Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 465 - New home

At Pearl International Airport, Lane and Hermione are bidding farewell to their parents. After a month’s trip to the heavenly dynasty, they finally embarked on a journey back to England.

“Relax, aunt and uncle. I will take care of Hermione.” Lane said to the Grangers. Hermione was chatting with Ryan’s parents at this time. Although she didn’t know what they were talking about, Hermione, who was covering her mouth and laughing, knew that the content of the chat should be very relaxing and pleasant.

After two people listened to their parents for a while, the parents left. Ryan stood side by side and waved goodbye until they walked into the crowd and couldn’t see.

“This harvest is really great!” Hermione said happily in the waiting hall. “The Celestial Magic I learned this time is very useful to me, but unfortunately all the spells need Mandarin to activate, and it has its own set of magic system. If it is not proficient in Celestial Culture, people outside can’t use these magics. I can learn to understand the magic thanks to the memory infuser you used before. “

At this point, Hermione finally responded to one thing: “This should be all the secrets you can memorize before.”

“Uh (⊙o⊙) …” Ryan suddenly felt that sometimes Hermione’s memories of being nice and smart were not a good thing for herself.

This time they switched from heaven to a whole set of basic magic, equivalent to what British students can learn at Hogwarts. The most important thing is that these materials are accompanied by a large number of notes so that they can learn by themselves. In addition, Ryan also acquired skills in puppetry, magic plant planting, and magic material casting. In short, this harvest is huge, and at the same time, a world of wizards that can live in harmony with the world of ordinary people outside has also pointed out the direction of the future struggle for the two people.

In addition, Lane also signed a series of purchase agreements with his family’s family. These goods plus the goods produced in the Norwegian plantation are enough to joke that the store has been operating alone for a long time. In this chaotic era, it is very important to ensure a stable supply of raw materials in joke shops. Because it is not certain that a certain raw material manufacturer or a certain raw material will disappear completely.

The first thing to return to the UK is to go to the residence. Before going to heaven, Ryan took out a lot of gold and gave it to his father, Mr. Lambert. Mr. Lambert later collected the gold and deposited it in the bank ’s safe, and then commissioned a real estate company to buy a manor for two people Home after two people. Fortunately, Mr. Lambert is now a relatively well-known writer, not long ago sold the Hollywood movie copyright of the new novel. So it took no money to raise so much money at a time.

This is a manor with a history of over 100 years. The main building is a two-story Victorian building. In addition, it also brought five acres of farm. The former owner of the manor was a noble nobleman, who decided to sell the manor because he could not afford the house tax and maintenance fees.

As a developed country in the West, Britain can say anything as long as it has money. Therefore, in the future, you only need to entrust the farm outside to a professional agricultural company, and then you just need to take the money every year. Of course, this is much less than the money you earn from farming, which is convenient.

Naturally, the price of such a manor is not cheap. In this era, he spent nearly 700,000 pounds. But after taking a closer look at the decoration design in the manor after receiving the manor, both of them felt the value of the money spent.

For the next three days, the two spent all their energy on the renovation of the manor: Lane first set up an alchemy array that could shield the entire house and the magic reaction of the yard, and then began to set up various magic defenses for the house. Hermione helped portray the runes on the side. At the same time, because of the Soul Contract, Hermione was granted the same authority as the Rose Crystal in the Universal Realm Shop. So she and Rose Crystal used the space door to go to other worlds in her free time, and found out what she needed to decorate her new home from the various things collected by Ryan from other worlds.

Thanks to the modular design of the refuge company, he can directly choose to become a base. With the help of magic and robots, the manor’s finishing work is very smooth. After three days of work, the three of them managed everything at home smoothly.

“This is our home, and it feels really great.” After cleaning up on the third afternoon, everyone sat together in the living room for afternoon tea, glancing around the house and looking through the glass window. In the green field, rose crystal lamented on the windowsill with a cup of black tea.

“Yeah! That’s the feeling of home.” Ryan said and touched Rose Crystal’s head, and then Rose Crystal shook his head and shook his hand down. Hermione laughed when she saw the scene. It must be said that this warm atmosphere makes the tired body and spirit relax a lot at once.

Waiting for dinner, Ryan said to Hermione sitting opposite while eating grilled salmon, “I have finally sorted out all the things I have harvested recently, and it is time for a new adventure. Tomorrow I will Plan to go to the New World for an adventure early in the morning, would you like to come together. “

“Of course, this is my pleasure.” Hermione raised her eyebrows and said with a smile.

The next morning, the two men packed up the things they needed and led the rose crystal together.

Lane considered that he was not alone in this adventure, so he lingered in front of the grocery store in Wanjie except for a while, he chose a level 6 world. After entering the 32-point offset point into the door of the Wanjie grocery store, he pulled Hermione and Rose Crystal across the light blue barrier at the door.

“Why is it in the woods again?” After crossing the barrier, they glanced at the surroundings for a while, and the rose crystal looked depressed. “Can we not appear in a slightly less original place? Every time we go to a world, we need to spend a lot of time to find people.”

“It’s not under my control.” Ryan was also helpless. “Let’s find it. According to the usual experience, the son of luck in this world will be nearby. It shouldn’t take long to find it. “

“This is the Douglas fir.” Hermione, who had been watching the surrounding environment before, pointed to the surrounding trees after the daily fighting between Ryan and Rose Crystal. “The whole forest is full of such trees. If we are on a more normal earth If we go above, then our location should be on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean in North America. If we sum up the temperature that is near freezing, we should be in the northwestern United States or Canada. “

“It’s amazing!” Rose Crystal expressed her heartfelt appreciation to Hermione. “Ryan had also input a whole set of encyclopedias into his brain before, but every time he needed to think for half a day to retrieve the knowledge he wanted from his brain.”

“Okay, Rose Crystal.” Ryan smiled helplessly. “Let’s find someone who can communicate around.” After he finished, he glanced at the sky through the gaps in the branches of the coniferous forest. Unfortunately, the sky was gloomy ~ ~ and the moss on the ground also showed Here is a gloomy and damp place. Without seeing the stars and the sun, they cannot further determine the specific location here.

It should be very close to the beach, and three people came to a beach without going far. According to the Survival Manual, if you are at the seaside, it is easier to meet human settlements along the coastline. In the forest, they found that the magic in the air is more active, which means that there is indeed some kind of extraordinary power in this world.

“Is that man committing suicide?” They had just stood on the beach and looked towards the iron-grey sea for a few seconds. Rose crystal sitting on Ryan’s shoulder suddenly grabbed Ryan’s hair and pointed his arm in one direction.

Ryan and Hermione immediately looked in the direction of Rose Crystal’s fingers, and saw a young woman in a dark t-shirt and jeans standing on the edge of the sea cliff, and then jumped straight down.

“Save people.” Ryan and Hermione glanced at each other, and then acted immediately.

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