Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 535 - Horcrux History

“Albus, how can you show Ryan such a dangerous black magic book? You have to know that he is not even an adult.” Professor McGonagall’s voice came from the principal’s office. After confirming the unbreakable oath, Professor Dumbledore chose Professor McGonagall as a witness, but Professor McGonagall immediately expressed his dissatisfaction when he knew the content of the oath.

“Mileva, this is related to many innocent lives.” Dumbledore watched Professor McGonagall explain seriously, “I also know that this knowledge is very dangerous, but it is already the safest way to do so.”

“The safest course? Albus, I don’t know when we need to put such a young child to the front?” Professor McGonagall asked angrily after listening to Professor Dumbledore’s explanation.

“I also don’t want to do this, but I think Ryan is no longer an ordinary child. He has enough will and strength to solve this problem, and now only he can solve the problems we face.”

“Yes, Mr. Principal is right.” Lane also nodded beside him. “All this is voluntary, please help me!”

Under the persuasion of Lane and Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall was finally willing to be this witness. After she nodded, Professor Dumbledore stood up from the chair, and then walked to the table to hold Ryan’s right hand with her right hand. Professor McGonagall took the wand from his body and nodded the head of the wand on the two hands they held.

“Ryan, would you never use the black magic of Horcrux?” Dumbledore asked.

“I do.” Ryan said. As he spoke, a thin, dazzling tongue of fire spewed out of Professor McGonagall’s wand, like a red and hot metal wire, wrapped around the two hands they held.

“Are you willing to do your best to keep these secrets and not let these evil knowledge spread from you?”

“I do.” Ryan said. The second tongue of fire spewed out of the wand and entwined with the first, forming a thin, red chain. Like a rope, like a flaming snake.

“So, the oath is established.” Professor McGonagall announced that the flame chain that had previously wrapped around the hands of Principal Ryan and Dumbledore disappeared instantly, which means that the oath was established.

“Okay, you can read this book now.” When Professor McGonagall left the principal’s office, Dumbledore pulled out a black book with a copper cover around the corner and spine of the cover from the locked drawer Passed it to Ryan, and then said: “For security reasons, you can only read this book in my office, not take it out.”

“Got it, I should finish reading this book soon.” Ryan said, taking the book with both hands, only to find that the book was only a thin one, and the feel was definitely not the feel of parchment.

“This is-a human book?” After touching the cover of the book, Ryan recognized the material of the book. Because when the radiation world cleaned up the mutant predators, he had seen more than one human skin.

“Yes.” Dumbledore nodded. “This is the human skin made by the author after digging a dozen tombs, because in the past people thought that this kind of soul-related book was the best recorded on human skin, and this book was released a few decades ago. In the Hogwarts district, but after Voldemort made the Horcrux, I put away this book. “

“It doesn’t sound too bad.” Ryan shrugged, which was much better than radiating the world’s mutants and peeling the skin alive, and Dumbledore’s way of putting away this book also understood. It’s like for security reasons, there will be no detailed process flow charts about some weapons or some bad medicine production in the general university library.

Therefore, Ryan felt that it was not necessary to be the same as the victim of delusion. He always felt that as long as the principal put away some books, he would suppress the younger generation. Those who really want to suppress the students are those pure-blood families who read their books at home and prefer to rotten their books at home rather than take them out.

After thinking about these chores, Ryan began to observe the book carefully. Only then did he discover that the cover of the original book had gold letters, but now it has all been eroded by time.

“The Road to Eternal Life” Ryan spelled out the name of this Latin document through the lights in the principal’s office. Although the title of the book had bragging elements, he also had to admit that the Horcrux was indeed a genius idea. It’s just that this flaw of immortality is too great.

After opening the book, Ryan discovered that it was a manuscript. The scribes used magic ink mixed with dragon blood and mandela grass juice to confirm that the book could be spread for a long time. In addition to the main content and some illustrations, the reader’s experience in describing the blank space between the lines will let Ryan see the development history of Horcrux production.

The Horcrux originated from the mummy of ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptian wizards used magic to cut off a part of the body and cultivated it into another body of their own, so that when they were damaged beyond recovery, the soul would be abandoned The damaged body is resurrected with this spare body prepared in advance. This magic was later known to Muggles, but they did not know the specific situation. So there is a local habit of making mummies, and it is said that mummies can be resurrected.

Later, with the spread of this magic, some wizards who wished to obtain immortality improved this magic. The improved magic does not require the spare body to be én shaped in advance, so that this thing can be hidden in a small magic box, and the concealment is greatly increased. At the same time, the biggest difference from the previous one is that a part of the body was also cut out by a complex magic means at the same time as a part of the body.

In this way, the part protected by the special magic container and the effect of the passage of time on the soul will be suppressed to the minimum. Get a long life. At the same time, as long as the container is not found, the wizard cannot be killed. It’s just that they will be irreversibly damaged every time they are resurrected, so the number of resurrection is also limited.

And after the time has come to modern times, this magic has been improved again. The complex soul-cutting magic was replaced by killing ~ ~ At the same time, it is no longer necessary to cut off a part of the body, just need to cut the soul. This is how the real Horcrux production method is produced.

In this way, although the threshold for making Horcruxes has been greatly reduced and the production process has been simplified, it has also caused serious consequences. On the one hand, the magic that was originally only neutral is completely transformed into an evil black magic, so that the user’s body will receive additional damage when faced with magic such as lightning or holy light.

On the other hand, after the original body is destroyed, it cannot be directly resurrected like the previous two methods, but it needs to re-create a body through other means.

But even this simplified version of Horcrux is actually far more than the knowledge of a normal wizard. Ryan understood the content based on the knowledge collected in multiple worlds. Voldemort was an orphan in the past, and he could understand these things simply by his six years of experience in the magical world while living in Hogwarts. It is really a genius. .

Not to mention anything else, just learning Latin to a high degree at this time is very powerful. Ryan felt that he would never be able to do this if he didn’t take a gold finger.

It took five hours for Ryan to put down the “Road to Eternal Life” in his hand. Thanks to the previous power upgrade, he has improved his memory and understanding skills across a large step, which made him read this in a short time. The book.

“I think I’ve got a little clue.” Looking at the principal Dumbledore, who looked at him with concern, Ryan nodded. “But I need time.”

“This is already very good.” Principal Dumbledore collected the book, “Remember not to be impatient, we have enough time to wait. If the price of saving one innocent life is another innocent life, then such a rescue It is completely meaningless. “

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