Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 548 - Investigation result

Generally, there are not many people in the common room after dinner, most of them have their own things to do. However, after researching Shen Feng Wuying today, Ryan found that there was a bit of noise around him. After raising his head and looking around the common room, he found out that now all of them are sixth graders.

What excites everyone is a new notice posted on the bulletin board that informs the date of the phantom appearance test. Before the first exam (April 21), students over the age of 17 may sign up for special training in Hogsmeade (with strict supervision).

This matter has nothing to do with Ryan, because he is on his birthday in May, and even now his illusion is so skillful that he has to wait for the second exam. Harry was the same as him, but Harry took the exam later, and it would take July to take the exam.

The worst thing is Ron, who is the oldest in this place. But the age above the Phantom Shift did not give him an advantage, because he did not succeed in class once. At this point, he was not as good as Harry. At least in the last class, Harry successfully appeared in the wooden circle for the first time. After figuring out the danger of Shen Feng’s shadowlessness, Harry began to think hard about how to get Slughorn’s memory. In yesterday ’s discussion, he has learned from Hermione that there is only one way to force others to do what you want them to do, and that is the Soul Capture.

But Ryan told him that at his level, he couldn’t control Professor Slughorn. So he is not recommended to use this stupid method.

Harry had to admit that Ryan ’s judgment was correct. The person who can be the dean of Slytherin College in Hogwarts for a long time is definitely a top wizard in the magic world, and definitely not a little wizard like him who has no adulthood. It can be controlled by the soul-taking spell. “Ryan, do you really have no magic or potion to pry Slughorn’s mouth?” After thinking for a while that the brain was chaotic, Harry stood up and walked to the table where Ryan and Hermione were sitting again. Asked.

“Really not, Harry.” Lane said helplessly. “Unless we can really control Slughorn, then there will be some hope for some irreversible dangerous means afterwards-” Ryan’s hand was tapped here by Hermione.

“Harry, don’t listen to Ryan talking nonsense there.” Hermione glared at Ryan and turned to Harry. “Dumbledore said that only you can get that memory, which definitely means that you can convince Slughorn and others can’t. It’s not a question of giving him potions or using spells. Professor Liduo has done it himself long ago, and does not need you at all. “

Over time, fewer people in the common room. After Harry reluctantly closed the Half-Blood Prince’s potion book, he discovered that only him, Ryan, Ron, and Hermione were left in the common room. Ginny finished her homework three minutes ago and went to rest. Because Ginny will take the O.W.Ls exam this year, she is also very busy.

At this moment, there was a crackling noise in the empty common room. Dobby appeared in front of the three men, his hat made of a hood tilted aside. “Harry Potter said that he would always report Malfoy’s movements to him, so Dobby came to see Harry Potter coming to report on his previous observations.” “Then did you find me now because of what you found? Harry asked eagerly.

“Draco Malfoy is a bad boy!” Dobby screamed angrily. “A bad boy, he–he–“

Speaking of this, Dolby shivered from the tassels all over the teapot cover to the tip of the sock, and then he rushed to the fire, as if to jump in. Fortunately, Ryan’s eyes caught him quickly.

After struggling for a few seconds, Dobby softened and thanked Ryan. “Thank you, Dobby is still hard to say bad things about the old master …”

“This is normal, you may need to adapt more.” Lane said after putting Dobby on the ground. “Okay, if you have any new discoveries, hurry up and tell them, this is the key.”

“That’s it.” Dobby looked at Harry with big eyes. “Dobby didn’t find Malfoy violating any rules, but he was still careful to prevent people from discovering what he did. He often took different students to the eighth floor. They sent him a whistle, and he walked into the room where he asked.”

“I should have thought about it.” Harry slapped his forehead with his palm. “Most of the places in Hogwarts will appear on the living point map, only the request room I have never seen on the map. I should have thought of this long ago, yes, Dobby, you saw the Mar What did Fu do? “

“No, Harry Potter, this is impossible.” Dobby said.

“Obviously Umbridge last year—” Harry asked strangely.

“That’s because you showed whistleblowers last year.” Lane said. “The Bingwu actually has the effect of a confidential room. Think about it. Before the whistleblower, neither Filch nor Umbridge used so much energy to finally find you. And now we do not know Malfoy What the room looked like when I went in, so naturally there was no way to enter the place he had entered before to see what he did. “

“There will be a way,” Harry said confidently, and then he bowed his head. “You did a great job, Dobby.”

“Thank you, Harry Potter, sir!” Dobby screamed happily before picking up a small leather pocket and handing it to Ryan. “And Mr. Ryan Liang, thank you for these magic props. Otherwise, I might have to follow Malfoy for days and nights without sleeping.”

“It’s nothing, this is what I should do.” Ryan took the leather pocket and Dobby left after bowing to Ryan.

“I think I know what’s going on now, maybe I will catch Malfoy right away.” Harry said excitedly. “Just wait for Malfoy to block him when he enters the request room.”

“It sounds good, but we still have too few people.” Ron pointed out keenly. “Do n’t forget that Dobby said that Malfoy brought a different person every time. If Malfoy was partying with a group of people, not only would we, the people, not know what conspiracy he was doing, but also make him alert . “

“You don’t need to worry about this.” Lane thought for a moment ~ ~ According to Harry’s previous statement, Malfoy was carrying out a huge conspiracy. Not even Snape told. In this case, I don’t think he will find a large group of people to do things. It is important to know that the more people involved in such conspiracy, the more prone to problems. “

“Then what do you think it is all about?” Ron asked puzzled.

“I guess it’s a compound soup,” Ryan explained. “This will explain what is going on. In fact, what he should have been looking for was Crabbe and Goyle before, just letting them drink a compound soup with different people’s hair.”

“That’s true.” Harry’s eyes widened suddenly. “Malfoy is really cunning, and he doesn’t even want people to see Crabbe and Goyle always appearing there to be suspicious. And when we took the first potions lesson, there was a whole pot of compound soup It ’s easy to get the medicine I need from inside. “

“So before I saw that the two little girls who followed Malfoy were Crabbe and Goyle?” Ron said with a big laugh. “God … no wonder they haven’t been happy recently … disguised as girls … “

But his laughter quickly diminished, as Ryan looked at him with a discomfited face.

“—Okay, let’s get the business right.” Ron raised his face. “Why would the two of them listen to Malfoy? They should strongly resist.” “It’s enough as long as Malfoy reveals the dark magic mark on his arm.” Harry said excitedly. “The official Death Eaters always have some appeal from the Slytherin villains.”

“Harry, what you need to pay attention to now is the most critical memory, that is the core of defeating the mysterious man.” Lane said while tidying up the table. “And Malfoy, I believe that with the principal’s control of the school, he should not cause much harm.”

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