Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 559 - Lesson under

The bell rang after class, and this extremely depressing black magic defense lesson was finally over. The content of the Diamond Heart Curse itself is already very depressing, coupled with Professor Snape ’s ever-changing gloomy face, which caused almost every student in his class to walk away from the entrance of the underground classroom with a depressed face. Go out. It was as if there were a large group of fried snails in the classroom.

“Snape was right, isn’t it?” Ron complained to Lavender who ran next to him after class. At this time, they were trying to go around a somewhat remote road back to the dormitory, because this road would pass through a section. Corridors that can be basked in the sun can breathe fresh air. “I don’t know if it makes sense to go to the exam, because until now I still can’t learn to appear in phantoms, and it feels like a waste of time and money to go there.”

“No, my dear, you’re just a little bit overly overstressed. Everyone knows that Snape has serious prejudice against our Gryffindor students. You really don’t need to pay attention to what he said.” Wende kissed Ron on the cheek. “As for now, I think you should go to Hogsmeade ’s special training, it will be more interesting than showing up in a stupid wooden circle. Even if you do n’t succeed after the test, you can postpone the test and follow me a few months later. Go to the exam together. “

“Oh, wonderful love.” At this time, a ghost slowly emerged from the wall. After the ghost appeared on the wall, she shouted with a sharp female voice. “Unfortunately, now that I am dead, I can no longer feel this sweet love.”

“Myrtle?” Lane recognized the ghost girl in front of her. , He waved his hand and said hello: “I brought some small gifts for you when I went to Tianchao in the summer vacation. I asked Nick to distribute these gifts to you as soon as I went back to school. You received the gift I gave you. Yet?”

“Received.” Myrtle nodded. “The celestial ones that are specially prepared for the ghosts are really useful, but I still hope you come to see me.”

“I’m sorry, I’m busy recently.” Ryan said a little embarrassedly. He was really busy lately, so that he could only say a few words with a few familiar ghosts every week, like Myrtle, who lives in Ryan. Ryan, the ghost of the place where he did not go, did not see him for a long time.

“Of course I know that you are busy, although I am a ghost and I know that it is very chaotic outside now, maybe some new people will join us soon. In this case, everyone is very busy.” Took off his thick glasses and wiped. “So now there are fewer and fewer people willing to talk to me after this time period, and no one wants to spend a little time paying attention to my poor ghost—”

“By the way, what are you doing now? I always thought you would only stay in that bathroom.” Ryan quickly interrupted the chatter of Myrtle, he knew that these idle ghosts might spend a few moments if they wanted to say anything. Hours on one thing, if you don’t want to waste time, you have to interrupt them a little impolitely and ask what you want.

“Hmm—wait.” Myrtle twirled her cheeks in her hands and twirled in mid-air, then floated to face Ryan. “A while ago I met a crying boy who thought he liked me.”

Speaking of which, Myrtle’s tone turned to mournfully, “He is a little lonely and likes to avoid others. So I think maybe he will come back when you are gone … We have a lot in common … I I believe he feels … “

After this sentence was finished, Myrtle floated up a bit, looking at the corner of the corridor, looking at it expectantly.

“Do you say you have a lot in common, does it mean that he is also in the water pipe?” Some of the beautiful artistic conception was immediately completely destroyed by another voice. Only those who can say this kind of time at this time can only often speak. Ron through the brain.

“No,” after the atmosphere of love that was full of pink bubbles was interrupted, Myrtle looked a bit angry and protested, the voice echoed in the entire unmanned corridor, “I mean he is very sensitive, He is also bullied, feels lonely, no one speaks, he is not afraid to expose his feelings, cry if he wants to cry! “

“Crying?” Ryan nodded thoughtfully after hearing the emphasis that Myrtle had just emphasized. “It seems that each ghost has a different anchor point in this world. For example, the crying Myrtle is crying, and Barrow should be the remorse for killing Helena. This should be what Snape just said in class. The ghost of the ghost is the real reason why the leaving soul stays in the world. Only a certain emotion reaches a certain level of the wizard 4 can become a ghost. And ordinary wizards ca n’t leave such an obvious mark in the world, naturally neither May stay in the world. “

Just as Ryan began to think about these questions, Harry asked his own questions curiously. “Has a boy cried here? Was it a lower grade boy?”

“Don’t care!” Said Myrtle, who lifted her chin slightly, her eyes fixed on Ron who was already grinning, “I promised not to tell anyone, I will bring his secret into -“

“–Isn’t it the grave?” Ron smiled. “Maybe the sewer …”

This sentence angered Myrtle, who made an angry scream and walked through Ron’s body and disappeared into the wall.

“Ah, it’s cold.” Ron shuddered. “I said a word, how can she do this to me?”

“Okay, Ron. We might have been able to ask an interesting thing. Know that there are not many girls who secretly hide in the toilet and cry, but there are still very few boys who do so.” Ryan shrugged helplessly. Shrugged. “But when you come here, we can’t figure out anything now.”

“Well, this is indeed my mistake.” Ron also knew that the words he had just said when he was depressed were excessive, but he felt much better after venting these words. After throwing the schoolbag directly back to his shoulders, Ron said to Ryan: “I want to participate in Hogsmeade’s special training, and then decide whether to go to the exam.”

“That’s right.” Ryan nodded. “How can you know if you can’t succeed without trying?”

“Okay, Ryan, every time you persuade me, it always feels like a middle-aged man’s tone.” Harry said on the edge. “Every time I feel like a young version of Professor McGonagall. “

By the weekend, Ryan took Hermione to the door of the castle. Seeing her and a group of sixth graders who turned 17 two weeks later went to Hogsmeade for a pre-exam training under the protection of several Aurors. Ryan was full of envy ~ ~ because of today’s weather Especially good, the spring is in harmony, and it is a sunny day that has been rare to see for a long time. If this kind of weather can go out and turn around, it is definitely a great thing.

After returning to the common room and answering questions in several of Neville’s homework, Lane left the common room and went to the edge of Black Lake. On the way he saw Luna was experimenting with the Black Lake as a target to test the magic that Ryan had taught at the book club.

“Good morning, Luna.” After seeing Luna’s footsteps, she turned her head. Ryan quickly raised her hand and greeted her.

“Early, Ryan.” Luna greeted Ryan with her characteristic erratic voice. “Can you tell me why these spellcasting materials will enhance the power of magic–“

The following morning Ryan was answering Luna’s questions about the accumulation of books. After Ryan answered all the questions she had accumulated, she was curious to ask her why she was not asking questions at the free time of the usual book club.

Luna looked at Ryan with her prominent eyes. “I am the only one of these questions that I want to know the answer to. You are my friend, and I cannot let you delay the explanation to everyone because of answering my question, and make everyone dissatisfied with you.”

This answer surprised Ryan, it seems that Luna is not the kind of person who does not understand the world. It’s just that she has always been immersed in her own world, not paying much attention to those.

But after answering the question, it’s not too early. Ryan quickly bid farewell to Luna who continued to practice on the edge of the Black Lake, and then turned and ran to the castle. Because it’s almost time for dinner, Hermione and their students who went to Hogsmeade to practice should also end their practice and return to the castle.

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