At this time, Hermione also came out of the back hole, and the spirit of the vent was immediately lifted by the cool wind of the vent.

After looking around, Hermione asked curiously. “Isn’t it that there will always be a lot of things waiting for you after a long path in the adventure, why is there nothing here?”

“The adventure novels written by my dad are artistically processed, how can there be so many treasures in reality. Besides, there is only one servant channel here, and it is rather strange to have good things.” After all, the nervousness was just in the channel After walking for so long, Lane also wanted to speak to relieve his mental fatigue.

“Wait.” Ryan saw something suddenly. “You’re not completely wrong, I think I found some babies.” At this time, Ryan walked to a stone basin in the middle of the stone room and pointed at the thing in the stone basin.

“What’s this?” Hermione stepped forward to take a look, and even if there was a odor of the bubble head curse, she rushed straight to her nose and made her quickly back away.

“This is the cheapest and 60 pounds good thing, and I haven’t seen it in Diagon Alley. It’s in stock. 35xs” Ryan said while blocking Hermione’s line of sight from all groceries with his body. A five-liter oil barrel was pulled out of the shop. Then fill the tub with yellow and white ointment in the tub.

“Wait, I seem to have read this thing in the book.” Hermione thought after hearing Ryan’s narration and said. “Is this the oil that demonizes the anaconda, the book says that adding some of the anaconda’s oil as a fuel when brewing some potions can greatly improve the success rate of the potions.”

“It’s worthy of knowing everything.” Ryan was a little surprised by Hermione’s scope, because it was a very partial knowledge. If I do n’t see this thing in a book occasionally, I ca n’t guess what it is. “You are right, I just found out that this should be 200 gallons a pound, because the longer this oil ages, the better the effect. The pot in front of us has aged for at least a thousand years, and it has changed from milky white to light yellow . So it ’s not bad for us to fall this time. At least, even if the contents of this pot have evaporated more than half, the rest can sell at least 300 gallons. “

Hermione did not show much excitement after listening to Ryan, after all, it was difficult to make people happy in this dangerous place, even if they had a lot of good things this time.

After putting most of the demonized oil into the oil drum, Ryan put away the oil drum and used a cup to pour the remaining oil into the two grooves on the wall in front of him, then fired Mars with a magic wand and lit it. Oil in the groove. 35xs

The turquoise flame slowly burned in the groove, and as the flame burned, a faint fragrance filled the whole house. At the same time, the wall slowly rose upwards to reveal the passage behind.

“How did you find this institution?” Hermione asked with some curiosity.

“You don’t see anything but the stone basin in the whole house. There are only two grooves on the opposite wall. There are some black burn marks on the grooves. Take a look at the precious fuel in the stone basin, this institution How to open it is obvious. After all, it is just a passage for daily servants, and it is impossible to set up various complicated organs like the treasure chest. “

It was said that Ryan took the lead into the passage. This passage should lead to a more important place, so there are a large number of reliefs on both sides. While watching these reliefs, he walked forward, feeling that he was quite Indiana at this time. Jones feels adventure.

As we all know, archaeology has made tremendous contributions to human understanding of ancient history, especially in the magical world. Sometimes archaeology digs out things that even represent advanced productivity. But in any case, for some owners who have been in the ancient ruins all year round, whether they are Muggles or wizards, they certainly do not want to be re-digged.

So shortly after Ryan stepped into the tunnel, they were attacked. Two heavily armed mummies slammed open the weak stone walls on both sides of the passage for camouflage, and used their obsidian spears to express them to Ryan. Outsider’s attitude.

“Uncleanness returns to silence!” A pale beam hit a mummy with the rune drawn by Clynville’s teeth in the air while Ryan was casting a spell. Probably because it has been abandoned for too long, and the wooden armor with the runes painted on the mummy has mostly degenerated and lost its magic defense ability. So this spell easily smashed a mummy into a ball of ash.

But then another mummy took the opportunity to approach, “fainting!” The voice of Hermione’s mantra came from behind. Unfortunately, the mummy was not a living person. This petrified mantra just made the mummy pause. But this also won time for Ryan, who took advantage of this opportunity to release another time of uncleanness and kill the mummy.

Aren’t South American mummies only found in alpine and dry mountains? Why are there such things in tropical rain forests? Being able to survive for thousands of years in a place with such high humidity, it can be seen that the magic in this place is more dangerous than imagined. Thinking of this, Ryan released a magical “sacred weapon” against the knife in his hand.

Clinway’s teeth emit a slight white light after Ryan reads the spell ~ ~ As long as the white light does not disappear, it means that the effect of this spell can target any evil creatures.

After all, the position where the two mummies were ambush was too close to them. Ryan was quite worried that the next time the channel was narrower, there was probably no room for the spell to be released, so adding targeted magic to the knife was prepared. .

Sure enough, mummy jumped out of the stone walls on both sides one after another. These should be the lines of defense to protect important places from outsiders. Ryan and those of them who did not get permission from the temple naturally touched them when they passed the corridor.

According to the inspection of the two mummies just now, it can be judged that this civilization did not invent the metal smelting process, because the weapons on them are made of obsidian.

For the indigenous wizards or warriors of this civilization, encountering these close-ups as hard as metal in this small place, with wooden armor with runes on their bodies, the mummy with agile action is basically a matter of nine lives, the temple It is also natural that this is a foolproof method of defense.

But Ryan holds another civilization’s curse specifically for this creature, but these mummies are abraded by the long time mold. So they passed through the passage with no danger, even when Ryan was familiar with how to deal with these mummies later, he also used the corpse surgery taught by the chief of the four eyes to control six mummies to protect them. .

Finally, they came to a stone door. According to the map, as long as they passed this stone door, it was the core hall of the whole temple.


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