Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 533 - Subsequent events

Once the items in the highest-secret vault in Guling Pavilion are lost, it will often shock the entire British wizarding world and even the European wizarding world, such as the unsuccessful robbery of Voldemort and Chilo in the first grade of Lane. https: // But even if they did not succeed, all the newspapers and magazines in the wizarding world were covering this matter. Later, the fairies spent a lot of money in order to suppress this matter, and also spent a greater price to upgrade the security system. x

So on the second day after returning from Gu Ling Pavilion, Ryan confirmed that when Dumbledore took him to Gu Ling Pavilion to take out the gold cup, no one noticed. Because the front page of the Daily Prophet is the Ministry of Magic ’s latest security decree, it requires that every wizard who enters the Ministry of Magic, Saint Mungo and the International Flying Road departure station must undergo a security check. After turning the newspaper over and over and reading it several times, Ryan was relieved, and he could be sure that there was no news about Guling Pavilion.

“What did you do with the principal yesterday?” Hermione asked at this time while sitting next to Lane, eating a jam bread, while passing the Phoenix mark on his forearm.

“Go to Gu Ling Pavilion to get something. The principal thought that it might be one of the mysterious human Horcruxes.” Ryan told Hermione straightforwardly, as a person qualified to know the existence of Voldemort Horcrux, told her that these things are there necessary.

“This is the first Horcrux we have destroyed. The mysterious man has a problem.” Even through the soul link, Ryan heard Hermione’s surprise. She recently recognized the importance of the integrity of the soul after studying the rules of death, so she did not dare to signal that Voldemort, who is farther away than everyone else on the road to immortality, would make such a low-level mistake.

“As far as I know, when the mysterious man was born, the Gunter family was completely defeated, so even if he is a descendant of Slytherin, he has not received much Slytherin’s inheritance, except for the half he got from the secret room. Except for the dangerous body transformation technique of hair loss and nose. All his knowledge was acquired from Hogwarts from the classroom and later during school. In this case, it is normal that the knowledge he acquired is flawed. “

“Just like ordinary people who have some common sense in the magic world who are unclear.” Hermione reacted immediately. “Fortunately, we don’t understand common sense at all, but it is a little flawed in the process of improving our strength. It ’s absolutely terrible. Fortunately, the knowledge we have acquired is systematic, and there will be no such problems. Why, how did my Hermes come? ”

Ryan looked over his head at this time, and a big guy who was more than one circle larger than the other owls flew over, and then dropped a small note in front of Ryan.

“Whose letter is this?” Ryan picked up the note and unfolded it. It turned out to be the principal’s note again, asking when Ryan would be able to clean up the soul piece on this Horcrux, and asked if he could let him observe on the edge. a bit.

It seems that Principal Dumbledore still has some doubts about himself, Ryan thought, but this is also normal. As the saying goes, old people, ghosts and spirits, Dumbledore, who can live more than 100 years old, will definitely be cautious on this important issue. Also cautious. Ryan would be upset if he did n’t raise the matter at this time.

In this case, Ryan also felt that he did not need to spend time on this matter, he directly took out the quill pen and a small piece of parchment from the schoolbag and wrote on it: This afternoon. Then let Hermes send the letter to Professor Dumbledore.

“I think it looks thinner.” Watching Hermes fly away, Hermione whispered.

“No, it’s just healthier after more exercise. You know it is a large owl that can fly on international routes. After eating and sleeping in the owl hut all day long, it will only grow fat and hurt its health. Look at it now After sending letters to our parents twice in a month, we did n’t look much better than before. ”

“You said the same.” Hermione nodded and ate her breakfast. After finishing the class in the morning, Ryan received the principal’s note, and agreed above that Ryan went to the principal’s office to find him after class this afternoon. Then, at the end of the note, the password of today’s office: chocolate sandwich.

“It’s just that I can’t wait. After all, the elimination of Voldemort is the principal’s primary goal. The principal will be at the forefront of all things related to this.” Ryan thought as he watched the note burn to ashes in his hands.

After the afternoon class, Ryan appeared in Dumbledore’s office on time. When the oak door opened, he saw the principal sitting on the high-back chair as usual, his eyes fixed on the Hufflepuff gold cup on the table.

“I’m sorry to call you over again today.” Dumbledore raised his head and said in an apologetic tone when Ryan was found over. “Maybe you think I don’t trust you so much, but please forgive me as an old man. Because this matter is so important.”

“Mr. Principal, you don’t need to explain, I can understand.” Ryan said that as someone who has experienced war, he knows that this kind of thing that involves many lives can’t be too careful. And as the greatest white wizard and headmaster of Hogwarts, it was very good to explain directly to his young students face-to-face.

At least Ryan felt that this was already much higher than Dumbledore ’s proud pupil Harry, who did n’t find out the truth until the principal died. x

“Ah, I want to thank you for your understanding.” Dumbledore laughed. “Okay, where do you think it is more appropriate for us to deal with this gold cup”

“I hope there is no one.” Lane said seriously. “Because it’s not easy to remove that soul solely by my ability, I will use some external force, but then the movement will be great.”

“I see.” Dumbledore nodded. “If you are ready, let’s go.”

“It’s really a good thing to have a phoenix as a pet, at least it’s convenient to go out.” After a burst of fire appeared on a cliff, Ryan looked at Dumbledore’s Phoenix Fox with some envy. But he also knows that Dumbledore’s ability to focus on Fox is purely because his family has a good heritage. The whole magic except this one does not have the second Phoenix as a private pet.

“What is this place?” Ryan looked at his surroundings and asked ~ ~ because he found that he was actually in an isolated island, surrounded by dark water.

“This is an island on the North Sea.” Dumbledore explained. “This island did not appear on the map of Muggles. It used to be a transit point for ships that were transported to Azkaban, but it was abandoned after the Feilu network became popular. I only happened by accident Knowing the existence of this place, I can guarantee that no one else will bother you here. “

“Then it’s okay.” Ryan moved, as usual to build an altar and depict the runes. Then put enough supplies, such as a large pile of sunlight crystals, silver plates inlaid with gold runes. Another example is the obsidian carved with runes. In the process Dumbledore remained quiet and stood by the side until Ryan signaled that his preparation was over.

“Alchemy is always so complicated, but every time you look at it, you can feel the extraordinary beauty.” Dumbledore said, “Yes, is there anything I need to do now?”

“All you need is to give me that gold cup.” Ryan said, “I will use the alchemy circle to separate the soul from such magic props in a while, and then use Sky Thunder to completely destroy the soul.”

“It sounds very good.” Dumbledore nodded and took the gold cup out of a box and handed it to Ryan, while pulling out his old wand. “Then I will pay attention to the surroundings for you here. You can operate with confidence. I promise that no one will come to disturb your magic ritual.” Div

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