Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 641 - Acquaintance

Hogwarts summer sunshine is always so bright, even now Voldemort and the Ministry of Magic under his control are staring in the south, Ryan they still see a lot of students sitting or lying on the lawn in the sun.

After checking the permission road in Ryan ’s hand, the patrol leader opened the iron gate of Hogwarts Castle. After nodding his thanks to the patrol leader who was a former member of the Percy Squad, Lane and Hermione walked down the dirt road towards Hogsmeade Town.

The town of Hogsmeade is much larger than before, and it is also a lot cleaner. The original scattered tents have disappeared. Several rows of row houses are now neatly arranged in the open space on the edge of the town, and people can be seen entering and leaving the house from time to time.

“Good afternoon, Ryan. Ah, and Hermione, and good afternoon to you.” Just as Ryan walked down the road toward the town center, a young woman with linen hair greeted them. They froze for a moment before they realized that the young woman sitting there basking in the sun was Nifadora Tonks, who should now be called Nifadora Lupin.

Tonks is completely different from the previous handsome dress with bright hair and a leather coat. Now she is lying on a deck chair, wearing comfortable and loose cotton clothes, and her face is more rounded than in the past.

“Hello, Mrs. Lupin.” Lane and Hermione walked down the road together and chatted with Tonks sitting in front of the gate of a row house. “By the way, didn’t you and Lupin travel to Northern Europe, why are you here now?”

“We were traveling in Northern Europe.” Tonks sat up and said. “It’s just that after the Hogwarts Express attack, the Ministry of Magic changed hands. We and Sirius both responded to the call of Principal Dumbledore and hurried back to England. But when we returned, the two of you were still Azkaban insisted, and then went back to school to prepare for the exam. So you guys do n’t know that it ’s normal for us to come back. ”

“Oh, we were really busy during this time, and we didn’t even pay much attention to the situation outside.” Hermione nodded. “Where is Professor Lupin now? Why are you alone here now?”

“Luping is now mainly responsible for the connection between the production of various magic raw materials here and Northern Europe to ensure that these local magic props and potion producers can have enough raw materials.” Tonks touched himself here. Belly. “As for me, because I found out that I was pregnant after I came back, I live here with my parents for the time being.”

“You’re pregnant, this is amazing” Hermione congratulated Tonks. “Don’t go out to work during this time. Although the situation is dangerous now, it will not be reduced to relying on pregnant women.”

Unlike ordinary people who are pregnant, sorcerers will try to minimize the use of potions or some magic after pregnancy, because these things may affect the development of the fetus. Coupled with the fact that the wizards’ fertility rate is not very high, the newborn is more important. So traditionally wizards stop working once they become pregnant.

“This is why I am basking here.” Tonks said with some helplessness. “To tell me, I prefer to go to Auror headquarters now. Rather than staying here, I can’t go anywhere.”

Speaking of this, Tonks looked at Ryan, “I really want to thank you. If you helped solve his problems, even my parents would not accept a werewolf as their son-in-law.”

“Nothing, this is what I should do.” Ryan smiled. “And they are now showing their value. If it weren’t for the industrious werewolves, now we wouldn’t have enough raw materials to make various potions and magic props.”

“But anyway, I still want to thank you.” After chatting for a while, a slightly older woman came out of the room. Her hair is soft and light brown, and her eyes are very large.

Lean and Hermione touched the wand subconsciously at the same time, but the hand was just raised and lowered. The man in front of him looks more like Bellatrix, but looks much softer.

“You are Ryan and Hermione” the older woman said, “Thank you very much for your help to Dora and Remus. I am Andromeda Tonks. Dora’s mother.”

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Tonks.” Lane and Hermione greeted at the same time, the older woman in front of her should be young

Sirius ’cousin, Bellatrix ’s sister. No wonder she gave Ryan the same feeling as Bellatrix when she came out of the dark room.

After a few words of greeting, Ryan and Hermione quickly quit. Tonks returned to the room with his mother and heard that she and her family were now at home helping the Ministry of Magic with a series of documents and accounts.

“Mrs. Tonks really scared me when I came out.” Hermione said when walking on Hogsmeade Street. “But if you look closely, there is a clear difference between their sisters. And Sirius also said that this cousin was the closest relative to him. Think about it, too. A member of the Black family chose to marry a wizard of Muggle background, indeed the same person as Sirius. “

Lane nodded to agree with Hermione’s words, then looked at the situation on both sides of the street with great interest. By this time they had arrived on the main street of Hogsmeade. It is different from the coldness here a week ago, and now there are many wizards walking around the streets of Hogsmeade, which makes it very prosperous.

After all, the situation has initially stabilized. Even though Voldemort in the south is still a huge threat, the lives of the wizards must continue. Coupled with the various circumstances a while ago, many wizards had to stay at home, so that the stock in their hands was consumed by seven or eight. So after the situation improved slightly, they would naturally come to Hogsmeade to purchase. This also created the prosperity here.

After squeezing from a group of wizards from the countryside who were standing in front of the three brooms and going to have a drink, Lane went up a **** to the screaming shack. Unlike the original dilapidated appearance, the screaming shack can be completely renewed ~ ~ All the boards that sealed the entrance of the house have been removed and the damaged areas have been repaired. Even the exterior of the building was repainted once, making the entire house look as if it had just been built. From time to time, people hurried out of the house or out.

“Ryan, today is class time, what are you doing here” Suddenly a familiar voice rang from behind, Ryan turned his head and saw Sirius striding over. He had a neat Auror uniform and his hair was neatly combed, and he looked radiant.

“Good afternoon, Sirius.” Ryan greeted Sirius with a wave of his hand and then showed him the appointment letter with his name filled in. “You know, Hermione and I have already obtained the required examination certificates. Principal Dumbledore suggested that we now work temporarily as a part-time special consultant in the Department of International Magic Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic, so we came here today to ask about the specific situation.

“The International Department of Magical Cooperation” Sirius thoughtfully looked at this appointment letter. “This department is indeed recruiting staff recently, and even the visitors do not refuse, because their manpower gap is too large, and even to the point that they are basically unable to operate normally.”

After he finished, he looked up at them. “I ’m back after I ’ve finished my task. I ’ll just take you through.”

“Thank you so much. We haven’t been here before. We were just thinking about what to do if we couldn’t find a place.” Ryan said as he put away the letter of appointment and then followed Sirius with Hermione. Screaming in the direction of the shack.

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