Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 637 - Taoism

Soon Ryan and the two of them came out of the memory and smiled at each other, and then came to the door of the principal’s office. The two monsters in front of the principal’s office already knew them at this time, and it was probably because Professor Dumbledore had advised him. So after seeing them, the stone monster on the left opened his mouth and said. “Ah, it’s you, Principal Dumbledore is not in the office now.”

“Not in the office, where is he now? We have an important thing to find him now.” Hermione said to the stone monster.

The two stone monsters shook their heads at the same time after hearing Hermione’s question, and then the left mouth said. “We really don’t know, because we are just stone monsters. Mr. Principal will not tell us these things.”

“Okay, let’s go somewhere else.” Ryan shrugged somewhat helplessly to leave, and turned his head just to see Dumbledore walking up the stairs.

“Lane, Hermione, it’s almost a curfew now, you shouldn’t be here. And you still have exams tomorrow.” Dumbledore said after seeing them.

“Mr. Principal, we came this time because we have something very important to come to you. It’s about Harry–” At this point, Ryan pointed his forehead and signaled that Principal Dumbledore came to find him this time. The part of Voldemort in the body is related.

“Oh, then come with me. I think we need to discuss this issue well.” Dumbledore immediately understood Ryan what they were looking for, so he opened the door of the principal’s office and brought Ryan They walked into the principal’s office.

After entering the principal’s office, Dumbledore pulled out his old wand and pointed at several statues in the office. Ryan could feel a special layer of magic protection covering the whole office in an instant. He could understand this approach of Dumbledore, because what is being discussed is a very important thing, which must not be known by Voldemort.

“Okay, please sit down.” After sitting on the high-back chair behind the desk, Dumbledore turned out two chairs in front of him with his wand to let them sit down. “Now you can elaborate on what you are going to tell me today.”

“Principal Dumbledore,” Hermione said after taking a deep breath to calm down. “We have now found a way to separate the mysterious soul in Harry’s body without harming the host”

“Really?” Dumbledore, who had always been very steady in his impression, sat up straight, and then asked. “How did you do it?”

Speaking of which, Dumbledore also felt a little sick. So he leaned back and said. “I asked this question not because I did not trust you, but since I knew that there was a piece of Voldemort in Harry. I have traveled all over the Mediterranean and asked countless wizards in recent years. The Coptic wizards of soul-like spells are still Greek wizards with ancient heritage, but they have no other way to solve this problem than a very dangerous one. “

“Is that the Horcrux main body who killed the Horcrux carrier by hand?” Ryan asked. “If there is no special magic, this is the only way I can think of.”

“Yes, this is the way.” Dumbledore nodded. “Of course, I also know that this method requires countless coincidences to achieve it. But at least it is better than waiting for death without doing anything.”

“I can understand.” Ryan nodded. “But now, I don’t think we need such a risky approach. Because I found a special magic from Heaven, which can separate that soul while ensuring Harry’s safety.”

After he finished, he took out the slap-sized black grass figure and put it on the ground. After touching the floor, the grass figure grew quickly and quickly grew back to its original size.

“Is that the magic?” Dumbledore stood up and walked around the desk to look at the cursive man. “I seem to have heard of this kind of ancient magic in Tianchao, but I have never seen it before. By the way. When can this magic begin?”

“Actually, it’s fine now. I think this magic needs your office because I don’t know where else is safer than here. It’s just that the ground may be destroyed when you cast a spell-” Ryan said, scratching his head here. It seems a little embarrassed.

“Nothing is more important than saving an innocent life.” Dumbledore said, waving his wand to make all the carpets on the floor disappear. “What can I do for you next?”

“It’s only now that the mysterious person’s birth date is ready.” Ryan finished and took out the yellow paper, and cinnabar and brush were placed on the desk in the principal’s room. “You need to tell me the birth time of the mysterious person.”

“You are asking the right person, and there are not many people who still remember Voldemort’s birthday.” After that, Dumbledore told Ryan Voldemort’s exact date of birth. This was the news he had obtained while investigating Voldemort’s life.

Knowing the exact time of Voldemort’s birth, Lane used a brush to dip the cinnabar ink and crafted the character of Voldemort’s birth on yellow paper. But when writing his name, Ryan wrote emle. Because this magic is to communicate the name recognized by the soul, and Voldemort does not recognize the name his mother gave him with his Muggle father’s surname.

After writing the name and birthday of Voldemort on the yellow paper, Ryan folded the yellow paper into the desired shape according to the magic instrument. Afterwards, the folded yellow paper was inserted into the location of the heart of the grass man’s chest.

After everything was ready, Ryan sent a pattern to Hermione through the Phoenix Brand, and later said, “Take this grass man as the center and etch this pattern on the floor with the power of death.”

“Understood.” Hermione immediately stepped forward to draw mysterious runes in the air with her wand. As her wand waved, a large amount of red and black smoke poured from the top of the wand and covered the entire ground. UU reading made the ground look like hell.

“This kind of power is a little dangerous.” Dumbledore said, holding his glasses. “In case of loss of control–“

“You can rest assured, Professor Dumbledore.” Hermione said, “The power that I possess comes from the last time it fell behind the Ministry of Magic behind the gate of death, not the wrong power that some people have pursued.”

“That’s good.” Dumbledore was suddenly allergic after seeing the power of death. After calmly discovering that Hermione’s power of death was not as aggressive as the power Lord Voldemort had, he stopped asking this question. Too.

Five minutes later, with the recitation of Hermione’s mantra. The red and black mist gradually faded and disappeared into the air in the principal’s room, leaving only a magic circle centered on the black grassman and flashing red light from time to time on the floor.

Seeing that everything was ready, Ryan pulled out two lights from the space bag, one suspended on the head of the grass man and the other placed at the foot of the grass man. Afterwards, he started to fight, and at the same time mobilized the power of the Virgin of the Roses to draw one sign after another around the grassman.

As the mantra was recited, more and more pink symbols were printed in the principal’s room. Even Dumbledore and Hermione had to step back a few steps in order not to touch these signs.

When the last incantation was pronounced, these signs all flew into the black grass man in the center of the office like moths. In an instant, all the visions in the room disappeared, leaving only a black grass man standing there, a light on each head and foot silently lit.

“Is this over?” Hermione asked after looking at the curator.

“What I have to do is over. The next thing is what Harry has to do.” Ryan finished looking at Dumbledore. “The rest of this magical ritual will trouble him.”

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