Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 486 - set off

In the following days, Ryan spent some time with his lover. But the biggest difference with normal lovers is that most of his time alone with Hermione has been used in magic research. In addition, they went to the world of rose girls to attend a tea party for girls, and at the same time, they asked Mr. Luo Zhen, an alchemist who really mastered the rules, to ask some questions about the rules they encountered. Luo Zhen told Ryan that the time sand analysis he brought last time will take some time. After all, the power of time is one of the most complicated.

Of course, in addition to boring research and study, Ryan also led Hermione to the world of “The Lord of the Rings” to take a good look at the beautiful scenery of that fantasy world. Naturally, many interesting things happened during the journey. For example, after leading Hermione into the treasure trove belonging to her royal family in the River Valley Kingdom, Ryan stood beside him and saw Hermione, who had always been calm, showing a rare expression of consternation.

But when Hermione left the treasure house, she was stupid, she did n’t take any jewelry, she just took a batch of books recorded on parchment, leaves, and even gold foil. If Ryan said these books, she could read them casually. She may recite all the books. But even then she still took more than 50 books and filled the entire small space bag used to hold books before she stopped.

“I think the knowledge in any of these books is more precious to me than the gold and silver jewelry that can fill a swimming pool.” When she came out of the treasure house, Hermione held a book with a satisfied hand Looking at the leaf book that records the history of the elves before they arrived in Middle-earth. “Compared with gold and precious stones, knowledge is the best wealth.”

Ryan also supports this view, otherwise, there will not be so many books in this treasure house. One part of these books is about the manufacture of magic props, and the other part is used to record a variety of history. No matter what kind of information is recorded and precious, even the simplest mythological story describes a part of the knowledge about gods and world rules.

Of course, they also took a moment to travel to the world of Pirates of the Caribbean to participate in the wedding of Will and Elizabeth, and presented a set of elven silver tableware as gifts.

In the last few days of summer vacation, Ryan has been sorting out the knowledge learned during this time. In addition, when Lupin took the last werewolf for treatment on the holiday, Ryan made an appointment with him. After he went to school, he would continue to treat the werewolves when he came out of school. In the shop in the town, he would send Luping an owl letter in advance.

Lupin also told Ryan that the Fosco couples he rescued last time decided to stay on the plantation, and everyone’s food level went up at once. According to Lu Ping, the food in the plantation can only be said to be edible, but now it can be regarded as a gourmet.

This time may be due to the protection of the Burrow, Ryan and they received only a few letters from Harry. In one of the letters, Harry wrote that he had seen Malfoy sneaking in Turning Lane before he knew what he was doing in the Burkin Bock shop. He suspected that Malfoy was a Death Eater and was planning to do something in school this year. conspiracy.

Has to say that Harry’s intuition is still very powerful. Ryan felt that Voldemort would definitely not give up the Hogwarts sneak attack plan as in the original text, and Malfoy was the executor. But the success of such a plan is actually based on a secret, and once it is known in advance, it will die very ugly. Lionel also hopes that Voldemort will engage in this sneak attack this year, so that he can fight the sneak attack and hit the Death Eater again.

So in his reply, Ryan expressed his support for Harry’s idea. Hope this should make Harry feel a little warm among a group of people who do not understand his point of view.

The day of the last semester arrived. Ryan dragged their luggage and left the house, and then summoned the Knight Bus when the phantom moved to a place more than ten kilometers away from the manor.

The Knight Bus appeared in front of them as usual, and the conductor Stan Sampak greeted them to get on the bus. The atmosphere in the car was a bit depressed. After all, the recent situation made everyone unhappy. After enduring dozens of minutes of silence, the bus finally drove near Kings Cross Station. Lane and Hermione left the bus with the same atmosphere as the hearse with their luggage and escape.

“A holiday situation actually deteriorated to this state, I really can’t imagine it.” Hermione said, dragging the big suitcase. “It’s been more than two months. Look at Diagon Alley and look at the atmosphere in the car just now. If It ’s estimated that even if the mysterious people do n’t murder and destroy the British magic world, it will take several years to go backwards. ”

“Normal, this is the real war, and the war has never changed.” Lane said in a low voice.

After arriving at the station, they quickly entered the platform of nine and three quarters and boarded the train. After they got on the bus, they realized that the war had affected all aspects of the magical world. For example, the camp in the class-leading car seemed very clear. Only the commanders of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw sat here, and the two commanders of Slytherin simply did not come.

Several people greeted and accepted the arrangement of the president of the student union to start inspecting the carriage, but when going out, Hufflepuff’s Hannah Aibo specially ran to shake hands with Ryan and chatted for a long time before leaving.

“What did Hannah ask you for just now?” Hermione asked inadvertently after stopping a group of second-year students who were trying to throw eggs in the car. “It looks like thank you.”

“It is indeed thanks.” Lane nodded. “Her mother wanted to buy a gold defensive bracelet, but it is estimated that it will wait until two or three months after the recent environment is in line. The twins and I think that for her being a member of the book club, his mother increased the price by 5%. The first one I bought it, so she came to thank me. “

“Is those protective magic props sold so well now?” Hermione was a little surprised. She knew the price of the top gold defensive bracelet, but she really didn’t know that it was just that Hannah’s mother paid an extra amount to get it in advance. Goods can be so grateful.

“Sells very well.” How could Ryan sell arms when he was fighting? “All the defensive bracelet orders are shortest after half a year, and the top gold bracelet orders are even next year.”

“Will this waste you too much time?” Hermione asked with concern, “I am worried that we will be busy this year, and time may not be enough.”

“Of course not.” Ryan gave a sly smile. “I gave the order of the copper bracelet to the dwarves, and the order of the silver bracelet to the elves. Only the highest-grade gold bracelets will be made by myself.”

“That’s good too, so that more people can get the protection they deserve.” Hermione didn’t think it was wrong for Ryan to do this, and the bracelet made with the crafts of elves and dwarves was willing to be placed on the shelf. The above shows that all of them are qualified. Performance is the most important thing for this kind of magic props, and it does not matter who the producer is.

During the tour, Ryan saw Malfoy. Pansy and other Slytherin students were sitting together in a box and talking about something. Malfoy looked haggard compared to last year, which made Ryan feel very good this year. Maybe Malfoy would be assigned a certain task by Voldemort as in the novel. He decided to wait at the school and immediately go to the request room to check the condition of the disappearing cabinet in order to analyze the situation accurately.

After inspecting all the cars, Ryan and Hermione ran to greet Harry. After fighting side by side last year, their relationship is much closer than before.

“The twins graduated ~ ~ It’s a bit uncomfortable.” Ryan unpacked a pack of chocolate frogs, broke them in half, handed them to Hermione, and chewed the other half in his mouth. “I don’t think it’s interesting now in the car.”

“No wonder I think what I am missing after getting in the car today?” Ron showed an expression of surprise. “Their business is on the right track. There are countless people holding their pockets full of Jin Jialong hoping to buy those magical defense items from them. When I went to Diagon Alley to buy, I thought they were busy Very happy. “

“Not only that.” Luna interjected: “Our” Look, this is Muggle “is also selling well. Maybe everyone needs to read something light at this time. By the way, my father hopes to be in This magazine publishes an advertisement for his “Singing Opposition”, do you think it’s okay? “

“Of course.” Hermione nodded. “But I think it’s best to change the style of that magazine a little bit, otherwise there won’t be many people who read it again.”

“No, I think this magazine is very interesting.” Luna argued, “It’s just that there are not many people who appreciate it.”

Soon Hermione and Luna argued about the contents of the magazine, and Ryan and Neville entered the familiar mode of watching movies.

“Is it okay for both of them?” Ron leaned over and asked, “I always think they might fight at any time.”

“Don’t worry.” Neville said, “The two of them often argue about certain issues in a book club, and they will stop by themselves after a while. According to Ryan, this is a disagreement between the two.”

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