Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 538 - Detoxification

Under the golden flame in the fireplace. Slughorn toasted and Ryan and they toasted, but Ryan nervously used the ring to initiate alchemy to check the contents of the glass after the glass was handed, and did not even pay attention to the professor’s toast. He can remember the original Rislaghorn took out a bottle of poisoned wine.

But Ryan couldn’t remember which kind of wine was selected in the original text of Slughorn, not to mention that he had seen several bottles of each kind of wine on the table that he just looked at, and naturally there was no way to determine which one. The bottle of wine is poisonous. Under such circumstances, he can’t always tell the professor that you have a bottle of wine poisonous, right? That kind of explanation is simply unclear.

For the same reason, Ryan can’t check the wine for poison with great fanfare. You can only use the ring to initiate a little alchemy check after the wine glass is in hand. However, due to concerns that the plot change would lead to better poisons, for the sake of ensuring the safety of all of you here, when Ryan opened the bottle in front of them in Slughorn, he would not take any damage to the human body while he was not careful The broad-spectrum antidote pill shot into the wine bottle.

Finally in the fifth second of getting the wine glass to start the alchemy, a black light flashed through the ring. He immediately shouted: “Don’t drink, the wine is poisonous.” But before his voice fell, he heard the sound of a cup falling to the ground. Hey, one less! Like to invite everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan updates the fastest.

After being poisoned, his cup slipped from his hands, and then the whole person lay down on the ground along the back of the chair. The limbs were twitching violently, foaming in the mouth, eyes protruding, and his face darkened quickly.

“Ron!” Harry yelled, crouching down to check Ron’s condition. Ron was twitching at this time, having difficulty breathing, his skin started to turn blue, and at the same time a blood vessel turned purple. obvious. Slughorn, the only adult in the room, seemed to be stunned and stammered, “How—but—” Fuck, there is another less! Zhai Shuyuan, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

After pulling out his wand and checking for a few seconds, Ryan breathed a long sigh of relief. Before that, he threw an antidote into the wine bottle in advance as a precaution, but in order to ensure that it is harmless, so The effect is not particularly good. Fortunately, the medicine did work, weakening part of the effect of the poison in the wine bottle, so don’t look at Ron’s just looking terrible, but the internal organs are not seriously damaged.

“At least it should be lighter than the original injury, which also means that he has done a good deed.” Lane said silently in his heart that if Ron died here today or suffered irreversible harm, he felt that he would be because of this Guilt for a lifetime.

Taking advantage of the chaos at this time, when everyone put all their attention on Ron, Ryan also quickly used the ring to launch another alchemy array to eliminate the trace of the antidote in the wine.

“How are you, Ron?” Ryan gave up after watching Ron calm down. Harry immediately shouted at Ron’s face. Japan, I ca n’t read it, and I ’m short of it! One second to remember, Zhai Shuyuan ().

In the morning, the school hospital was very quiet, pulling the curtains to let the sun shine through the curtains and gently spread on the patients. Only Ron’s bed was full of people. Harry, Hermione and Ginny all sat beside him. They waited for more than an hour outside the door, trying to look inside whenever someone went in or out. Madam Pomfrey let them in at nine o’clock. Fred and George arrived at 9:10.

“Lane? I must thank him face-to-face to save our younger brother.” Fred said while placing a spree on Ron’s bedside cabinet and sat down next to Ginny.

“Principal Dumbledore approached him, hoping to analyze something from him.” Hermione shrugged a little helplessly, “because he got a glass and reminded us that the wine was poisonous in seconds. , But Ron drank too anxiously. “

“My brother is really–” Ginny was the first time to know what was going on at the time. She was helplessly touching her forehead with her hand. “Can’t he slow down a little while he eats?”

The Weasley family members present felt a little embarrassed after hearing Hermione ’s words, because they found that if Ron was n’t so greedy this time, they could have avoided the disaster.

And while everyone in the school hospital gathered around Ron to discuss today’s affairs, Ryan was inquired in the principal’s office.

“Lane, how did you find the wine poisonous?” Dumbledore asked in the chair of the principal’s room and looked at the opposite Lion seriously.

“Because I have been studying these recently, Professor Dumbledore.” Lane had prepared the answer long ago. “Since the last time Mr. Weasley was bitten by a venomous snake, I have been thinking about the rescue after poisoning. At first I just wanted to be an antidote, but then I found that the poisoned person was required to quickly distinguish the effect of the poison at the moment of the poisoning. And it ’s too difficult to come up with the corresponding antidote, and even the most widely used broad-spectrum antidote **** stones are amazingly low. So I wanted to develop a mass-produced one that was enough to fight most of the market. Antidote to poison. “

He said that he took out a bottle from the space bag and handed it to Dumbledore. The bottle was very small, not so much a bottle as a capsule, which contained a little colorless and transparent liquid.

“In order to make an antidote, I naturally collected a large amount of poison as a control. When I was going to drink today, I smelled the smell of the poison in the bottle from the glass. I have to say that the poisoner is very smart and uses honey. The sweetness of the wine hides the bitterness of the poison. At the same time, the detector in Filch ’s hand ca n’t detect the poison, which allows him to bring this dangerous thing into the school. Fortunately, I have been studying these poisons for a while, so Smell the bitter bitterness from the rich sweetness of honey. “

“It’s really lucky.” Dumbledore took the little bottle and tapped it with his wand, then said clearly. “But I hope you still have to keep these poisons in your hands, and don’t let others touch them.”

“Relax, Professor Dumbledore.” Ryan put away the poison. “I always carry this space bag with me to ensure that I am always under my management.”

“That’s good.” Dumbledore nodded and asked. “Can I ask about the progress of your antidote research? The Death Eaters are people with no moral bottom line. We may need antidote to face the endless poisoning of these Death Eaters.”

“Compared to the goal, I did a part. After research, I made an antidote that can remove most of the poisons on the market ~ ~ At the same time, this antidote also has a lot of Strong moderating effect. “Ryan was still a little dissatisfied with what he had studied in his free time in the past two years. “The medicine I gave Ron today is the result of my research. It is not as complicated as a similar medicine. But the cost of a bottle is more than 30 gallons, which is not cheaper than those on the market.”

“It’s already very good,” Dumbledore said. “I would like to buy a bottle of 40 gallons from you. Give me ten bottles first.”

“You only need to give me three gallons of processing fees per bottle.” Ryan smiled and declined the high price offered by the principal. “But you need to help me find the raw materials. There are a lot of raw materials in it that I can’t get easily with my little hemp seed wizard.”

“No problem.” Dumbledore nodded. “This is what I should do, although you are my student, but I really want to thank you on this, you really helped us a lot.”

Just after the two had finished their business, the fire in the fireplace flashed, and the Weasleys stepped out of the fireplace.

“Principal, our son Ron—” Mrs. Weasley asked Dumbledore as she rushed out of the fireplace.

“He is in the school hospital right now, but it’s no big deal.” Dumbledore comforted. “And you have to thank Ryan. Thanks to him today, I can save your children as soon as possible.”

“Thank you so much, Ryan.” After hearing Dumbledore’s explanation of what happened today, Mrs. Weasley hugged Ryan sobbingly. “If you were not here today, I can’t believe it–“

“It’s all right, Mrs. Weasley. This is what I should do.” Lane comforted. “I believe that after seeing this, all those who can help can reach out to help.”

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