Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 190 - As dead as life

In a messy hall, Ryan asked the soul in front of them after telling their story, “Can you tell me what is behind this door?”

“It was the palace where the Witch King lived. Everything in it was prepared for his eternal life.” Said a younger looking witch soul standing in the back row. “The Witch King inside is my father. He used to be I heard it when I was talking to myself in the palace, and after he found me, I was made into a cocoon. “

It seemed that there would be no other traps ahead. Thinking of Ryan’s mood here, he asked the souls in front of him. “What are your plans now?”

After these souls got together and whispered for a while, the soul who had just claimed to be the daughter of the Witch King came to the front to salute Ryan, and then said. “The Witch King is great, but he is no longer him after the journey to pursue longevity. We hope you can take us in and send him to where he should go. So that we can fulfill our wish and then die Going down the road. “

Signing the oath again with death itself, Ryan’s consciousness moved into a group of temporary residents.

Looking at the mess on the ground, Ryan finally knows why such a powerful civilization disappears without making a cocoon. Not every one can succeed. More than 30 corpses represent at least 300 dead behind. wizard.

After all, the stronger the anything in the magic world, the lower the success rate. The success rate of making a corpse warrior with a shelf life of no more than half a year in Ryan ’s life magic heritage is more than 80%. The success rate is not so high.

Even according to the souls of the wizards just now, when the witch king made them, he had realized the mysteries of life and death. The success rate of such things will not exceed one-tenth.

Think again about this civilization’s complicated writing system, which is very unfavorable for the spread of culture. The number of wizards may be a little less than other civilizations (illiterate people can never reach the level of normal wizards.). These sorcerers that the witch king killed to make the cocoon are probably most of the wizards on the territory. Coupled with those in the blood pool outside related to the construction of the temple, it is estimated that those who mastered the knowledge of the entire civilization died here.

A civilization that has lost its inheritors and leaders of knowledge will quickly lead to civil war or flight because this land cannot bear enough people to lose enough magic and knowledge. In the end, they will be completely abandoned to the wild. It is likely that the small city-states and pyramid temples in Central America were built by the people who fled here, but they can only form a simplified version of civilization without sufficient magic and knowledge.

No wonder that the witch king ’s daughter said that he was no longer him. To completely destroy the civilization he built for eternal life, this is simply not something a normal human can do.

After sighing about the destruction of a great civilization, Ryan began to search for loot from the coke on the ground. Each wizard is enclosed in a sculpture with a variety of magic props on it, but unfortunately, as time goes by and the lightning baptism just happened, there are very few things that can really be left behind.

But it is definitely a good thing that can survive the double blow of time lapse and thunderstorm. Ryan finally harvested an obsidian ceremonial knife, a meteorite amulet and a gold-edged emerald slate. After asking about the souls of the wizards in the sea, these The owner of the thing told the usage of magic props in front of Lane.

So Ryan harvested a knives for spirits that could be used in magic rituals, an amulet that could withstand a death attack, and a magical lithograph of corpse manipulation and corpse transformation.

Finally, Ryan burned the corpse to ashes with flames, then took out several empty bottles filled with ashes, and chose a good place in the hall to pry the floor tiles and bury the bottles. After all, their souls provided a lot of help to Ryan, so in this case it would be inappropriate for them to stay here. So Ryan took some effort to help them settle down. As for the blood pool just now, there is really no choice but to ask someone to bury it after going out.

After cleaning the battlefield, Lane returned to call Hermione back. When he found Hermione, she was found leaning on the pillar, crossing her fingers on her knees and praying for Ryan.

“Are you okay?” Hermione saw the disgraced Ryan coming over and immediately stood up and asked.

“It’s okay, it’s just that when you finish playing the loot after the fight, you get gray.” Then Ryan gave the meteorite amulet to Hermione. “This thing can avoid an imminent attack. You can take it with you. After all, it is very dangerous here. You can rest assured that you carry this.”

Hermione nodded and took the amulet on her body, and the two came to the wooden door.

Ryan pushed the door open after checking the door according to the instructions of the souls in his mind. The moment he opened the door, he was stunned, because before him was a samurai wearing gold armor and an obsidian spear. Ryan could even see the complicated tattoos on his face.

The subconscious Ryan both waved something in their hands at the same time to prepare the spell, especially as Ryan felt extremely nervous now. Because there is an iron law in the life spell, the more powerful the dead creatures are, the smaller the difference is when they are alive, and how powerful a guy like the one in front of him can be.

But it may be that the wind brought up when waving his arm, and the samurai quickly turned into a powder in front of them. A set of gold equipment on his body crackled and fell everywhere.

Ryan stepped forward to examine it carefully, only to find that the samurai had died before him. But because it has been closed for thousands of years, it is intact under the protection of magic ~ ~ But when they opened the door, the closed environment was completely broken, so he naturally turned into dust.

This turned out to be the case. No matter the color on the Qin figurines or the lotus roots in Mawangdui Han tomb, rapid weathering after the environment changed is a common phenomenon in the archaeological world. Even if it is in the magic world, many principles are common.

Ryan, after figuring out the reason, they bypassed the pile of gold armor in the middle of the road and walked forward. At this time, Ryan can be sure that they are now in another space in the temple. Because inside this gate is a complete temple, there is even a golden magic ball in the sky that releases light as the sun.

Time seems to be frozen here. There is a soldier on guard under each pillar of the temple, and the maids in twos and threes are distributed in the courtyard. In the middle of the courtyard, the gorgeously dressed sacrificial priests seemed to be heading to the golden temple in front of them to see their gods. Everything is the same as when the Witch King was alive.

But all the organic matter that is visible to the naked eye is rapidly weathering. Of course, when they walked ahead of the Golden Pyramid Temple, everything before that disappeared. Only a pile of ashes and scattered stones and gold products were left.

“Do you want to stay here?” Lane asked Hermione. “Because the temple above should be the most dangerous place inside.”

“I think if the contents can defeat you, it is not safe in this pyramid, and I am not cumbersome, maybe I can help you when I go up.” Hermione said firmly after thinking for a while.

“Okay, let’s go up together.” After the two of them finished walking down the steps to the building at the top of the pyramid.


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