Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 540 - Distracted

In recent days, Ron was being treated in the hospital, and both Harry and Ginny were busy training. Under such circumstances, Hermione seemed a bit lonely. After all, her girlfriend at the school was only Ginny. Now that Ginny is very busy for the game, Hermione almost never sees her. So when he went to the Forbidden Forest to treat the wolves next Saturday, Ryan brought Hermione to the Forbidden Forest to relax.

“Ah, it feels good to breathe in the fresh air.” Said Hermione, who was running briskly like a deer among the gravel of the ground in the forbidden forest. “Now the atmosphere in the castle is more and more depressed, and it feels more and more like a prison. In this case, it feels really good to go around in a circle.”

“That’s right.” Hermione, who ran ahead, stopped suddenly and asked, standing firmly on a mossy boulder and turning around. “The previous two attacks always felt strange, and I always felt that there was a strange connection between them that I didn’t expect.”

Ryan recalled that he could n’t figure out what the two attacks had in common except Malfoy, so he said: “Except that the attacker may be the same, I can’t think of what the two attacks have in common? One time I used a necklace rich in black magic curse, and the other time I put on a poisonous wine. “Hey, there is one less! If you like it, please collect it: () The update speed is the fastest.

“That bottle of wine?” Ryan thought for a moment and found that he really didn’t know where the bottle was made. But it ’s not too difficult to think about where the wine is produced. After all, the wizarding world is so big, and there are not many places where wine can be produced. In this case, it is also a good direction to investigate the origin of wine. “I don’t know very well, but I can ask Slughorn when I go back. As a person who is good at enjoying, if he can be called a good wine, he must know where the bottle of wine came from.”

Soon they arrived near the village of Ma Ren, and it was Mr. Wolfe who came out to meet them. After chatting for a while, Ryan found Wolff vomiting and seemed to be embarrassed, so he crouched down and asked. “What are your difficulties, can you tell me, maybe I can help you.” Fuck, there’s another less! , Update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

“Of course it’s okay. It’s always a good thing to know some of your countrymen. I think Lupin will definitely welcome you. But did you tell Aunt Betty about this?” Ryan asked.

“Of course I said it beforehand.” Wolfe nodded. “And this time I just went there and played there for half a month to meet my fellow citizens, and I will come back later.”

“I thought you were going to move in.” Ryan said. “After all, you are a werewolf, and it is normal to live with your countrymen.”

“I have also thought about this.” Wolf said. “After I discovered so many kind fellows, I also wanted to move in. However, after careful consideration, I discovered that the Forbidden Forest is my home, so this time I should visit relatives and make a few friends. You know, the horse people are too silent. I usually find it difficult to find someone to chat with except Aunt Betty. Remember for a second, ().

“Now there are a total of 39 werewolves in the base, which has basically reached the limit. The rest are some werewolves who are happy with killing, theft and robbery.” Lupin said when Ryan finished his treatment break. This time it was still two werewolves. Ryan told them that his level had improved since Christmas. Now he can treat two werewolves at a time.

“Now you have to be prepared. I’m worried that the mysterious people will come to attack you. After all, you are now estimated to be the largest werewolf settlement in Europe.” Ryan told him seriously.

“We are ready.” Lu Ping nodded solemnly. “The three former Aurors began to train each of us. Everyone learned very seriously. It can even be said that we study seriously at any time. Because now, you have given us a home, a goal that you are willing to fight for. .

“I have this ability so I will do it naturally. You don’t have to thank me so much. I believe that other people are capable and willing to help you. I’m not as great as you said.” Ryan said, but Lu Ping hit Broke his modesty. “But for so many years, you are the only one who really did something for the werewolf. This is very important to us, because your kindness let us know that in addition to our relatives and friends, there are indeed people who care about the werewolf. And willing to put a lot of energy into this. “

“It’s really bad reputation.” Ryan was even embarrassed by the praise, so he quickly changed the subject. “Yes, there is a special werewolf Wolf in the horseman’s village. He hopes to visit you.”

“Special werewolf?” Lupin asked somewhat puzzled, probably because there were too few werewolves in this form of Wolfe, and even Lupin hadn’t heard of this before contacting a large number of werewolves.

“That’s it—” Lane whispered. After hearing this, Lu Ping was very surprised, because most of the werewolves gathered at him were acquired werewolves, and occasionally there were individual born werewolves. But I have never heard of a special werewolf like Wolf.

“Relax, we will take care of this fellow.” Lu Ping nodded and agreed, “Whether or not he can become a person, he is our fellow.”

“Then thank you.” Lane said with a smile, and then let his crab guardian spirit pass the news to Wolfe, and soon Wolfe and Hermione received the news and ran over, on Wolfe’s back Also carrying a blue cloth pocket.

“Can I go on a trip?” Wolfe shouted excitedly. Ryan also recognized the pocket on Wolf’s back as a spare pocket for Hermione.

“He likes to study more than most of the students in our college. UU Reading” Hermione really appreciates Wolfe and even compares him with others. “If Harry and Ron learn so, they will definitely get an all-O score in the last exam.”

It seems that in Hermione ’s impression now, Harry ’s two biggest labels are learning scum, but seriously, it depends on who you compare with. If you can take Auror ’s professional courses, you can prove that Harry and Luo En’s academic level is not bad, but it is indeed a bit worse than the downright scholars like Ryan and Hermione. In this case, Hermione can think that Wolf is stronger than the two, which shows how hard Wolf is in learning. Ryan felt that Wolff might become a wise man among werewolves in the future.

After watching Lupin and his companions come to take Wolfe away, Lane and Hermione also quietly returned to the school. In addition to studying existing topics, they tried to understand where the wine that was drunk in Slughorn was produced that day.

This question is not complicated. After the potion class ended the next day, Ryan asked Professor Slughorn directly.

“Did you say that day’s wine?” Slughorn’s expression became serious after hearing Ryan’s question. “That bottle must be a mead ripened by Mrs. Rosemerta’s top oak barrel, she I have been drinking the wine for 20 years, even if I smell it, I can be sure that the bottle is from the three broom bars, and it is also the best product brewed by Mrs. Rosemerta. The wine of unknown origin is mixed into my collection, and if the mead is produced elsewhere, I will definitely not be confused with my original wine. “

“Thank you, professor, I think I probably know where the problem is.” Ryan left after bowing.

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