Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 546 - Memory and past

Rose Crystal, who was thought to have rested on a small island in the North Sea, was actually not as restful as she thought. He was sitting in the common room to check the next issue of “Look, this is Muggle.” Hermione sitting opposite him looked at the metamorphosis book from the world of “Beauty and the Beast”. After mastering the power of the rules, she found a lot from this book from Ningfu Elves New places worth studying.

And on the sofa in the distance, Ron was rushing his homework. During the previous hospitalization period, he left a lot of homework, he must now make up the content of these classes, otherwise, after the final exam, he will be approved by Mrs. Weasley for a summer vacation.

“Why hasn’t Harry returned yet?” Ron asked after looking up the notes he had lent him before. At this time, it was already late at night, and only three of them were left in the common room.

Ryan opened the door of the common room without answering, and then Harry walked in with a frustrated look. “What happened?” Ron asked, looking at his friend’s complexion.

“Nothing. It’s just that I didn’t complete the task given to me by Professor Dumbledore, so that the course can’t continue now.” Harry sat on the sofa tiredly, and then began to tell Ryan that they were in the principal Dumbledore today. The detailed course of the class there.

At eight o’clock in the evening, when the puppets decided on the attack time, Harry also stepped into the principal’s office, and he just saw Professor Trelawney arguing with the principal Dumbledore. Because Trelawney hopes to get rid of the Ferenze horse, and Principal Dumbledore rejects her unreasonable request. After Professor Trelawney pushed Harry angrily away and disappeared on the spiral staircase. Dumbledore greeted Harry and closed the door to sit in the old seat at Dumbledore’s table.

Harry tried to ask Professor Trelawney about it, but Professor Dumbledore only brought it back after a brief introduction. “Harry, don’t worry about my teacher now. We have more important things to talk about. First of all-did you do the homework I arranged in the previous lesson?”

“Ah,” Harry remembered suddenly, because of the phantom phantom class, Quidditch game, Ron poisoning, his skull fracture, and before trying to figure out what Malfoy was doing, he almost forgot that Dumbledore asked him to do it. In Slughorn’s memory … “Well, I really didn’t find a way to make him speak, because Ryan reminded me that if I asked him directly, he would definitely not want to answer me, but would make him more vigilant. This thing is completely messed up, so during this time I have been thinking of a way to ensure that he tells the truth, because I know I will not have a second chance. “

“Oh, your friend is right.” Dumbledore stared at Harry from above the half-moon-shaped spectacle lens, and Harry felt a sense of being seen through again, “You think you have done your best, yes Have you fully utilized your ingenuity? Have you tried all the ideas? “

“Uh.” Harry’s words were jammed. He did think of many ways, but he didn’t implement them for various reasons. The main reason is that he did not put this matter in the most important position. Now when Dumbledore asked, he felt a sense of self-control. “I know that you have recently met many, many things, such as your friend being poisoned, and then yourself injured. I also understand how excited young people like you were when you were the captain of the Quidditch team for the first time. .. But I think I have told you how important that memory is. In fact, that is the most critical memory. Without it, we will only waste time. “

Dumbledore said these words in a very normal tone, just like the weather today, but Harry felt a strong sense of shame struck him. He would rather Professor Dumbledore yell at him instead of expressing his heartless disappointment like this.

Harry desperately wanted to argue, but Dumbledore reached out to stop him. “I know, you will say you are busy. But I still hope you can mention this matter to the premises from now on? Without that memory, it would be meaningless for us to take classes in the future.”

“I will, sir, I will get it.” Harry said eagerly as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

At this time, Dumbledore finally crossed the topic and entered today’s topic. They first reviewed the content of the previous lesson: Voldemort killed his father and grandparents, making people think that his uncle did it. Then he returned to Hogwarts and asked Professor Slughorn about the Horcrux.

“Today ’s lesson, we ’re going to look at the last memory I ’ve collected. What you need to know is that after Tom became Voldemort, he consciously erased the traces he had experienced. Finding someone who can remember adult Voldemort is almost It ’s an impossible thing. In fact, I doubt whether there is a living person besides himself who can tell us in detail about his life after leaving Hogwarts. However, with my efforts, I still Found these two memories. “

After speaking, Dumbledore pointed to two small crystal bottles shining next to the meditation basin on the table. “I told you when I first taught you separately that we will enter the field of speculation and speculation. Thankfully, with the help of your friend Ryan, I can now basically understand what is going on in these memories. This makes some guesses no longer guesses, but also brings us closer to the truth A step. “

“Ryan?” Harry said incredulously.

“Yes.” Dumbledore glanced at Harry sitting in front of him. “Although he is busy this year, his wisdom and strength have helped me a lot. After you have read these memories, I will tell you specifically what happened.”

Harry felt more ashamed at this moment, but Dumbledore didn’t seem to pay attention to this. He told Harry that Lord Voldemort was optimistic about his future after graduating from school with excellent results. Several teachers suggested that he enter the Ministry of Magic and he was willing to introduce him actively, but he refused. Later, the teachers learned that Voldemort went to work in Bogin-Bok ~ ~ Bokin-Bok? Harry said in amazement.

“Bokin-Bock.” Dumbledore said quietly. “I didn’t know what this was for, but with the help of Lane, I figured out why. But in fact his first goal was not to work there. , Voldemort first approached my former principal and asked if he could stay at Hogwarts to coach. “

He wants to stay here? “Harry was shocked. In his mind, an ambitionist like Voldemort should not be willing to stay in this ancient castle all day.

“I can understand.” Dumbledore said. “First of all, this castle is the first place to feel his home, and it is the only place. Secondly, this castle has a long history. Voldemort believes that he can find the buried treasure from here. And the last point is that he It ’s not the kind of person who can stay in school all his life. I think he sees this as a good place to recruit and buy horses. He can pull himself up for a team. “

“Fortunately, he didn’t get the job.” Harry’s tone revealed happiness.

Yes. The principal at the time, Professor Dipete, said he was only eighteen years old and too young, but he was welcome to apply again after two years if he still wanted to teach. I also wrote a letter to the principal at the time, suggesting that Amando should not hire him. Then Voldemort went to Bogin-Bok, and all the teachers who admired him said it was a pity. But what he did unexpectedly well in that shop, you know, Harry, this shop specializes in all kinds of magic items. Voldemort was sent to persuade others to give the treasure to the shop for sale. It is said that he was particularly good at this matter. “

“I believe.” Harry couldn’t help saying.

“Yeah,” Dumbledore said with a slight smile. “Now we should go to the topic and look at the memories of the house elf Hao Qi.”

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