Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 544 - Dementor Island

The reason why these little puppets are now on the island of dementors is entirely because of the task they received from Ryan half a month ago.

Ryan just vaguely said at the time that they hoped to minimize the harm suffered by innocent people, so the puppets seemed a little confused after leaving the castle. Fortunately, Rose Crystal is connected to Ryan’s soul, and he has gained a lot of knowledge from Ryan. So at her suggestion, a group of puppets got on the plane and went straight to London.

Maybe it was because of the attacks on Ryan that scared the Death Eaters before, or maybe the Death Eaters have been busy recently. The puppets spent three days strolling in London and did not catch a devastating Death Eater, even if they heard someone being attacked, they found nothing when they arrived at the scene.

This made them a little frustrated, and the puppets didn’t want to go back to their hands empty-handed. Fortunately, this time the canary as a think tank stood up. She pointed out that anyway, the goal now is to clean up those who hurt innocent people, then this time it is better to try to kill those dementors than to be silly here, at least dementors are everywhere, and even if this evil creature is completely eliminated There will not be any moral burden. At this time, the little puppets suddenly realized that Dementors are indeed a blank area of ​​their thinking, because they are not affected by Dementors at all, and naturally they did not expect Dementors to be a target creature.

After spending a day easily killing several dementors with magic mixed with faith, Rose Crystal felt a little dissatisfied. She thinks that even in the first half of this month, at most dozens of dementors will be killed, but there will be at least a few hundred dementors. Such a small loss is not noticeable. I couldn’t achieve the kind of lesson that the elder brother had hoped to give the group of black wizards a lesson, let them converge for the purpose of minimizing harm to innocent atrocities.

A few days after coming out, the puppets had figured out why Ryan had assigned them such a task. Although they as puppets are not very consistent with humans in terms of the three views, but they are indeed born of the inner love of Ryan and Luo Zhen, so they naturally resent the group led by Voldemort just like Ryan. Destructive guys, not to mention the evil creatures such as Dementors. Therefore, each puppet tries his best, hoping to complete the task arranged by Lane perfectly. “If you want to teach those evil enemies a profound lesson, there is no way out.” Canary thought about it after a few days of experience and said, “I found this creature called Dementor seems to be a Colony creatures, and the old newspapers we picked up from the wizarding quarters mentioned that the number of them is increasing. I wonder if they will have their own nests like ants to reproduce, if there are any, Exterminating that lair completely should be able to teach those nasty dark wizards a lesson! “

“This is a really good idea.” Rose Crystal nodded. “But how can we find out where? This monster does not look like a humanoid, but it is impossible for us to get the message from the prisoner’s mouth.”

“I think it’s enough just to use this method–” Canary thought about it and wanted to signal the sisters to come together, and then whispered his arrangements.

The next day, these little puppets were scattered. Everyone followed a small group of dementors to observe their movements. In just three days, they found this dementor breeding base on the uninhabited island of the North Sea.

Before, they touched the mound with dementors in turns, and they were shocked to find that the mound was like an enlarged termite nest, and there were many dementors staying quietly at the bottom of the nest. There. At the beginning, they thought that this was just the place where monsters like Dementors lived. At first, they were still curious about why this monster would sleep. But during an investigation by the mercury lamp, she saw a still dementor split there into two black smoke plumes and then became two dementors. Since then, the puppets have known that this place is actually a breeding ground for dementors.

What they don’t know is that they are the first group of intelligent life to see the dementors breeding in person. Usually with this ability of cluster dementors, no one can break through heavy defenses and come to the core zone to see this, and the dementors will only breed in the nest. When Newt Scamander wrote “Where is the Magical Animal”, he wanted to find out how Dementors breed, but unfortunately he didn’t.

This is not because of the power gap. According to the theory of evolution, the dementors from this world have adapted to evolve the ability to detect the souls of all creatures in this world and to eat happiness, but because this world has never appeared like a rose before Crystal constructs life like this, so they can’t recognize the puppets at all, and naturally can’t effectively block them.

Today, after observing for more than a week, Rose Crystal finally decided to take advantage of the number of dementors gathered on the island when they reached their peak. Of course, this is also the reason for their better luck, but even dementors Not so many of them will choose to shoot at this time, because the time agreed with Ryan is almost coming, they do not want to worry Ryan.

The time came to 8:30 in the evening, and the puppets sitting at the table stood up and started to move. Rose Crystal came to the end, she put away all the things in this house, and then the magic destroyed the shelter they lived in Zhejiang for nearly a week.

After doing all this, Rose Crystal walked outside and just saw the canary arranging tasks. “–Youngberry, you are in charge of the magic circle at point F, Xuehua Qijing, you are in charge of the point at G.”

At this point she turned to look at the rose crystal that had just come out. “Rose Crystal, your task is the heaviest. Because what you are responsible for is the main magic circle near the Dementor Den in the middle of this island. If you are not sure, this point can be given up. I checked Brother Ryan gave Your magic circle, without the main magic circle, that is, the accuracy is a bit worse when you magically attack for a while, there may be a fish that missed the net. “

“I’m sure.” Rose Crystal nodded. “Furthermore, this is the first time I have left my older brother to complete the task. I don’t want to leave any regrets.”

“Okay ~ ~ I can understand what you think.” Canary nodded and elegantly lifted her skirt. “So, Bonnechanceàvous (French, good luck)”

“Thank you!” Rose Crystal also gave a skirt ceremony, and then turned and flew towards the center of the island. Soon, she flew under the black dirt **** where the dementors were living, and then waved her hand next to a stone.

A gust of wind rolled across the ground, and the gravel used for camouflage was blown away by the wind. A gold plate with a size of 1.5 meters in diameter, painted with red cinnabar and full of small and large seal characters, is exposed.

This is the position that Ryan gave to them in advance, and it is the kind of thunder penalty that has a killing bonus against dark creatures.

Although the effect of this alchemy prop is more rigid than the release method of Ryan himself when he released the punishment, it has a lower power and more magic power. But the advantage is that it allows others to use this rather complicated magic.

Standing in the center of the array, Rose Crystal turned out the amethyst sword and held it in front of her with both hands. Until the voice of the canary sounded deep in my mind, “Go ahead, sisters.”

“Yun Ju.” Rose Crystal waved the crystal sword in her hand, and the other dolls also pronounced the password in Mandarin and waved the magic props in their hands. The wind was slowly blowing on the originally silent island, and the wind was getting bigger and bigger, which caused the surrounding sea water to beat the reefs of the island frantically, stirring up a lot of white waves.

Strangely, just when the wind was blowing, the sky began to appear black broken clouds abnormally, and then these clouds began to gather above the giant mound of the island that looked like a dementor hatchery. Forming a dark cloud to crush the end of the city.

A fatal attack on the dementors is coming.

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