Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 509 - Hands on

Ryan’s preparation for Evelyn was not particularly complicated, and by that evening they had already moved everything they needed to the ground. These included the first dug box containing Imorgan’s internal organs, the box containing the Sun Sutra found at the foot of the sun **** sculpture, and finally they found the sarcophagus containing the immon mummy at the foot of the death **** sculpture.

“Is this?” Evelyn asked as he looked at the half-bottle of bright red liquid that Ryan had handed over, because she had just seen Ryan and Hermione fill a half-bottle of liquid in a silver cup just now, and then drank it all at once. Go on.

“Doping.” Ryan explained: “Some of the work we need to complete overnight, if everything goes well, we can solve the possible curse problem at 12 noon tomorrow.”

The following night, Ryan and they built a three-story circular altar over two people tall. Then put the sarcophagus whose black smoke was solidified into substance from the perspective of Ryan’s eyes, and placed it on the altar, then opened the space door and took out a sack. The sack of sunlight crystal began to inlay on the altar. In order to avoid the reaction caused by the devil, this process must be completely manual, so in addition to Gil, who may induce the guy in the coffin to come alive, the five people are busy for one night and increase the whole altar for half an morning.

“That’s not a gem. You don’t have to put it in your pocket.” After eating, watching Jonathan sit for a moment, the pants pocket lighted up like the camera’s flash. Ryan said helplessly, “The sun crystallizes if you really like it. I can give you a pocket, but please do n’t deduct it from this, it will be related to the lives of each of us for a while. “

After inspecting the altar, Ryan ordered the robot to dig eight large pits in the east, west, south, and north directions around the altar, and then filled them all with 30 cubic crystals of sunlight.

“Okay, the next step is the last step. We need to open this coffin and expose the mummy that is the source of the curse to the natural environment.” Watching the sun in the sky was about to climb to the highest place, Lane told everyone Speaking.

In his last life, Ryan saw that many traversers came to this world in the novel, but they all brought Immorton back to life without exception. Afterwards, they all fought against Imerton in a variety of ways. In the end, they had to pay a lot of money to kill Iraq. Morton. In the process, the ten disasters caused by Imerton also killed a large number of innocent people.

Ryan couldn’t figure out how these peers knew how the plot would bring this guy back to life, although his love story was sympathetic. But after 3,000 years of torment, Imerton has completely transformed into an extremely evil spirit. It can be seen from the story that he basically does not treat people as people, and slaughter those innocent people at will. In the face of such a guy, Ryan felt that it was the best choice to wipe him out completely.

So this time Ryan found that he simply chose a solution once and for all in this world. Before that, he had always carried that key in his own space bag. I do n’t know if it is the reason why other world planes will like it. Under the influence of the cosmic consciousness encountered by other colleagues, Evelyn can get the key to read the resurrection spell anyway. Morton remained quiet in his coffin and did not come out.

After Ryan greeted, five people walked up the altar along the steps of the altar. Ryan took the key out of the space bag, opened it, looked at it, and then stuffed it in the same way as the hexagonal groove on the coffin. Twisted, a small click sound came from the coffin, which meant that the organ inside was opened.

“Let’s see what the source of this curse is.” Ryan said and put a bubble head curse on everyone with Hermione. Afterwards, the four men slammed the coffin lid open.

“This is impossible.” Evelyn exclaimed again and again after seeing what was in the coffin. Because the mummy lying in the coffin had a big hole in his head and the boss opened his mouth, but it wasn’t the dryness it should be. Instead, the skin and muscles are only a little bit spoiled, and most of the rest are intact.

“No.” Hermione didn’t know much about archaeology, but after Ryan saw death in so many worlds on the sidewalk, she found that the body in front of him was more like a death within a month than it was. It has been dead for three thousand years.

At this time Jonathan glanced over his head in an attempt to find possible gold and silver jewelry funerary in the coffin, but was disappointed to find that there was nothing here. However, after a careful search, he found that there were many long marks deep in the wooden board on the inside of the coffin cover that was lifted off. “What is this?”

“Human finger marks.” Ryan said after making a gesture with his hand on the coffin cover. “Combining that there is no linen wrapped around this mummy and a little bit of ashes from the rotten linen found in the corner of the coffin, we can infer this mummy. It was put into a coffin alive. So he was struggling to remove the linen. “

As soon as the words fell, everyone on the altar gasped. Even if Ryan and Hermione used to have blood stained on their hands, but as Ryan thought, the killing was not too much, so the murder was too much.

“And more than that.” Ryan said as he took out the skeletons of several black bugs from the ashes at the bottom of the coffin. “This is some kind of carnivorous beetle. They not only kept this person alive in the coffin, but poured it into it.” Carnivorous beetle. “

“The punishment of insect bite.” Evelyn looked at the situation and recognized exactly what was going on. “This is the most vicious and irreversible curse of ancient Egypt. In the records, they never used this punishment, because the legendary people who received this punishment will be resurrected in the future, and then bring great disaster to the entire Egypt.”

Speaking of this, Evelyn turned her head ugly and looked at Ryan and Hermione and asked, “So, he is the source of the curse you said. If it is someone who has been punished by insects, it is indeed eligible to be punished. Called a huge evil. “

“Death is just the beginning.” Hermione also recognized the meaning of the ancient Egyptian text engraved on the coffin cover by Imorton’s finger at this time ~ ~ She looked at Ryan and said. “Does he come back from death like us?”

“Also?” Jonathan, who stood idly by this time, heard the word Hermione said, and then looked at Ryan and Hermione with shocked eyes, but Ryan ignored his eyes and said to Evelyn: “Okay Next, we are going to hold a magic ritual to completely eliminate the evil. You and your brother are just ordinary people, and I suggest you better evacuate outside the ruins. “

“Okay.” Evelyn nodded and turned to leave with his brother, while Rose Crystal followed them to protect them. But the two did not go far, but walked out of the outermost wall for a distance, then stood behind a sand pile and looked at the direction of the altar with a telescope.

Lane discovered this, but he said nothing. Instead, he went to the altar with Hermione to open the two boxes containing the scriptures, and then moved the holy urns with Ansuna’s internal organs to the mummy beside the altar.

“Did you feel it?” Ryan asked Hermione after placing the two sutras on each side of the altar.

“Feel it.” Hermione nodded. “When we first opened the box, we were calibrated by a breath of death, but it was easy to erase this with our strength.”

“No need to erase.” Ryan said, “Now you are trying to use the power of death to attract all the things in this remnant that have the same breath of death.

Hermione nodded, then gestured with both hands, and soon a faint black mist flowed from her fingertips, and flowed along the ground a little to those ruins. Soon after, the voice came from the underground.

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