Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 462 - got engaged

Ryan found that the uncle said that letting those who communicated to pull out the bottom of the box was not an exaggeration. method. Naturally, this kind of communication does not include the core motivation, because these core motivations reflect the cornerstone of a person’s magic learning, and if it is not a system, it does not make much sense to get others’.

In addition, Ryan also received uncle’s guidance on magical botany and many magical combat practices. There are also some European magics that he hasn’t learned yet.

Yes, you read that right, it’s European magic. As the uncle said, Tianchao has never cut off communication with the West. This includes learning the magic of the Western world and Africa. Although this kind of learning can not learn some of the family’s ancestral magic, but a variety of commonly used magic can still learn a full set.

“Phantom shift and some housework magic are the only Western magic that was popular in large scale in heaven.” Uncle Gong said with a smile. “I have to admit that these spells are much easier to use than our own traditional magic, so after getting these magics, it took us a long time to integrate them into our own magic system.”

This is the third week after Ryan came to heaven, and only three days from the engagement ceremony. The uncle decided to take this last chance to let Ryan and Hermione learn to transform under his care. According to him, other magic can be self-taught with books, but this kind of magic involving space still needs someone to carry. Not to mention that the uncle thinks that the magic used for running is more useful than the magic used for combat.

“I tell you, you can’t be too serious when you are in a real war. If you can win, you will come. Otherwise, you will definitely lose a lot. For example, this phantom shift will allow you to move in time when you can’t fight, Whether it is practiced in the future and then revenge or find a companion to help is better than dying in place. “Before imparting the phantom, Uncle began to seriously teach Ryan their experience of two battles. Although this experience does not sound very glorious and correct, it is indeed very practical.

After a while, the real teaching began. Uncle’s expression also became very serious. “The core of this magic is goal, determination, and calmness, that is, you need to focus your attention on your goal, that is, where you want to go; then make up your mind to occupy the space you want! Let think The desire to reach overwhelms the smallest part of the whole body! Finally, it rotates in place to let itself enter the state of the void, and the action must be calm! The destination is reached. “

After speaking, Uncle Gong gave them a demonstration, moving from their front to their back. “Some high-level wizards can be dual-purpose in combat, using phantom shift to quickly change their position, which can give them a great advantage in combat. Of course, if the level is not enough, phantoms in combat Shifting shape will only make you separate. “

The next step is practice time, which may be through some kind of sensitivity to space brought by life and death to two people. After three hours, the two people could have successfully teleported from several designated locations and teleported back.

“Not bad.” Uncle Gong nodded. “I heard that your school in Britain is learning this magic in 12 hours. According to this state, you can learn it in three hours and you can be considered a relatively genius.”

In addition to reading books in the next two days, Ryan learned that Sky Dynasty had a special use method for phantom migration after in-depth research and analysis: short distance transmission between battles.

After two days of practice, Ryan and Hermione finally learned this skill that required two uses. It must be said that for those who are good at melee, this skill is far more important than other wizards. For example, the average wizard may not even think that his opponent can throw a spell at him in the distance, and suddenly appears next to him and raises his hand.

Just as they practiced, the uncle stopped them: “Okay, stop practicing, you need a good rest.”

“We don’t feel tired! And this is noon.” Lane looked at his uncle and asked curiously. “I think we can practice for a few more hours and rest after dinner at night.”

“Study is a good thing, I think this is the reason why you can be excellent. But you are better off now, because tomorrow at noon is your engagement ceremony.” Uncle Gong said with a kind smile.

“Oh, my God, these two days are so busy, I almost forgot this.” Hermione looked agitated suddenly. “I didn’t prepare anything. What should I do? This is my engagement ceremony. I have been too fascinated by the two days of learning.”

“Don’t worry.” Uncle Gong pressed his hands in a slightly restless posture. “We are all ready. After a while, we will go back to the village directly after lunch. Tomorrow morning, you just have to follow the arrangements of the people in your family. Rest assured, they are all experienced people, and we promise to let you play tomorrow. There will be no problems at the time. Not to mention that the engagement ceremony of Tianchao is not the same as that of the Western side. The core of tomorrow is your parents, you just need to stand there. ”

Uncle’s comfort did not reassure the two of them, even if the signature dishes in the cafeteria at noon that day were their favorite squirrel fish and sweet and sour tenderloin, they couldn’t arouse their appetite.

The cafeteria of the Tianchao Alchemist College is quite like the cafeteria of Lain ’s last life. It is surrounded by a large glass window with various foods behind it, and in the middle are a large number of four or six people. There is no domestic elf here, but the wizards responsible for logistics can still use magic to cook a large amount of delicious food in a short time.

For example, Hermione had bought three large and thick recipes of alchemists before to learn how to make the above. According to her statement, since she is going to get married, then some things must always be learned. But for some reason, Ryan is much faster than Hermione in learning these three recipes.

Tomorrow is the engagement ceremony. Although it is not necessary for them to do anything according to the uncle, Ryan and Hermione are still very nervous. They both went to bed early that night, but did not fall asleep until very late.

This does not affect anything. In the tension between the two people, the sun rose the next morning as scheduled ~ ~ After eating breakfast early in the morning, Ryan and the two who had rushed from Qiantang yesterday The family and parents started to tidy up together.

Their dress is full of modern style in accordance with the custom of Tianchao, for example, parents of both parties only need to wear formal clothes. But there was a small accident in the middle: Mr. Granger was wearing a tuxedo directly to appear formally, which made Lane’s grandfather pull his father Lambert into a tunic suit.

Lean and Hermione’s clothing style is also the same, they simply came out wearing their school uniform robe. According to Grandpa Ryan, you are now students, so the most appropriate way to wear is to wear a school uniform.

As he said before, the core of the heavenly-style engagement ceremony is indeed not the two engaged. After the parents of both parties exchanged a big red post with the word “birthday”, the ceremony was over.

The only place where Ryan needed them was that the uncle added the process of writing Hermione ’s name on the genealogy after learning that the two had been blessed by Phoenix. According to him, those who receive the blessings of the Phoenix, their love is loyal and firm. So you can write on the genealogy in advance to comfort the ancestors.

After this set of procedures was completed, it was lunch time, and they were finally relieved. This also represents the completion of the main goal of coming to heaven. So at the dining table, the two seemed a lot more leisurely. Apart from greeting some elders, they tasted the delicacies on the table carefully. After all, this kind of rich and local banquet is rare.

In short, the main task of coming to heaven was completed, and Ryan finally got rid of the title of single dog for two lifetimes.

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