Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 499 - get together

Under a big tree in the forbidden forest, Lu Ping said to Ryan with a worried tone: “Most of the magic plant cultivation in Britain is controlled by those old pure blood families. They rely on house elves to put those magic The cost of plant cultivation is controlled to a very low level. Our plantation is only to meet the orders of the store, it is difficult to compete with those old families in the market. This is why I am worried about the arrival of newcomers, if there are more products produced The British market will definitely not be able to eat. “

“I understand what you are worried about, Professor Lu Ping. But I really found a huge market.” Lane explained with a smile. “This time I went to Tianchao and signed a trade agreement with them over the summer vacation. They are willing to buy some raw materials that they don’t produce.”

“Really?” Lu Ping opened his eyes wide and then asked cautiously: “But can the market over there eat a lot of our size?”

“Relax, Professor, we sell some rough versatile products of magic plants. These things are in great demand. At the same time, their population is 20 times that of us, and they have thousands of years of uninterrupted magic heritage. .. In such a prosperous market, no matter how much we produce, it is estimated that the market over there can eat it all at once. “

“That’s good.” Lu Ping finally showed a relaxed smile. After chatting for a while, some small things happened recently and they left the forbidden forest separately.

It happened to be lunch time. At the dinner table, Ryan learned that Comack McLaggen, who was competing with Ron for the goalkeeper position, wanted to get this position last year. Unfortunately, he was in the hospital when he entered the team last year. Because he bet on people before and ate a pound of Hu Meizi’s egg.

“McLagen was not selected is a very good thing.” Hermione commented after hearing the news from Ginny, “This kind of mental appearance is really not suitable for participating in some group sports that require brains.”

Ryan thought deeply, Hu Meizi in the wizarding world is equivalent to the cockroaches or flies in ordinary people’s homes. If a person bets on someone, he will eat such a pound or so, and afterwards feel that this matter is worth showing off. It can only be said that there is indeed a problem with this person’s brain.

The afternoon time was spent reading and studying in the library, and Ryan also used his time to read a book of alchemy that the Sirius gave him the Black family collection. Although the alchemy products in the manual are all black magic products, but many delicate ideas are worth learning. Not to mention that with this introduction to black magic products, Ryan can make targeted alchemy props that can effectively fight against the Death Eaters of the pure blood family.

“The power of death that you control is different from the control of the mysterious person. It is not a final death, but a cyclical death transformed from life. Just like the life cycle in nature.” On the way to dinner in the auditorium, Lane Started to explain to Hermione some of the knowledge about rules that she felt confused. As the forerunner, Ryan now has enough knowledge to cope with Hermione’s problems at this stage. Hermione showed an expression of enlightenment after listening to Ryan’s explanation.

“You mean that the power of death that I hold is like a plant growing from the earth and returning to the earth, a cycle of life and death, right?” Hermione looked at Ryan and asked.

“Yes.” Lane discovered that Hermione gradually mastered the trick of studying the rules after studying the magic of life that she got from Iceland a few years ago. He believed that Hermione would soon master his own independent research methods.

When they walked up the main stairs of the main hall to prepare to go downstairs, Professor Slughorn suddenly appeared in front of them and blocked their way.

“Mr. Liang, Miss Granger, I am looking for you.” He exclaimed enthusiastically, holding his bulging belly with his hands. “Thank you Merlin for letting me block your meals at your dinner. How about a simple dinner with me tonight? I prepared a small party and invited only a few rising stars. I invited McLagan, Shabini, and the charming Melinda Popin do n’t know if you know her, she has a large chain drugstore in her house. “

“Of course, we are honored.” Ryan bowed slightly to Slughorn, “We will rush over on time, do you have any requirements for clothing?”

“No, I just want everyone to relax. You can wear school uniforms.” The smile on Slughorn’s face was even brighter. “I still need to go downstairs to find Harry. Let’s be eight. See you later. “

After speaking of Slughorn, he ran towards the restaurant, and Hermione looked at his back and asked Lane: “It always feels weird. I always thought there was no such kind of brother here as a wizard when ordinary people went to high school or college. Will it or sisterhood. “

“Something like this is inevitable as long as there is someone’s place.” Lane smiled. “But I don’t think we should be the protagonist today. Slughorn called us to estimate that we are only optimistic about our future. He is now. I will definitely focus on those people with good family background. Let ’s just go and eat some good things to relax. “

At 7:30, Professor Slughorn’s small party was held as scheduled. However, Ryan did not see Harry appear. According to Professor Slughorn, it was Snape’s firm belief that Harry should be detained on time, so it is a pity that he did not come to the party today.

As Ryan guessed, Slughorn focused his attention on McLagen, because McLagen knew many top figures. For example, during a large part of the party, I was listening to McLagen about how he went hunting with a group of big men in the Ministry of Magic last time. For the rest of the time, most of the time I was listening to Slughorn nagging how famous his former students were. But looking at the dinner served today, Ryan maintained a humble, deaf ear gesture throughout.

However, Slughorn is also a very communicative person. Although the focus is on McLaggen, it does not make other people feel cold. For example, during the banquet, he praised Ryan’s alchemy and Hermione’s excellent academic level. And while everyone was eating dessert after the meal, the arrival of Holyhead Habi team captain Gwenog Jones pushed the banquet atmosphere again.

The banquet didn’t end until nine o’clock in the evening. When Ryan and Hermione returned to the common room, they just saw Harry coming back from Snape.

“Good evening, how is your party today?” Harry greeted feebly. It is not a pleasant job to pick out the rotten Flobe caterpillars from the good ones, especially the caterpillars also have an unpleasant smell.

“Fortunately, the taste of the meal is very good.” Lane nodded and nodded intently. , Or listen to McLagan bragging about how many famous big men he knows. “

“It doesn’t sound as appealing as I thought, but it should be better than the bugs picked from a pile of dead caterpillars.” Harry shrugged.

“But at the end there was a leader of the Holyhead Harby team, Gwenog Jones. But we were not interested in both Quidditch, so we didn’t say a few words to her at all.”

“The two of you are really, alas!” Harry regretted it all at once. The Holyhead Habi team is a strong Quidditch team with a history of nearly 800 years. It is a great thing for Quidditch lovers to get close to their captain.

“But we helped you get her signature.” Ryan handed Harry a photo of Gwenog Jones’s signature. “I just mentioned it a little. Unfortunately you didn’t go. Professor Slughorn took the initiative.” Helped us get this autographed photo. “

“Thank you so much!” Harry said after taking the autograph, he felt that this evening was not a bad night.

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