Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 512 - ending

Three days later, at the exit of Hamnata, thousands of camels and horses were carrying packages full of gold and silver jewelry. Standing beside these pack beasts are more than 3,000 descendants of heavily armed pharaoh bodyguards.

And Adebe is saying goodbye to Ryan at this time, “Thank you so much, you will be the father of our motherland in the future.”

The reason why Adebe said this is because Ryan gave them a lot of instruction books that he had brought from Heaven before learning that they did not know where to go. Then they instructed them to go to the south where the British colonists and the Kingdom of Egypt ruled weakly to establish their bases. By the way, they left most of the large piles of gold and silver jewelry as interest-free long-term loans to them, and told them to use these wealth. People go outside to learn knowledge and purchase materials.

These instructions gave Adebe great help, and then he ordered some people to go to the south to investigate the situation, and the brigade came here to transport Lane to give them treasure.

“I wish you a smooth journey.” Ryan waved goodbye to Adebe on his horse and was about to leave. In the previous agreement, after the tribes of the descendants of the pharaoh guards arrived in the south to settle down, various materials would take priority under the same conditions. Procurement from Ryan, so when Adebe left, for trade convenience, Ryan gave him a gold defense bracelet, and a beacon on the top could provide Ryan with his location so that Ryan could find him next time.

For Ryan, who owns several countries, he does not lack these golds. Now he borrows these golds as interest-free loans to the descendants of the pharaoh guards. Lane and several of his countries will benefit greatly from this trade, which is much better than moving gold away.

“Ah, why are you so generous? Why are we busy all this time?” Jonathan and his sister Evelyn came out from behind a sculpture, watching the camel team slowly walk away with the camel bell ringing. As he walked, he complained bitterly in his mouth.

“But even if you give so many valuable things to you, you can’t keep it. You may even be killed by these wealth. And I’m giving you just enough for you to let you accomplish your own dreams,” Ryan said. Pointing to the three camels lying next to each other, each camel has two full pockets stuffed with various gold products.

“I understand, and thank you very much for your gift to us. But I still feel a little bit distressed–” But just now Jonathan was hit by Evelyn’s elbow on her chest. “Shut up! It’s people’s money. It’s your turn to express different views here.”

After that, Evelyn turned her head and said to Ryan: “I ’m glad you gave us a gift. I think I will soon fulfill my dream of becoming an archaeologist, and I think it ’s one to fund a group of people to pursue their dreams. A very great thing. “

“Ah, thank you for your compliment.” Lane smiled. “Okay, I have to wait here for my fiancee to learn what she wants to learn. What do you want to do next?”

“Of course I left here with you. Anyway, when Adebe left, they left enough water and food for a long time. I just took this opportunity to study the legendary ruins.

In the following time, when Ryan was okay, she had been with Hermione in the lower room to study the power of death in this world, while Evelyn kept taking pictures and recordings throughout the ruins. Her brother Jonathan was Helplessly accompanied her to wander around the entire ruins, because for Jonathan, he prefers to spend time in the bar instead of facing a pile of ancient stone sculptures in this desert.

A week after Adebe left, Hermione finally completed her analysis of the death rules of the world. Because a few months ago, she had fully analyzed the rules of death behind the arch of the Ministry of Magic. So this time we only need to find some differences in the same rules of the world. This saves a lot of time required for de novo analysis.

“How long have I been studying here?” Hermione asked Ryan who had been with her after finishing her body.

“It’s been ten days today, which is already very fast.” Ryan said after taking the two heavy books passed by Hermione into the space bag. “what do you think?”

“Excellent.” Hermione raised her eyebrows and said to Ryan, “After exposure to the same or similar rules in these different worlds, I found that by comparing their different studies, I could grasp death more quickly. Rules. For example, although the resurrection spell I learned in this world cannot be used in our world due to the different rules of the two worlds, it allows me to more accurately understand the core of the death rules and the power of the life and death cycle that I have mastered. “

“That’s good. After all, the war in our hometown has fully erupted. At this time, the more powerful we are, the more chance we have.” Lane also nodded with a smile.

On the way back to the ground, Lane told Hermione how she handled the wealth here. Hermione believes that Ryan did a great job, “-hoarding gold and silver jewelry has no use at all, only the money in circulation can be called money. And you use this money to invest in a group of people is a great thing practice–“

Listening to what Hermione said, Ryan couldn’t help but smile in the corner of her mouth. It is really a lucky thing to find someone who is in sync with your own thoughts.

“Can we go back to Cairo now?” Evelyn, with the help of Ryan using magic, has printed all the words and patterns in the ruins or photographed them with a camera. Fortunately, Adebe left At that time, enough camels were left to allow them to take away a few cannabis bags.

“Yes, it’s all done, let’s go!” Lane responded in a relaxed tone.

Half a month later, Ryan and Hermione bid farewell to the Evelyn brothers and sisters who took the passenger ship to the UK on the pier. After gaining a fortune, Evelyn could finally go to the university she wanted to study in. On the one hand, her brother is worried that her sister, who has been dependent on herself since the death of her parents, has been bullied in the UK. On the other hand, she has a lot of money and wants to go to the real prosperous place to go for a good stroll, not want to stay in Egypt. Bad place to eat sand ~ ~ so naturally followed.

Of course, they were n’t idle for Ryan in the last half of the month. After returning to Cairo eight days ago, Evelyn and Jonathan were naturally busy cashing out those gold and silver jewellery and applying for a series of jobs, such as college. Lynn learned about the legend of the Scorpion Emperor, and then spent two days with Hermione on a broom to find the temple with the Scorpion Emperor’s bracelet and brought out the bracelet, and the previous one from Hamnata The spears of judgment found in a pile of jewels were put together.

Through another sacrificial activity by Ryan, the power on the bracelet and the spear of judgment was once again taken away by the local deity. But the two things left can still provide a lot of knowledge: the knowledge on the bracelet is the seal and the seal is unlocked, and the knowledge on the spear of judgment is to maximize the energy into lethality, in order to create the greatest Monomer destruction. These two things are more valuable to Lane than all ordinary gold and silver treasures in Hamnattari.

“I really don’t understand why these ancient people always like to seal those big devil kings. Fortunately, our world does not have this habit, otherwise our trouble now is definitely not just the guy who has no nose and is bald.” Hermione was at the time After listening to the story about the Scorpion King, there are such comments.

“So, our ancestors in the world are still a lot of good people! For example, Haierbo, who cultivated the basilisk, used the monster to carry out several large-scale attacks and was directly caught with fire and burned with his soul. Today, we do n’t have to face the enemies that have emerged from the coffins like the hapless ones here. ”Ryan expressed absolute agreement with Hermione ’s point of view. Saving the world is a great thing, but saving the world every day. It’s too bad to face different enemies.

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