Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 628 - Global

What Ryan didn’t think of was that he thought he only needed to stay here for a day or two before Professor Dumbledore could solve all the problems and send someone to replace them. As a result, three days and three days later, until one morning a week later, a team of five led by Moody arrived here to replace Lane.

“Sorry, let you wait a little longer here, and now we have finally organized a team to replace you. You can return to school now, let us here.” Moody said after seeing Ryan Here, “Yes, Professor Dumbledore is waiting for you in the school’s principal’s office. He seems to have something to tell you.”

“Okay, let me tell you how these new magical defense systems are used. Then I will go back to school with Hermione together.” After everything was explained, Ryan and Hermione phantom moved from the hall. The shape left. Before they left, they saw the guards of Azkaban smiling. It should be that they got the news that their loved ones were safe and sound.

After a snapping sound, Ryan and Hermione appeared outside Hogsmeade. In the case of war, it is more appropriate to hide some things as much as possible, because hiding one more day will give you one more day ’s advantage.

“What the **** is going on, why did everyone come to Hogsmeade?” Hermione looked at the surrounding scene strangely. There are many colorful tents outside the town of Hogsmeade, and many wizards are walking around in the middle of the tent. It looks the same as the Quidditch World Cup. To say the biggest difference from the World Cup that year, it can only be said that everyone’s face is not a smile, but a sad face.

After crossing Hogsmeade that way. Ryan noticed that many people living in tents can be classified as old, weak, sick, and not as helpers as Dumbledore found.

“Maybe everyone came here to seek the protection of Professor Dumbledore. It seems that the British magic world is indeed a mess.” Lane thought of coming to Hogwarts with Hermione in this way. Now the gate is closed, and there are still a group of people patrolling inside.

“Ryan, are you back?” After seeing Ryan standing at the door, the team of patrolling wizards came over, led by Percy Weasley. He came to help open the school door.

“You did a great job. We all heard from Hogwarts Light.” Percy said excitedly. “Come in quickly, by the way, Principal Dumbledore told me to tell you to go to his office as soon as you come back.”

“Thank you, Moody has informed us of this news. We will pass now.” Ryan nodded to Percy and walked down the road towards the castle.

This time is the time of class, and there is quietness in the corridor. When he came to the door of the principal’s office, Ryan just remembered that when Dumbledore didn’t seem to tell them what the password was today, the two monsters at the door of the office automatically jumped to both sides, and then the stairs slowly rotated upward.

Stepping up the stairs to the oak door, the bronze handle on the door spun automatically. The door opened, and Professor Dumbledore, who looked tired, was sitting there looking at a document. After hearing the sound of the door, he raised his head.

“Ah, it’s Ryan and Hermione. You should be busy this week. Now you are sitting here to take a break and eat something. I will tell you after I have finished processing the document at hand.”

After speaking of his wand, two comfortable armchairs with a small coffee table appeared in the principal’s office. On the coffee table in the middle of the armchair, there is also a large silver plate filled with various snacks, a teapot with hot black tea and two tea cups.

Ryan and Hermione ate and drank unkindly after sitting down. When Moody came to change shifts today, they came directly, which led to them not having breakfast at all.

At about the same time, Professor Dumbledore had finished the job at hand. He looked at the almost empty plate and asked: “Azkaban’s food is terrible? Do you want to come again?”

“Thank you, no need. We are full.” Ryan said after drinking the rest of the tea in the cup. “When there was a dementor before, these wizard guards needed to use food and entertainment to maintain their morale, so the food in Azkaban was actually similar to Hogwarts. We were so hungry just because we had n’t been on duty this morning after patrolling yesterday You will be notified to return after eating. “

“It’s really sorry, Ryan. When you are hungry and tired, you will come to talk to me.” Dumbledore said in an apologetic tone. “But the current situation we must cherish every minute, because the situation is worsening.”

“I understand.” Ryan nodded. “When I was in Azkaban, I listened to the wizarding radio in London through that radio, such as the Muggle Birth Registration Committee, such as you and Ms. Burns being wanted—”

“Yes, yes.” Dumbledore nodded. “But this is not the worst, and the worse news is that Voldemort and his followers now completely control the magic and diagonal lanes in London and more than 90% of the production and trade of magic materials in the UK. I even have to When students take potion classes, they adopt a ration system to ensure that everyone has enough medicines to use. “

“You are the greatest white wizard! How can this be embarrassed like this?” Hermione asked somewhat puzzled.

“In fact, this is very reasonable.” Dumbledore spread his hands. “Most of the magic farms and alchemy materials production sites in Britain belong to those pure blood families. Now they have fallen to Voldemort and will naturally cut off to Our supply. “

Speaking of which, Dumbledore looked at Ryan: “And I must thank you. If you had established your own magical herbal plantation in advance and connected the trade with the heavens, we might even have the remaining 10% will not have.”

“This is what I should do.” Ryan said, “But I really didn’t understand how the situation could be so bad? Obviously everything was normal on the morning we came to school ~ ~ This is because Me, an old man is too optimistic because of experience and self-confidence. “Dumbledore smiled bitterly. “I thought my deterrence and Scrimgeour’s ability should deter those who are going to move. I didn’t expect the Death Eaters to penetrate so deeply in the Ministry of Magic, and the control of the Ministry of Magic changed before I could. Only time to gather the exiles who have escaped. “

Ryan finally understood what was going on this time. Principal Dumbledore was not unprepared. He might even intend to use Voldemort to attack Voldemort before and after cooperating with the Ministry.

At least in the conflict at the end of last semester, even Voldemort himself led the Ministry of Magic for several hours. So much time was enough for Dumbledore to gather his hands and attack after receiving the news.

However, this time the situation changed suddenly, under the control of Yingying, Voldemort dropped the Ministry of Command’s command core in an instant. Under such circumstances, the scattered sand Ministry of Magic cannot naturally resist Voldemort’s control.

Not to mention that after the war, Dumbledore’s actions greatly compressed the living space of those pure blood families. Therefore, after Voldemort captured the Ministry of Magic, the pure-blood families who actually controlled the Ministry simply fell to Voldemort and established a Ministry of Voldemort within a short time. In this way, those who tend to Dumbledore can only run away.

This is the fundamental reason why the situation is now collapsed. The rapid fall of the Ministry of Magic has exposed a series of problems. So much so that everything happened for a whole week, and the Dumbledore side finally figured out everything from the chaotic state and re-established an order.

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