Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 576 - ceremony

After hearing Ryan’s instructions, Hermione walked to the other side of the grocery store and sat down and looked at Ryan. Ryan nodded seriously and turned to take a deep breath at the alchemy array, and then began to throw those gray **** of condensed soul into the alchemy array.

At this time in the alchemy array, the speed of the four light **** rotating under the control of Ryan has exceeded the human readable limit, and looks like a white halo floating on the alchemy array. The gray **** quickly spin like they fell into the centrifuge after entering the white halo, and emit a gray mist around them.

These mists are constantly attracted by the white aura, and finally merge into the aura to become part of the aura, and the gray **** are getting smaller and smaller. Whenever a gray ball disappears, Ryan immediately throws in the next ball.

In the process, Ryan felt that he appeared on a desolate land. The sky is black and dark clouds, and the rust-red sky is occasionally revealed in the gaps of the clouds. The earth has the same color as the sky, and the same silence. The ground was covered with the widest small thumb thickness and the narrowest crack just like a hairline, and faint red magma could be seen rolling under some of the cracks. Only the dead branches of the extremely sparse shrubs stood on the ground like a desperate hand stretched out to the sky.

Ryan was walking on the ground at this time, but he could also feel that his real body was just as mechanical as the online love Jinzheng put a gray ball in the center.

The feeling of one body and two bodies made Ryan feel a little new, but he soon discovered that he could not control the body outside now.

“This is the key to the transformation of the soul.” Ryan thought of Teacher Luo Zhen’s instructions, and Nicole May, who had seen Dumbledore’s record in this regard. It’s just like what Teacher Luo Zhen told me before, everyone’s soul encounters a completely different situation when they are transformed, so this time can only rely on Ryan himself.

After walking a few steps, Ryan suddenly found his feet hurt. He lowered his head to look around, and found that there were a group of villains under his feet that consisted of ant-sized gray smoke trying to poke him with a hair-size spike. He just moved his foot slightly forward, and these gray smokers were completely destroyed and turned into a gray smoke. After that, some extremely small light spots were produced in the gray smoke, which fell into his body, while others The part of it quickly dissipated between this world.

Ryan could feel that after this change, he seemed to have established an extremely weak connection with the space. He realized at once that this should be a necessary process for transformation, a process that he changed from body to soul. And now this piece of space, which may be an illusion, is an embodiment of Lane’s mastery of alchemy rules.

“The heart of the rule of alchemy should be change, then I should start from this aspect.” Lane thought about it and determined his direction. “But my illusion is actually a world, even if it doesn’t look big. This shows that this rule is very powerful, and it will be extremely difficult to master this rule.”

He began to walk on the earth. At this time, he discovered what he had seen before, and the small shrubs were actually tall trees shrunk in proportion, combined with small ground cracks and the more compact gray smoker that I saw . He feels that he may now turn into a giant, or come to a small country.

The following time, Ryan walked around in accordance with his inner guidance and destroyed every villain composed of gray smoke that he encountered. Fortunately, these villains appeared in the same place, and there was no need to look around. Through this process, he discovered that the villains were actually the souls that were just put into the alchemy array. When every soul merges into this world, Ryan can also feel the suppression of himself by this world.

After these souls were continuously destroyed, the power penetrated into the surrounding space bit by bit, and slowly Ryan found that his connection with the surrounding space became stronger and stronger. He can slowly analyze the surrounding space, and even began to manipulate some of the forces to transform the space.

As the ball was continuously thrown into the alchemy array, Ryan saw more and more mysterious patterns flashing in this dead world. Some of them look intact, while others look incomplete. However, with the passage of time, the incomplete patterns were gradually completed, and more new patterns were born.

Finally, after all the 100 small **** were integrated into the aura on the alchemy array, Ryan heard a sound that originated from the deepest part of the soul, just like the first sound of ice breaking when the frozen river surface in spring thawed.

Everything in front of me changed instantly, and Ryan found that no matter where he looked, whether it was the ground, the trees, or the clouds. As long as he condenses his will slightly, he can discover that these things have become purely composed of mysterious pictures. At the same time, this world’s suppression of him reached its peak.

“The following is the most difficult step.” After confirming his current situation, Ryan thought that after synthesizing the knowledge of several worlds, he did not want to simply grasp the rules like Dumbledore or Grindelwald, but hope. Be able to go further, so that in the future, you can break through the power limitations of the Harry Potter world and go to a higher place.

This is why he is now completing this ceremony in the Wanjie grocery store, because for Ryan, only this place is really his world, and this place that can connect to Wanjie is also the largest power limit he knows. The world can lay the best foundation for his further development and higher power control in the future. Of course, other people will not have this trouble, because they will never know that there are other worlds, and naturally the choice of the so-called world cannot be discussed.

Ryan began to communicate with the surrounding world, let his energy slowly integrate into the surrounding environment, while doing his best to strengthen the soul and maintain self. With the exchange of energy, his resonance with the surrounding world became stronger and stronger. Finally, his body suddenly turned into golden dust flying. Everything that the dust had gone into turned into a metallic gray mist.

At this time, Hermione in the Wanjie grocery store suddenly put down the book in her hand and stood up, because she felt that the breath of life on Ryan suddenly became looming. Fortunately, her spiritual connection with Lane has not changed. This made her watch around Lane carefully for a long time, worrying, and finally let out a breath after discovering that Lane was not in danger.

Just as Hermione continued to sit back and flip through the book quietly waiting for Ryan ~ ~ that magical world has completely turned into a gray mist, and the center of the mist is a continuous flow Countless runes of blood red balls.

“Now is the last step to truly master your own way.” Ryan began to recall the mysterious patterns he had just seen, “Reform, change, and then–the birth of a new world.”

With this idea, a faint light appeared in the endless gray mist. Like the first rays of sunlight on the horizon at dawn. It’s just that the light here is blood-red, and countless rays of light radiate from the blood-colored ball in the center of the gray fog in all directions, breaking through the gray fog and letting everything around bathe in the blood-colored light.

As time went by, the blood-colored ball flowing with the runes slowly turned into a door, and then as the gray mist continuously poured into the door, the door grew bigger and bigger, and the last blood-colored door stood In the void. At the same time, the **** little ball floating in the brain of Ryan’s real body also changed at the same time, and after absorbing the mental and magic powers in the body, it also became a same **** door.

When the two doors were formed at the same time, the **** door in the void jumped out of the endless darkness and appeared in Ryan’s mind, and then merged with the door in his mind.

Suddenly, Ryan felt that his soul was injected into the body again, and at the same time brought great strength. The whole body has an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

At this moment, Ryan’s eyes opened. At first glance, he saw the birth of a pink gem, the size of the fist of a newborn baby, in the alchemy array in front of him.

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