Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 198 - Strange forest

Although the blood loss caused by the injury just made both of them look white, but other aspects are okay. After sitting on the spot for a while and restoring some of the magic, they stood up to look around.

After a while, Hermione asked suddenly and curiously. “Where is this? The surrounding environment is not an Amazon rainforest at all, but like continental Europe.”

“Well, I have something terrible to tell you.” Lane paused and said, “We are no longer in the Amazon rainforest.”

“I already know the environment, but at least you can bring us, and I believe you can bring us back.”

“Thank you for trusting me, but I think we should not be in the original world.”

“What? Did we just die because of our escape just now?” The expression on Hermione’s face was shocked first, then calm. “I’m sorry it was because I went to save the second-year Ravenclaw girl that I was involved in this kind of thing, and thank you for the good faith deception that made me less fearful and painful at the last moment. The only regret is me You may not be owed a life. “

“But it seems that the world after death is not so bad. No wonder the ghosts said that they stayed in the world and said that they were not brave enough or cared too much to continue, which is actually very bad. At the same time, with an envious tone Saying that true death is just another great adventure. “

Ryan coughed a little embarrassingly, and it was obvious that Hermione was misunderstood. After all, there are not so many online novels popularizing the concept of traversal everywhere in this era, and the first reaction when it is not in the original world is that it is dead.

“You don’t have to apologize for your good deeds, and things are not as bad as you think. I mean, we may be on another earth.” In this case, Ryan felt that something had to be explained.

“I have the ability to go to a parallel world, but every time I travel in space and time, I have to die for a lifetime. This time, I have to activate that ability. I have to rest for a while after each ability is launched. Place, so I think we may have to stay in this place for a while. “

“Oh, that’s it.” After all, American films returned to the future series in the past two years, and Hermione quickly accepted the concept of parallel world. She was silent for a moment, then turned to smile slightly at Ryan. “I think we should be able to spend this time smoothly together, right?”

“Hmm!” Ryan nodded firmly. He saw that Hermione was a little uneasy when he came to this sentence because he reached a strange place, so he assured her with a firm answer.

Afterwards, in order to relax the tense nerves along the way, the two started chatting with me. As the conversation continued, the two’s emotions slowly returned to normal.

The goddess of luck also favored them at this time. After descending from a small mound overgrown with tall trees, they found a road covered by fallen leaves under the mound.

Aside from the fallen leaves, you can see how strong this road is. Many people have come and gone from here before, but the thickness of the fallen leaves on the road surface indicates that no one has left this road for at least a year or two. However, a pile of fresh horse dung on the roadside and a few new lines of horseshoe marks on the road show that the road may still be in use a few days ago.

It seems that this road is deserted, but at least there are still people walking on this road. It seems that there is no hope of sleeping in the wild tonight. Because the money in the wizarding world seems to be gold and silver coins at least by non-magic means, and these hard currencies are universal in most human worlds.

But now the question is, which end of the road is closer to the human settlement?

Because they don’t know the specifics of this world at all, and the magic of the way can only point north and not the human settlement. After they didn’t find anything else to refer to, they could only gamble their luck by simply throwing their wands.

After determining the direction, the two people went down the road in one direction. After all, they walked so far before and found no magical creatures that could threaten them. , So I feel that this world may not have much danger, even if there should be within the range that two people can cope with.

In this case, the two little wizards spent the night in the wild, which was not too dangerous. That’s why they used this method to decide where to go next.

After walking along this road for a while, it was getting dark and the temperature was getting lower and lower. Ryan thought it might be because the forest was colder at night, so he put a warming spell on himself and Hermione and went on.

But as they walked away, they felt more and more wrong ~ ~ Just now they passed the local plants evergreen, and the temperature was between spring and summer. And now it is getting colder and colder, even approaching the winter temperature, which is not natural.

Turning around a small slope, they were surprised to find that there was a scene of white forest and snow in front of them.

Okay, take back what you just said. This world is not only magical, but also powerful. The world that can at least transform a region from summer to winter will definitely not be a normal world without magic.

What can cause this kind of unnatural wonder is that the magic level of this world is not worse than the original world, but it is not known whether this phenomenon is natural or artificial.

I thought that the two of them looked at each other, pulled out their wands to stay alert, and continued to move forward. Because they found that the pavement here is better than in the forest just now, which means that it is closer to the human settlement.

Now Ryan and they cannot judge the specific situation of this world, so they can only go as far as possible to appear to be a smoky place. Under the touch of Ryan’s natural magic, this forest did not feel any evil breath. Maybe people in this world like to live in the snow.

After discussing a few words, Ryan and Hermione decided to continue down the road. After walking for another half an hour, they saw a magnificent castle at the end of the road. It seems that the destination is coming soon. Suddenly the sound of a horseshoe broke the silence in the forest.

The supernatural ice and snow that appeared in the warm area, the sound of horseshoes in the snow, and the first reaction of Ryan connecting these is whether it will be the great dutiful son Alsace? It would be dead if he directly touched his words. Thinking of here, Ryan took Hermione to hide behind a tree, raised her wand and looked towards the place where the hoof sounded.

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