Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 645 - Protocols and traps

“—This agreement is not bad, we just need to pay for some marginal knowledge that is not important. But every month we can get a certain amount of the medicine we urgently need. In addition, the most important thing is that we can put those needs The wounded with complex magical protection and treatment are transferred. After all, San Mungo is not safe anymore, and everything in the new location is a bit crude. “After carefully reading the final agreement, Lucius commented seriously.

“It’s just a way for the French wizards to defend their enemies beyond their borders. As the most enlightened country in Europe in terms of blood, they absolutely don’t want to have neighbors like mysterious people. In this case, we give blood and life Pay money and manpower. This is fair, “Ryan said.” Even if we don’t pay them anything, these things will be given in the end, but in order to maintain a good relationship between the two sides, we still pay something. “

“You are right.” Lucius said, “I must take back some of my previous prejudices. Although you are from Muggles, you are more accurate than most pure-blood wizards in the current situation.”

After listening to this sentence, Ryan and Hermione smiled at each other. The reason why they can see so accurately is not because of their talents. Instead, they accumulated rich experience after several worlds combined ruled more than 10 million people.

The following week, Ryan and Hermione started a communication event in Booth Button. After discussions with French alchemists, both sides were quite rewarded. In addition, they also participated in several banquets to connect with each other.

Of course, they also met people from the Ministry of Magic in London at the banquet. Although both parties wished to strangle each other, fortunately neither Ryan nor they were sent by the Ministry staff to be the kind of fanatics who could not control themselves. So they were able to stay calm on the French site.

In addition, Ryan and Hermione also went to many worlds to hoard a large number of supplies. After knowing that this time the special envoy was Lucius Malfoy, they formulated a large plan of action.

Lucius Malfoy did not participate in these activities. During this time, he has been secretly contacting the pure blood wizards in France and individual British exiles for the Hogsmeade Ministry and Hogwarts. Ryan’s public activities during this period were actually from a certain point of view to cover Lucius.

When they were ready to return at the end of the week, Lucius also showed his achievements. Under his activities, the previously completely cut off trade with Europe was reopened, although in terms of quantity, it was only 1/100 5. But at least the looming problem has been successfully solved.

After the celebration on Friday, Ryan and they also ended the visit and prepared to return to Hogwarts. However, unlike when they came, they returned with the use of space equipment to purchase much-needed supplies. Even the way of returning has made some changes.

After saying goodbye to Mrs. Maxime, Ryan and his wife returned to the landing point when they came to France in the carriage of Booth Button. After the **** who had watched Bussparton drove the carriage away, Ryan pulled out his saddle from the space pocket and unloaded Ye Qi from the carriage.

“Are we going to ride Ye Qi back now?” Lucius Malfoy asked puzzlingly. “I clearly learned from my son–“

“No, no, it’s just that the two of us rode back together, and you only need to pay for one hair.” Ryan waved his fingers at Lucius, and then looked at his smooth and smooth water. blonde.

“You guys want to–” Lucius thought about something at once, and at the beginning said a vigilant look around to change the topic. “Then wish you all the best.”

“Thank you for your blessing.” Ryan nodded to Malfoy, and then Hermione stepped forward and took Malfoy to disappear. Ryan opened the space door and summoned the rose crystal.

“Good morning, my elder brother.” Rose Crystal walked out of the door of the space very gracefully to Ryan, and then raised her head. “It’s great to fight alongside you again.”

“Nice to hear you say that.” Ryan opened the space door and took out a puppet. “You will enter this puppet and pretend to be me, but you can give up this disguise as soon as you encounter an enemy.”

“Understood.” Rose Crystal nodded and got into the puppet. A few seconds later, the Ryan figure opened his eyes.

“Are you ready on this side?” At this moment, there was a snapping sound next to her, and Hermione got out of the thin smoke. At this time, she had sent the old Malfoy back to Hog. Watts, and ensure that Lucius Malfoy will not appear in front of anyone before they go back.

“Okay.” Ryan said, taking the platinum long hair in Hermione’s hand and putting it in her mouth to look like Lucius Malfoy, and then took out a set of the same as Lucius just now. Smalford wore the same dress as he wore.

“Put on this travel cloak.” Hermione threw a gorgeous velvet cloak. “This was given to me by old Malfoy just now. He thinks it’s hard for you to pretend to be his temperament, so let you wear this travel cloak directly and wear a hood so that the interceptor can’t see your face. Also, the first mantra he encountered after encountering an enemy was the life-spelling mantra. “

“Summer of death, fortunately I can pretend to use a newly learned spell this time.” After that, Ryan put the travel cloak on his body, and then put the hood on his head. After finishing the dressing, he saw her puppets controlled by Hermione and Rose Crystal also put on similar cloaks.

“Let’s go!” With Ryan’s order, the three Ye Qis with their horses removed flicked away like dragon wings. This creature’s climbing speed is no worse than the ordinary flying broom, and soon Ryan found that the forest clearing he took off has become a vast green forest.

“Do you think someone will actually kill us today?” The wind in the sky was so strong that people could not open their mouths, so Hermione asked Ryan simply through the Phoenix brand. “It’s not a comfortable thing to fly in the wind for five or six hours in vain.”

“It must be.” Ryan said, staring at the blue sky ahead. “Do n’t forget that the Malfoy family is now at the top of the list of people the mysterious person wants to kill ~ ~ and the first two days although Lucius did notice concealment when contacting those people, But there were too many people he contacted. In this case, he and the two of us would definitely not be able to conceal the matter of traveling together. “

“So, the mysterious man and his men will definitely ambush us, because for the mysterious man, letting a traitor like Malfoy live there is a great challenge to him. Even his foundation will be shaken because The mysterious man relies on his strong and brutal control of his subordinates. Once he appears weak, his rule will lose stability immediately. “

“I feel it.” Hermione suddenly said at this time, “There is a strange bird that has been following about five or six hundred meters behind us. This should be the attacker’s eyeliner.”

The power of death made Hermione more sensitive to creatures than ordinary people, so the magical creature, at most the size of a ping pong ball, could not hide her whereabouts.

“They shouldn’t be attacking now. This is France. The attack here may trigger this unpredictable event. I guess they will do it again after we leave the French border for some time. But this is also good, no one is watching. Many things were convenient for us at the time. “Ryan said to Hermione after focusing on the spot where he pointed out, he found that they were followed by a bird similar to the golden flying man, but the feathers were all black Yes, it seems like a mantra.

“Let’s fly a little above the clouds, it’s better to disguise it if it’s disguised.” After determining that someone was watching, Ryan climbed above the clouds and flew west.

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