Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 603 - Successful plan

Banged loudly, and Ryan even felt the vibration of the ground under his feet. The giant stone giant’s fists hit the ground, and a pothole with a depth as high as Ryan’s waist was hit on the farmland.

But Voldemort was not hit by this trick. After a cloud of black smoke spread out, Voldemort appeared on top of the giant’s head and waved his wand down. The stone giant immediately collapsed like soft mud, and then a black giant snake emerged from the stone giant’s wreckage.

The giant snake stood up instantly and made a hissing sound and swam to the side of Lion, while Voldemort also stood on the side of the giant snake and launched a life-spell on him. Ryan waved his wand to form a huge earth wave like the sea to block the life-spell, and then patted the giant snake and Voldemort.

The earth waves came down from the sky like a huge stone slab. The giant snake failed to escape and was photographed as a thick smoke, while Voldemort appeared slightly embarrassed on the ground after the earth waves rolled over. Ryan saw him raise his wand and prepare to attack again, so quickly gathered a pink transparent round shield in front of him.

But Voldemort did not attack, but turned his face quickly and turned his head quickly, and then the pop disappeared. The disappearance of Voldemort surprised Ryan, who was preparing for the next round of attack. He was a little curious why Voldemort had just shouted to kill himself but suddenly played and disappeared. But this did not let him relax his vigilance but nervously held his wand and looked around, fearing that Voldemort would suddenly jump out from behind to attack him.

This feeling of emotional tension was very bad, but he soon determined that Voldemort had indeed left, because Professor Dumbledore, wearing a purple robe, quickly walked out of the hedge on the other side.

“You are late, Mr. Principal.” After confirming that the principal was indeed in front of him, Ryan lifted his guard, and then took out a crystal test tube painted with golden runes to collect the black blood of Voldemort that was just stuck to his sword. Go in. If it were not for the blood, he would definitely ignite an indestructible fire on the enemy fencing to give Voldemort a hard time.

“No way, this place is too far away from the place we had previously planned. I just came here after seeing the movement here.” Professor Dumbledore said a little embarrassedly. “But what you did just now was really great, it made me feel like I saw Nicole May for the first time when I was young.”

“Thank you for your compliments, yes, how are the others?” Ryan asked Professor Dumbledore after she put away the test tube containing Voldemort’s blood. “I just saw Bill and Furong being chased by two Death Eaters.”

“Harry, they have successfully reached the Burrow.” Dumbledore said in a confirmed tone. “Because I just received a notification from Sirius, but I do n’t know the others. But I think you attracted at least half of the Death Eaters who came to ambush and Voldemort himself. In this case, they chased the food behind others. There shouldn’t be too many dead people, they will leave safely if they want to. “

Speaking of this, Dumbledore pulled out his wand and began to recover from the messy ground before it was beaten. Ryan also quickly pulled out his wand to help Professor Dumbledore. The land quickly returned to its original state after the two people were busy.

After the last wooden fence returned to its original position. Professor Dumbledore took out a teacup from his pocket and bent over a flat bar on the side fence, then raised his wand and said “Mentos”, the teacup shuddered for a while and emitted a strange blue light, then Gradually stopped and returned to the original state.

“It’s a little late now, so the door key I was going to use for you should have left early. Fortunately, I can do this magic.” Dumbledore picked up the cup and put it in front of Ryan. “Put your hands up, Ryan.”

Lean put out a finger and put it on the cup, the cup immediately radiated a dazzling blue light. Then Ryan felt that there seemed to be an invisible hook behind his navel. He and Dumbledore suddenly left the farmland and were dragged into the void. Lane spun uncontrollably, his fingers clinging tightly to the door key. After a few seconds, his feet hit **** the hard ground, but fortunately he kept his balance this time, his knees just bent and cushioned, and he stood up again immediately.

After standing firm, Ryan looked around and found himself in the courtyard of the Burrow. Hearing the sound of the courtyard, the door opened and Hermione suddenly ran out of the room and hugged Ryan tightly. “Everyone is here, even if you haven’t come back. I thought–I thought–“

“I’m fine,” Ryan said, clapping Hermione’s back and approaching her. “It’s just that after the dozen Death Eaters were killed, the mysterious man played a head-on fight. . The mysterious man ran away directly. “

“This is amazing!” Hermione looked up at him with her arms around Ryan’s neck. Ryan saw in her eyes the joy of the rest of her life and some of the most primitive worship of power.

“Actually, it’s not as dangerous as you think. As I said last time, after making the Virgin Rose, I can at least reach the same level as the mysterious man at the magic level. In this case, even if I am not because of experience His opponent, but there is no problem fighting him head-on and getting off in front of him smoothly. “Ryan comforted.” Besides, the soul connection between the two of you should have been able to perceive that I have nothing. “

“It wasn’t because I was nervous that you never thought about it.” Hermione said that there was an expression of sudden enlightenment. Afterwards, she let go of Ryan a little embarrassedly, and then hammered it gently on his chest.

“By the way, you just said that everyone else is back, is everyone okay?” Ryan asked Hermione when she saw the shyness and quickly changed the subject. After hearing his question, Hermione answered immediately, “Great Some people have no problem, because your pretense was very successful. So many of the Death Eaters who chased other people gave up half of them and gave up chasing to surround you according to the requirements of the mysterious man. “

“Although the mysterious people later found that you were not Harry, they let those people continue to chase other people away, but this one-time delay allowed other participants to smoothly escape from the dangerous place.” Hermione Ryan said what happened to other people ~ ~ The only thing injured was Furong. The Death Eaters who chased behind before they completely escaped released a heart curse at Bill, who was at his best at night Qi was about to pass through the magic protection in our safe zone and was unable to resist it. After blocking another evil spell, Furong found that he had no time to release the defensive spell again, so he stood up and replaced Bill with himself and suffered this spell. “

“She is so brave.” Ryan sighed. In the chaotic night battle, it is difficult for the average person to recognize what spell is attacked in time, so Furong can do this to represent her courage and love to face death. Sincere love. “And she must love Bill very much.”

“Yes!” Hermione nodded. “I used to think that Hibiscus was a little too grandiose and vanity, and that she was not well suited to the British atmosphere. Now think about it. I shouldn’t judge a person just by looking at it.”

“So what’s her situation now?” Ryan and Hermione walked side by side to the Burrow under Mr. Weasley’s beckoning. When the two of them just chatted, Principal Dumbledore gave Mr. Weasley a few words. After the talk, he has left. As the greatest white wizard, he has to do other things tonight.

“It ’s much better now. Some of the potions you left before to the Phoenix Society have a good effect on the sequelae of the Heart Drill. Also, the room may be very busy for a while, because everyone arrives safely, so everyone hopes to be good. Celebrate.”

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