Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 518 - Emergencies

The day after the Christmas party at Slughorn, Hogwarts Express began to send some of its leaving students to London. On a piece of ground that seemed to be white because of the thick snow, the red train locomotive brought a touch of light to this quiet ground.

“Malfoy and Snape talked quietly last night. I think they must be preparing a conspiracy.” At the inquiry of his girlfriend Ginny, Harry began to tell the five people sitting in the box what he heard last night.

“Snape seemed worried about Malfoy, but Malfoy dismissed him.” Harry whispered to Ryan, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny who had come over: “Snape thought Malfoy might Was expelled, but Malfoy said that Katie ’s control of Soul Charm had nothing to do with him. Then he talked about his learning of Occlumency from Bellatrix, and about someone who gave him a job. Is doing, talking about that he does not need black magic defense. Snape said that he and Malfoy ’s mother made an unbreakable vow to protect Malfoy and will help him. By the way, Crabbe and Goyle are Malfoy. ‘S assistant. “

“Unbreakable vows?” Ron opened his eyes wide. “Unbreakable vows can’t be broken. Once broken, the result is death. When I was five years old, Fred and George wanted me to stand up. I almost stood up. Well, I already shook hands with Fred, and was discovered by my father. He was mad. This was the only time I saw my father get angry like his mother. “

“So I think Malfoy must be doing something dangerous, evil, and Snape knows. Otherwise, they don’t need to use the unbreakable oath.” Harry finally concluded.

“I think you’re right.” Ginny, who sat side by side with Harry, said tightly in his hand. “I believe you.”

“Professor Snape—shouldn’t it be a conspiracy with Malfoy?” Hermione said hesitantly, and she was still more willing to believe in certain authorities. “Not to mention that Professor Dumbledore trusted him.”

“Of course.” Looking at Harry with their uncomfortable eyes, Ryan shook Hermione’s hand hard and then said: “Because we don’t have any solid evidence to prove that Malfoy is actually doing anything evil, let alone. Conclusive evidence proves that Professor Snape is also part of the conspiracy. To know that Snape is a member of the Order of the Phoenix, without the support of detailed evidence, our allegations are inappropriate. “

“But what we can’t deny is.” Lane paused and said, “Malfoe must be doing something secretly in school, and Snape knows. In the current war, we do this thing The worst plan and preparation are also necessary, so Harry, you need to tell Professor Dumbledore this news when you next class. “

“That’s right, Dumbledore is number one. I may have to talk to Daddy Ron and Sirius.” Harry should have come, and he waved his fist vigorously.

Ron also wanted to say something at this time to express his support for his buddy, but a light knock was heard from the box door, and Ryan saw Lavender Brown waving at Ron through the glass window. Ron walked to the door after discovering her, and when they opened the door, the two whispered something, and Lavender left.

“In short, Harry, I support you unconditionally.” Ron said to Harry after sitting back, “And, you and Sirius, they will come to the Burrow earlier this year, of course, I also hope Ryan and He Min, you can come to the Burrow as a guest. “

On the next trip, Ron found an opportunity to leave the box, it seems that he should go to date Lavender at the last time before the holiday.

Early the next morning, Ryan and they just finished their breakfast and were ready to pack up and go to the Norwegian plantation as planned. Rose Crystal suddenly came out of the Wanjie grocery store and told them that some emergency happened.

“The family of Karen in” Twilight “sent us an urgent request for help, my brother.” Just as Ryan and their baggage walked to the hall, the puppet suddenly jumped from a blue-emitting space The door flew out to speak, and then handed over a piece of paper. “I found it from the same cottage we used to stay when I visited the world as usual, and they were looking for us through the contact information we left before we left.”

This piece of paper is actually a postcard. It only says that the Karen family is in some kind of fatal crisis and needs Ryan’s help.

“I think we are going to see Lupin and their werewolves an hour later.” Lane said. “Let’s see what happened to the Karen family first.”

The two passed through the space door and came to the cabin in the world of “Twilight”. They happened to see Brie coming from outside. After seeing Ryan, he came over and said excitedly. “You are finally here, I thought you would not come.”

“What happened?” Hermione pulled Brie and asked, “We rushed over as soon as we saw your message.”

“That’s it—” Brie stabilized the excitement after seeing them and explained to them what happened recently. Five minutes later, they finally figured out what happened recently.

“That is to say, because Bella’s daughter Renee May has now been discovered by the Volturi family, so they want to kill the baby under the name of a ban for self-interest, is this true?” After telling the story, Ryan summarized these things.

“Yes.” Brie nodded and said to Ryan, “That’s why you need help. Although we have already found 17 people before, and also brought in the Quirut werewolf, these and Wall The Turi family still has a significant gap in strength. So I asked you for help. “

“We’ll do our best.” Hermione said, “It’s really hard to tolerate killing an innocent baby for personal gain. By the way, is the Karen family still living in the original house?”

After receiving an affirmative answer, Ryan and their phantom appeared at the door of the Karen family’s big house. The house looks full of people, and there are a few vampires in the woods outside the house who are practicing fighting ~ ~ including Bella and Edward. After discovering the sudden appearance of Ryan and them, a young woman with long blond hair charged with electricity in her hands, while the man with brown skin on the other side who looked like a Middle Eastern man opened his hands and released a wind blade.

“Stop, they are friends.” Bella shouted after seeing the coming, but it was still late, and the attacks of the two vampires had arrived. But Ryan just waved his right hand gently, and the ring on the right hand gave a white light directly to the flying vampires and their attacks. In this way, it seemed that Bella said more to Ryan. of.

“Nice to see you.” After a little explanation, Ryan and Hermione began to meet the vampires who came to help under the introduction of Bella, such as the electric shock female Kate, and Benjamin from Egypt who can manipulate natural elements. It was the man who released a wind blade.

After learning that Ryan was the earliest provider of Dragon’s Blood, these vampires all expressed their gratitude to Ryan. Because of the existence of dragon blood fruit, the chance of being discovered by humans has been greatly reduced. In addition, they were also shocked by Ryan’s strength. I can’t believe that pure humans also have powerful powers comparable to vampires.

After chatting for a few days, everyone returned to the Karen’s house together, and Renesmee surprised Ryan and Hermione. Because in front of them is a little girl who looks six or seven years old.

“We seem to be away for only a few months?” Hermione opened her mouth in surprise. “Does the vampire grow so fast?”

“We don’t know.” Bella said, “Because in theory, vampires don’t have children, we don’t know what this is all about. For me, as long as Renesmee grows healthy, enough.”

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