Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 590 - Star

“This is an accident.” Dumbledore said openly. “You know that I am the principal of Hogwarts. In Hogwarts Castle I have permission that no one else has. I can see all the public spaces in the school.

And a while ago I felt the power of the magic stone in the school. As a result, after careful inspection, you discovered that you used a magic stone to turn an iron nail into a gold nail. That’s why I asked Professor McGonagall to find you: you are the second alchemist I know who can make magic stones, and today before I was comatose, I could think of the elixir of things that could save me . “

Dumbledore knew what was going on as soon as Ryan said: After the production of Our Lady of Roses, he was a bit over-excited at the time, but he did n’t expect that Headmaster Hogwarts could monitor the school so much. The only gaffe was actually discovered.

Of course, this is also too much related to the power of the magic stone. Ryan feels that if he does something else, he may not be discovered.

“So how do you know that I will save you with a magic stone?” Ryan asked another question. “Don’t you worry that I’m just coming here for secrecy? I want to know that this is an elixir. I want to keep this. The secret is normal. “

“Ah, boy, I always think you are a good person.” Professor Dumbledore sent Ryan a good person card directly. “I have determined this since you helped Harry stop Voldemort’s conspiracy in the first grade. So I believe you will be able to help me as long as there is a way to save me.”

Dumbledore paused a bit here, and then said: “I know there are many in your heart that do not want to share secrets with others, but this is nothing, everyone is the same, even me is the same. Ryan, you do not need Because having your own secrets is so careful in life. You only need to make sure that everything you do will not hurt others. As a young man, you should have a life that belongs to young people. You do n’t have to do anything like me There are so many things to consider. “

“That’s because the secret I hid in my heart may be beyond your imagination!” Ryan thought, but he didn’t say it, but thanked the principal Dumbledore for his concern and told He took a good rest and adjusted his body before leaving.

Early the next morning, everyone got up early and rushed to the auditorium. This is not because everyone is in a hurry to eat, but because what happened last night made everyone very uneasy, so everyone wants the latest news.

After entering the hall door, everyone looked at the seat in the center of the front table of the hall for the first time. After confirming that Professor Dumbledore was sitting there for dinner as usual, everyone seemed to relax a lot. Because no matter how dangerous things happen to students, as long as Principal Dumbledore is still there, everything will not be too bad.

After eating, almost everyone stayed in their seats and looked at President Dumbledore, because everything that happened yesterday had spread throughout the campus. The infiltration and sneak attacks of Death Eaters, the defection of the professor, and the rumors outside that are more unfavorable and more rumored that the professor is injured or even killed.

All this has made students who were uneasy because of the recent bad situation even more nervous, and even some people have already taken action. For example, this morning, when Ryan saw the father of Parvati ’s twin sisters, a head-covered Indian wizard took the two sisters away at dawn.

Listen to Hermione that she saw Parvati Petil packing her suitcase when she returned to her dormitory last night. After going to bed, I heard that she told Lavender that her father actually planned to send her back to India after confirming that the mysterious man returned last year, only to consider that Hogwarts is the safest place in the UK. . But today a tragedy happened here. Five people have even died. So her father could not tolerate her daughter in such a dangerous environment, so she decided to take them back to India.

“At that time she also persuaded me to leave the United Kingdom to take refuge in other places, such as Tianchao, because my family is in Tianchao, and your bloodline can allow the magical world of Tianchao to accept both of us.” When eating breakfast, Hermione was like this Said to Ryan.

“It seems that everyone is very upset now, fortunately Dumbledore came out.” Ryan looked at Dumbledore sitting there with admiration. He knew that even if he had given Dumbledore a full bottle of elixir yesterday while still using magic to control the curse, it would be better for the headmaster to lie there and rest completely, otherwise the body would be hollowed out The sense of powerlessness is not something that ordinary people can bear. He thought that Professor Dumbledore might have thought of this to endure the pain and come out to eat to stabilize people’s hearts.

“Quiet.” After discovering that everyone was staring at each other without leaving after eating, Dumbledore knocked on the glass twice to signal that everyone was quiet, and then said, “There are some things I think you already know, yesterday Voldemort and his The party leaders launched a full-scale attack, and even Hogwarts had enemies infiltrated. “

“But we won, all the enemies have been expelled or eliminated. So rest assured, Hogwarts will continue to do so. I know someone may leave us temporarily because of parents’ concerns or other reasons. But I send you Guarantee, as long as there is a student who wants to come to school, the school will continue to run. And I will always be here to guide you as much as I can, help you, protect you. “

Slap, slap, slap-As soon as Dumbledore’s words fell, the Gryffindor table was the first to applaud, Ryan, Harry, and Ron all applauded, and more and more people applauded. Applause finally echoed in the auditorium like thunder.

Dumbledore ’s speech was still very effective. After that, only a few students left until evening. Most students still decided to stay in school to complete their studies, and they, like their parents, were full of confidence in the school and Dumbledore.

It’s just that Dumbledore didn’t pay attention to this scene at this time. He was watching Ryan and Hermione lay out some strange things in front of him in his principal’s office.

“These oil lamps-things that look like heaven.” Professor Dumbledore is a very knowledgeable wizard, so after careful observation he saw what kind of magic Ryan used, but he didn’t know Ryan What to do next.

“This is an ancient heavenly magic, which has a history of nearly two thousand years.” Lane said, putting a large oil lamp to his knee height in the middle of Dumbledore’s office.

At this time, the principal ’s office was completely different from the previous one, and the space below was completely emptied. Seven large oil lamps were placed on the ground according to the position of the Big Dipper, and seven, forty-nine small oil lamps were arranged around. The oil lamp that Ryan just placed is the most important natal lamp in this magic ritual. It is placed in the middle of the entire magic circle.

“What should I do next?” The sun was about to set, watching Ryan and Hermione lighting the oil lamps mixed with immortal medicine five minutes ago and lit them, Professor Dumbledore Asked in a purple robe standing on the second floor of the office.

“Next you need to connect your mind and the oil lamp in the center, and then read the above things in Mandarin. Then it is our business.” Lane said, pulling a jade from the space bag For the sake of simplicity, gold is handed over to the unfavorable headmaster who went downstairs with the inlaid gold characters ~ These are included. So after linking his mind and the oil lamp in the center according to Ryan’s instructions, he sat down cross-legged and unfolded the jade jade in Mandarin with a straight tone. “Albus was born in troubled times, Gan Lao Lin Quan–“

Although the overall atmosphere is very serious, when watching President Dumbledore reading these ancient essays in Mandarin, Ryan always felt some strange feelings. Fortunately, the sacrifice was not long, and he quickly read the last sentence. “–Fu Wangtianci, prostrate and listen, Qu Yan servant, so that he can inherit the will of the heaven, save the lives of the people, restore the old things, and wipe out the traitors.

As Dumbledore’s voice fell, all the flames on the lamp slammed up. The jade jade in his hand instantly turned into green smoke and flew upward, and disappeared into the void before touching the roof.

“It’s done.” Ryan said to Dumbledore when he saw all the smoke disappeared. “Next you only need to stay in the principal’s office at sunset until sunrise, and make sure that these oil lamps will not go out. Please leave us with other things.”

“Then please,” Dumbledore said, standing up and returning to the desk moved upstairs to start processing documents. Voldemort’s massive attack caused Dumbledore, the number one white wizard, to work again recently. Greatly increased.

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