Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 515 - New magic

In the following month, Ryan began to study the four artifacts brought out from the mummy world on the one hand, and on the other hand, he continued to teach everyone in the book club to learn magic. After a month of learning, everyone learned to stab , Fireball, wind dart and water mist four magic. The first three can be used together to attack, and the last one can form a large fog to cover the enemy’s sight.

“Why don’t we teach you some defensive magic similar to the Iron Mantra?” Hermione couldn’t help asking at the end of the last party before Christmas.

“Please, we can’t measure everyone’s ability according to our magic level.” Ryan looked helpless. “We have enough magic and magical knowledge to use magic to turn out a shield that can block the life-spelling spell. Just like Harry told us what Dumbledore did when he was fighting the mysterious man in the hall of the Ministry of Magic. But we Students ca n’t do this. The magic I teach them is definitely not the most powerful and complicated, but the set of magic best suited to their current state. ”

“A set of magic?” Hermione asked curiously. “You only taught four magics. Where can you tell that this is a set of magic? Don’t tell me because you have four elements of earth, water, fire and wind. A set of such statements came out. “

“There is this reason.” Ryan scratched his head in embarrassment, and then found Hermione’s teasing eyes quickly looking at herself. “But this is only a secondary reason. I would n’t name it that way because it ’s so simple. You see, fireball will explode and burn. It ’s a range of attack magic. The wind dart has the smallest volume and the fastest attack speed. A good single attack magic. The ground stab technique can change the terrain and be used for sneak attacks, which can be regarded as the magic to limit the enemy. And the last water mist technique can form a large fog to cover the enemy’s sight and absorb the fog. The voice of the middleman can be used to hide oneself or escape. “

“So, it makes sense that you said you taught a set of magic.” Hermione nodded. “Although these magics are simple, they can meet most of the needs in combat, which is already great.”

“That’s of course. It’s not false that I have experienced so many battles.” Ryan showed a proud look. “So I will naturally choose the best path for everyone.”

In the last few days before Christmas, there was heavy snow for several days. The thick snow enveloped the world outside the castle, turning everything white, and even the window of the castle was frozen with ice.

Hagrid, even if he had become a professor, still brought the twelve Christmas trees that are indispensable in the auditorium every year as usual; holly and metal foil were wrapped around the stair railing; long candles flashed in the armor helmet A large bunch of mistletoe hung in every section of the corridor.

As the Ministry of Magic ’s struggle was known last year, there were always a lot of girls gathered under the mistletoe waiting for Harry to pass by alone. Fortunately, Harry’s frequent night trips made him familiar with the secret passages in the castle, and he was able to bypass the route with mistletoe during the class with him alone without difficulty.

Ginny loved and hated the situation now. She hated the girls who saw Harry like a hungry wolf found meat, but she was happy that Harry’s time with him had increased.

And Ron laughed every time he saw Harry’s embarrassment. He used to be jealous when he was a single dog, but now he just looks at Harry’s depressed face with joy.

Ryan also discovered at this time that Lavender Brown, although occasionally nervous, was actually a very smart girl. For example, in the recent period, Ryan discovered that the girl didn’t have the intimacy with Ron as in the original text, just like a pair of eels stuck together, but looked very reserved. But Hermione told Ryan that her roommate would be more outgoing when she was dating Ron alone.

“I think she hides sensitivity and anxiety under her passionate and bold behavior, so she is trying to adapt to the new role of Ron ’s girlfriend. For example, in non-private occasions, she will try to restrain her behavior and avoid causing us. It ’s better to have a relationship with Ron and wait for someone ’s dissatisfaction. ”Hermione told Ryan on the way to the library for homework.

At the end of the assignment, the two discussed the Christmas party at Slughorn. Because both of them received the invitation letter before.

“I actually asked to wear a formal dress to attend, which means that I need to wear high heels. I don’t know why the wizards will learn the popular style of Muggles. After every time I go back to this formal party ~ ~ Feeling sore. “

“It’s okay, today I’ll get you a bottle of potion. After attending the party, you go back to the dormitory and wipe your feet to make sure you don’t hurt immediately.” Ryan comforted.

But in any case, Christmas is still coming in anticipation. Especially now that the overall environment has become increasingly tense, the school has tried its best to make the banquet rich before Christmas holidays, hoping to relax everyone.

Naturally, such an evening will not disappoint everyone who stays in the school. Some gifts were placed under the twelve Christmas trees in the auditorium. Every student in school can get a copy.

When the banquet started, Ryan chatted with the students around him, only to find that the students who stayed in the school this year’s planned holiday were second only to the year when the ball was held in the fourth grade. This is because some parents chose to take their children to leave the UK. At the same time, another part of the parents think that Hogwarts Castle is the safest place in the UK in this case, and hope that the children can stay here as much as possible.

After Professor Dumbledore spent less than three minutes to make a pre-Christmas blessing ~ ~ some small programs were put on stage. Ryan also saw the performance of the Hogwarts Chorus deleted in the movie.

They sang the song “Jingle Bells”, and the small Professor Flivi stood in front of everyone in a tuxedo wearing a black bow tie, and the command of the wide open arms was the only regret, because this song The song is relatively cheerful, so each member of the choir just beats with a small copper bell, and there is no harmony of toads.

After that, the rich final meal made every little wizard enjoy, but it was a bit of a torment for the students who will go to the Slughorn party later, because they ca n’t eat so much that they will be in front of many celebrities. Rude. This is especially true for girls wearing complex dresses and makeup. Ryan sees that Ginny can only give up the chicken legs like her brother Ron due to the makeup on her face, but can only eat some that can be cut with a knife Food in small pieces.

Unlike the strict prohibition on makeup in Lane ’s last lifetime, in Britain, makeup is even a courtesy. If you do n’t wear makeup when attending an important party, it will even be considered rude. Of course, this does not mean that you must wear heavy makeup, as long as it is suitable for yourself to participate in such parties.

Near eight o’clock, Ryan took Hermione away from the long table to prepare for Slughorn’s party. At this time, Harry, Ginny and the people who had been invited also got up and left the auditorium.

“Hey, I wish you have a good time.” Ron said vaguely, because his mouth was full of roast turkey,

“The same is true for you.” Ryan waved goodbye to Ron before leaving the auditorium.

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