Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 202 - Magic research

With the recitation of Ryan’s mantra, Runi Runfu culture made a handful of gold powder covering the teapot wife. After touching the teapot wife, these gold powders began to flow slowly on its surface. Finally, a golden rune of different sizes was projected in the air.

But what surprised him most was that in addition to these runes, a chain of golden runes connected to the rose flower placed in the glass cover.

“Hermione, start recording now.” After Ryan waved his wand, these runes floated in the air to form a peculiar pattern.

As Shasha’s transcript stopped, Hermione put down her quill. “Okay, I’ve taken the whole picture down.” Ryan put down his wand, and the golden characters in the air disappeared.

“The magic needed to maintain this is quite large. Fortunately, you move faster, otherwise I can’t really hold it. Well, let me see—” Ryan took over Hermione and handed over what he just recorded and began to detail Studying, Hermione also got together.

The surrounding furniture was breathless, as if waiting for the sentence of fate. After finally calculating a dozen manuscripts, Ryan shook his head bitterly.

“Can’t this problem be solved.” Hermione asked when Ryan’s face suddenly became ugly.

“Although my knowledge may be more among the students, there is still a small distance compared to the truly powerful wizard. The magic inside is not only a metamorphosis, but also contains the power of life and nature. The most exquisite among them The structure is to finally use curse technique to combine these forces and maintain the balance between them, and then concentrate all the power on the rose. “Ryan pointed to the rose in the glass cover.

“But now the problem is that there is a lack of systematic learning of curses in our knowledge. That is the content of the Hogwarts black magic defense NEWT improvement class. All the books that explain the curse magic in detail are in the forbidden area, I I haven’t seen one at all, so I don’t know what to do. “Listening to Ryan’s frustration, Hermione put her hand on Ryan’s shoulder and gently patted it a few times to express her comfort.

What Ryan did not say was that the ancient Viking wizards advocated going straight like warriors, so there is basically not much related to cursing and dispelling in the inheritance. Another kind of natural magic simply cannot have such content that they regard as evil.

As for Maoshan Daoshu, such content is indeed a lot, but it is mainly aimed at the Middle Earth Taoism, and it has not much effect on this Western witchcraft. While Leifa can indeed break the law, but the problem is that a group of ordinary people are now cursed, and they can’t bear the excessive violent energy of Leifa. If you cast it forcibly, it’s easy to curse the person without it.

That is to say, all the knowledge that Ryan has now cannot safely solve the curse of these people. This conclusion makes him feel a bit depressed. After all, he has experienced so many adventures and gained so much power, but still encounters this situation. Helpless.

“Oh, boy, you shouldn’t worry about this. Our own mistakes will have to bear the consequences. Well, would you like a cup of hot tea?” After talking about it, Mrs. Teapot poured two cups of tea before them.

“Thanks.” Ryan took the teacup and continued. “Although it is impossible to lift the curse on you from the root, I think I should be able to come up with a way to make you a little more comfortable in a short time. After all, the curse will make you more and more stiff, and it will be uncomfortable. “

“Really? Thank you so much.” The candlestick butler jumped up and bowed gracefully to Ryan. “Right, do you need any help?”

“Sufficient paper, pens, ink. There is also a large enough room for experimentation.”

“Well, I know a good place.” The alarm clock manager clumsily climbed up the table and said. “Come with me.”

Under the leadership of the alarm clock manager, Ryan and they came to the castle library.

“God, so many books. Although there aren’t as many books in the Hogwarts Library, it’s already a rich collection for a private library.” After opening the door, Hermione looked at the room full of books Exclaimed.

“Biography, literature, adventure notes, and some reference books. But there is no magic book that works for us.” Ryan came to this conclusion after turning around. “Okay, this is nothing, let’s start work.”

“I think this should be fine.” More than an hour later, with the help of Hermione, Ryan synthesized the power of life and nature he mastered and finally came up with a cracking spell. This curse does not touch the curse itself. After all, Ryan and Hermione both know that the ending of the fairy tale is not bad, and they worry that messing around may lead to unpredictable consequences.

So in this magic, they simply use the power of nature and life to make these people who are cursed into furniture can get more life force, and build a simple barrier between them and the curse to resist Let them gradually become the curse of the dead.

“We really succeeded.” While Ryan and Hermione were high-fiving, the door was pushed open with a sudden, a rough voice came in. This should be the voice of the beast: “Come on, you can Find a few books here first and see … what’s wrong with you. UU reading “

“It’s incredible.” Bell’s answer came across several bookshelves.

“Okay, we should find someone to try our spell.” Hermione packed up the manuscripts on the table and said to Ryan who was lying there studying. “I know that these runes can develop a lot of things, and I was addicted to it just now. But to help these cursed people is something we have promised others, so we have to finish this matter and study it again.”

“Yes, you’re right. It’s because I didn’t control myself.” Ryan stood up from the table and worked with Hermione to organize the paper on the table. It’s true that he is not so addicted to learning at ordinary times, but today he was hit by this curse and was a bit horny. So, with Hermione’s reminder, he quickly sobered up.

When they were ready to walk to the front of the library, they saw Belle looking at the bookshelf with her mouth in surprise.

“What’s wrong with you, Miss Belle?” Hermione stepped forward and asked.

“Oh, just call me Belle. I was just a little sick because I was happy. After all, I like reading, but I didn’t expect there are so many books in the library that I haven’t read.”

After listening to this answer, Ryan’s mouth slightly raised an urge to vomit, even if there are so many worlds apart, the character set represented by this face is like reading.

Hermione glared at him when he saw Ryan’s expression. He knew he was wrong, so he hurriedly pretended to look elsewhere.

Originally, Ryan wanted to wait for them to finish talking and then go out to help those furniture. As a result, the two of them found a common language because of those who love reading.

No way, Ryan could only greet them, and then went to find the furniture alone.

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