Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 579 - reason

“Malfoy and Myrtle, what are they doing together?” After Harry said that he saw Malfoy and Myrtle together through the live map, Ron immediately asked with a gossip.

“I was also very curious, so I chased it.” Harry showed an innocent expression, as if explaining to everyone that he had just ran to Malfoy. “In the beginning, I just wanted to hide in the door and listen, but I couldn’t hear anything even if I put my ear on the bathroom door, so I gently pushed open the door and went in.”

When Harry walked into the bathroom, he saw Malfoy standing with his back behind the door, holding the hand by the pool, his yellow head hanging down. And the soft voice of Myrtle came from an interval. “Don’t do that … tell me what … I can help you …”

“No one can help me,” Malfoy shuddered, “I can’t do it … can’t do it … can’t do it … if you don’t do it soon … he said he would kill me … ”

“Who is that guy here?” Hermione asked when he heard Harry talk about it. “Mysterious person?”

“I don’t know.” Harry shook his head. “But I guess it should be, because at that time I happened to see Malfoy’s face through a mirror on the wall. His face was very pale, and at the same time tears kept pouring out of his eyes. This time he can be forced to look like this Yes, I ca n’t think of anyone other than Voldemort who can do this. “

“And then, you saw Malfoy at this time, I think Malfoy should have seen you too. What did he do at this time?” Ryan asked, “No, you just started fighting without saying a word at this time. . “

“How do you know?” Harry asked. “Of course, this is not my first step. He turned around and pulled out his wand at the same time. In that case, I could only draw out the wand to defend myself. And the first magic is also Launched by Malfoy, I swear that the magic should not be a safe magic. Fortunately, he missed it and directly smashed a wall lamp on the wall. But my counterattack did not work, he blocked my fuchsia . “

“Then I accidentally smashed a toilet during the fight, and the water that was accidentally slipped slipped. Malfoy rushed up to cast a spell on me at this time. I wanted to use Shenfeng without shadow, but remembered Ryan told me that it was a dangerous black magic and stopped. As a result, I was hit by Malfoy with a drill spell before I could switch to the next magic. “

“It’s simply–Harry, how are you feeling now?” Ron asked excitedly, although he knew that Harry had gotten a heart curse when they entered the door, but this time Harry talked about what happened when he got the curse. Later, everyone couldn’t help worrying about him.

“It’s basically painless now. I want to say that Malfoy’s curse caused me at most only one-tenth of the pain that Voldemort entered my soul last year in the Ministry of Magic.” Ha Lee is very optimistic. “After being hit by the Diamond Heart Curse, I fell to the ground at once, and then the whole person fainted.”

“At that time, Malfoy seemed to be scared. He first froze and ran desperately outside the bathroom. But he failed to escape, and witnessed the mysterious mystery of the audience who cried out when I saw me fall. ‘Let’s kill! Let’s kill in the bathroom! Let’s kill!’ “

“Her shout attracted Professor Snape who had just passed by. When the door slammed open, Professor Snape grabbed Malfoy who was running out. Then you tried a few magic tricks to check my condition After that, I was sent here, and on the way he informed Professor McGonagall. I think you all know the next thing, and I really hope Malfoy will be punished severely this time. ” Said longingly.

“I hope so.” Lane comforted, but he didn’t think Malfoy would be punished in accordance with his crimes, because Hogwarts habitually freed himself from the Ministry of Magic’s jurisdiction. Even if the murder case was like Voldemort’s youth, he could find a way to fool it.

“Right, what about Ginny? Did she ever come to see you?” Hermione asked suddenly.

“I specifically asked Professor McGonagall not to call her. Anyway, I will be able to have classes normally tomorrow morning, so I don’t want her to worry about me.”

Well, Harry will be a good husband in the future. It can be seen from the fact that I can remember Ginny when I hit the Heart Curse this time. The next few people drove away from the office after Madam Pomfrey only had a few words. “Okay, this child needs a quiet rest. It is better for you to leave now.”

Early the next morning, Ryan finished washing and came to the common room, saw a group of people around the notice board. The notice board said that Draco Malfoy was criticized by the whole school for using black magic against his classmates. At the same time, from now until the end of the semester, Malfoy had to go to Snape for confinement all weekend. In the end, Slytherin was deducted by two hundred percent.

“It’s completely different from what I thought.” Hermione whispered to Ryan on the way to the auditorium. “If, as Moody said in class last year, Malfoy should now send him to Azkaban for this matter. The punishment now is too light.”

“No way, in this situation, Hogwarts is really not suitable for conflict with the pure blood who holds the Ministry of Magic. The Malfoy family is one of the important families that control the Ministry of Magic. We can see from the conflict that we are already in a weak position. Once the magic part is broken, the situation is too dangerous. “

After looking at Hermione’s disappointed look, Ryan went on to say: “Even if the laws of the ordinary people’s world are outside, there will be punishment for minor crimes, so now this is not too unexpected.”

After entering the auditorium, Ryan discovered that Harry was sitting on the table with a bitter face, while Ginny was sitting next to him whispering. After seeing Ryan sitting beside them, Ginny said, “You should have been yesterday. Tell me about Harry’s injury, and he shouldn’t hide his words from him.”

“It was Harry’s firm request at the time, and we considered that his condition should not be too excited ~ ~ so he did as he said.” Ryan quickly hurled the pot to Harry as quickly as possible. , And then pulled Hermione to eat farther away.

“Ginella pulled me to ask for a whole breakfast time, as if I were made of glass, I couldn’t touch it. Seriously, I was not so vulnerable.” This was when the teacher hadn’t entered the classroom before class, Harry whispered A few of their friends complained to Ryan. “And what’s worse is that everyone thinks so.”

“Everyone?” Ryan knew that Harry could not be concealed from this attack, because too many people knew about it. Especially when the Myrtle was stimulated, almost all the castles knew this. The only thing that could be concealed was the specific spell that attacked Harry, but he could n’t figure out why an attack would make Harry think everyone thought they were touchless, but Ron ’s next sentence answered Ryan ’s mind. doubt.

“Harry was suspended for the next game. Yesterday we started training Madam Pomfrey and came out of the hospital to ban Harry from participating in the game. She said that Harry’s body is not suitable for such a fierce event, even the next game is not allowed. Let’s go and watch. “

“Have you listened to Madam Pomfrey so honestly? I don’t believe it.” Hermione said.

“Of course we wouldn’t just succumb.” Ron shrugged. “But Mrs. Pomfrey called out Professor McGonagall. After 15 minutes of nagging by Professor McGonagall, we could only give up and let Harry The idea of ​​participating in the next game. “

“To be honest, they are not wrong. Patients who have been hurt by the Heart-Draining Curse should really calm down when they cultivate.” Ryan said. “Your days are still long, there is no need to risk this for a game.”

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