Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 617 - Play

After the agreement was made, the two priests left, and Ryan and they appeared again above the party and the atmosphere of the party reached its climax. They did not return to their house in a carriage until the midnight banquet was completely over.

Early the next morning, Ryan made various preparations and agreed to meet the harpist at the entrance of the Supreme Palace as agreed. Then he and the ninth-level ranger named James used the power of the Silver Moon City Master Tower to reach the direction of the Moon Forest in the north of the city. That is where the Orc Chief Ober Arrows lost the back of the Arrow Fortress.

Ryan, they moved very fast in the forest, according to this ranger’s point of view. They don’t act like wizards at all, but like some rogues. I have to say that the veteran is very accurate. Ryan and Hermione did use the assassin’s tactics in the Assassin’s Creed.

After advancing five or six kilometers, the traces of the massive destruction of the forest are visible. Everything is destroyed in large areas. The shrubs fell from the trees and were all cut down, and even some places were dug away.

“In the North, many orcs go south to loot in winter. This is also the most dangerous time of the year. In previous years we will be prepared for Silvermoon City, but this year we did not expect Oberde to go south with a large group of orcs. If these orcs are not driven away or eliminated, the caravan ’s severance alone will prevent a large number of small villages from obtaining the winter necessities, which will cause at least half of the people to be starved to death. Not to mention these orcs Its own strength is enough to cause damage to everyone around it. In fact, several rangers and elves have been killed in these days. “

After listening to the description of the ranger, they all felt filled with indignation. Soon under stealth Rose Crystal aerial reconnaissance, an orc raid squad was discovered. This is also what these orcs do themselves, if it is not for them to cut down the surrounding trees, the rose crystals are not good enough to find them out of the dense jungle.

Soon under the cover of the surrounding natural environment, several people avoided the orc’s perception and touched a place not far from them. After Ryan sent a signal, Hermione instantly summoned the shadow to fix the dozen orcs together on the ground. Then Ryan summoned a large net made of lightning and passed it. At the same time, Rose Crystal also summoned a lot of crystal fragments to fight down.

Unprepared for such three-dimensional raid beasts, they did not expect to be able to have a rose crystal, an air raider with almost no warning in advance. I never imagined that a legendary mage could do this kind of sneak attack that completely disqualified him. So just one round of attacking all the orcs of this squad was collectively wiped out by the three of them, and the Ranger who accompanied them did not even shoot an arrow.

The level gap is most clearly shown here, especially for higher-level casters that have an overwhelming advantage over these lower-level fighters. In the next two days, Ryan attacked a dozen strongholds and killed more than 30 raid teams. The harpist had to admit that a legendary mage plus a high-level mage would be a massacre for the orcs if he ran down to attack the low-level orcs.

For example, when attacking the strongest base, there were three teams with nearly two hundred orcs. After the Rose Crystal investigation confirmed that there was no hostage in the stronghold, Ryan and they used a half-hour in the harpist ’s surprised eyes to build an altar in the woods near the stronghold, and then it took seven minutes to board the altar and called a lightning bolt. The entire stronghold was reduced to ashes along with the orcs in it.

After two days of cleaning, almost all the small and medium-sized orc strongholds and outgoing patrols in the jungle were swept away, and the rest were some large strongholds. After turning in the jungle for more than half an hour and still not finding the small-scale enemies like the previous two days, when they were eating at noon, the few of them gathered together to discuss the next move.

“Let’s retreat this time with a big vote, my brother.” Rose Crystal was somewhat excited to propose that she hoped to end the war with a brilliant victory. And with the justice of Alaszlo, if they can make a big contribution, they want to reward more.

“You are right, the investigation at least two hours ago found that the orcs had stopped sending raids, and they were concentrated in a few large strongholds. The enemy is no longer possible. “Lane nodded at Rose Crystal. “So we will have a complicated plan, if we are lucky, we can even solve the orc problem in one fell swoop—”

After more than ten minutes of discussion, everyone unified their opinions, and then they packed up and touched the location of the orc king court that was previously detected. This road seems to be very smooth, because in the previous two days of cleaning up, they killed nearly a thousand orc warriors, equivalent to half the number of local orc warriors. Under such tragic losses, Oberdall Arrows had to shrink its defense to avoid being broken by the attackers.

Of course, this is also no way. The orc chief once ordered an elite team of 100 people to be led by his most important son, Argen Three Boxing, from the front line to search for the attackers, but this team has just It was discovered by Rose Crystal as soon as it set off, and then the harpist ranger lured them away from the stronghold into the trap set by Lane.

When Oberdall Arrows found that the guard who was leading his own team was not right, everything was over. Ryan annihilated this orcish squad through magic traps. By the way, they also killed a carbine with flames and The power of the shadow destroyed the frontline stronghold that was empty because the main force left.

In the end, Oberdall Arrow only saw the son who was swept away with all the money and magic props, the body of the elite hundred team, and the frontline stronghold that turned into a huge fire. To make matters worse, in the past, a lot of food supplies were put in this outpost for the convenience of attacking everywhere. This time, Ryan was ignited by wildfires, which made the orcs’ lack of food more scarce.

Although the previous attack caused Ryan to kill a large number of orcs, it may be that the orcs felt timid because of the inexplicable loss of half of the warriors. The harpist ’s ranger clamored for a long time with the appearance of dozens of Ryan ’s temporary transformations from the transformation at a stronghold close to Wang Ting, except for the shooting of two orcs who accidentally exposed their heads. No other reinforcements from Wang Ting were seen in the plan.

When the night was about to fall, the Ranger James left the stone men in place as planned, and then returned to the camp to eat. Sitting by the campfire he said excitedly: “Three of us–ah, no, four of us.”

Rose Crystal heard the ranger’s change of mouth ~ ~ only to withdraw her gaze elegantly, lifted the special small porcelain cup and took a sip of hot tea. Ranger James looked a little embarrassed at the little puppet who was annoyingly staring at himself, and then said: “The four of us can actually make 1000 strong orc warriors dare not go out, I think this will become Silvermoon City Or even the entire Northland minstrel ’s long-sovereign goal. “

“If we succeed this time, we can.” Ryan said, his face became serious. “But the more we can’t carelessly at this time, according to the information I have read before, Ober Darrow is a brave and ambitious orc leader, he cannot let us kill his army without making any counterattacks. , Especially after his most important son was killed by us just now. “

“What you said makes sense.” James also took it seriously. “The orcs have a greater advantage at night than we humans. I guess they will probably attack us at night through the dark night.

Speaking of which, he looked at the seven or eight tents in the camp and the fire in the middle of the camp that clearly required more than four people. “But I think this camp is a bit rudimentary. These orcs are all battle-hardened. They should be hard to be fooled.”

“We know!” Hermione nodded. “But our real trap is not here, as long as this place can weaken a little bit of the enemy.”

“Well, sometimes you can’t understand the money concept of your casters.” James said with a shrug. He thought this place was the last trap because Ryan placed the materials in the camp at least two Three hundred gold coins, but I didn’t expect Ryan to spend so much money just to disturb the orcs.

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