Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 650 - Withdrawal

Ryan and more than twenty people squeezed into the two elevators, the door closed, and the elevator began to rise.

“How long?” Ryan asked, Hermione raised her hand and looked at the hands of the watch. “In two minutes and fifteen seconds, the wildfires placed in the office of the Muggle Birth Registration Committee will explode. After three and a half minutes, the Weasley fireworks that were previously placed with the bodies will also be ignited.”

“The woman in the interrogation room just now should have gone out to report, which should create some confusion. The only thing is to hope that she does not go out to report too early and let the exit be completely blocked.” Ryan analyzed. “If everything goes well, we only need to insist on five or six minutes after going up. Twenty people will be finished soon.”

“Eighth floor,” just after Ryan finished speaking, everyone with a magic wand was nervously holding the magic wand to prepare, and suddenly a witch in the elevator said indifferently, “The main hall.”

“Move fast, rush directly to the fireplace. Don’t look back at any movement.” Looking at a large group of people in the hall, Ryan knew that it was absolutely impossible to sneak out with so many people this time. Fortunately, the previous killing in the courtroom might have really scared the survivor, plus the location of the courtroom was relatively remote and no one noticed. So when this group of people ran into the hall smoothly, the hall was as usual, and there was nothing different from the previous situation.

Many people along the way felt a little strange that so many people lined up and ran to the hall, but under Voldemort’s rule, there were so many strange things. If you want to live well, you have to learn not to be busy, so no One person stood up and asked what they were doing.

The hall was a little darker than it was before Ryan. It turned out that there was a golden fountain in the center, projecting a spot of light on the bright wooden floor and walls. And now, a huge black stone statue occupies the center position. At the top of this giant stone statue, a witch and a witch sit on the throne of gorgeous carvings, overlooking the entire hall. The bottom of the statue is engraved with a few words about one foot high: magic is power.

“Voldemort is really an honest man, dare to inscribe such a big truth directly on the stone.” Ryan thought after reading these words. “But from this point you can also see that Voldemort is not a qualified Dark Lord. The true Dark Lord should be like Grindelwald. Even if he is doing evil things, he must find a way to overthrow the unreasonable secrecy. The slogan gathers hearts. “

Thinking about these things, Ryan wasn’t idle. Under his and Hermione’s greetings, the Muggle-born wizards drilled into the fireplace in order and disappeared in pairs. The wizard of the Ministry of Magic stood hesitantly, some with a confused face, some with dismay and dismay, but when they saw Ryan, they had a large number of people and were organized, so they just looked at it.

Just two-thirds of people passed the fireplace and left, and the hall was finally commotion. Several blowers in a gray uniform touched a metal button on the neckline at the same time, and then ran towards the fireplace with a wand. Shout while running. “Stop them, they are mud breeds who escaped from the court, and they just killed Abbott, the director of the Muggle Birth Registration Committee.”

“Wow–” Unlike the imagination of the group of strikers, the group of wizards who had been around the side did not directly pounce on the mud species as imagined, but screamed and fled, even if they fled. The shaman who was still there aloud for insulting the mud breeds is no exception.

“A group of idiots.” Lane confessed in his heart that if the group of blowers said they were fledgling wizards, there would be a lot of people coming to hinder Lane’s actions. In that case, even if these ordinary wizards are not strong, they can still cause a lot of trouble.

But now the group of strikers directly shouted that this group of people can kill Abbott, the director of the Muggle Birth Registration Committee in court. This news is too exciting for this group of ordinary people working in the Ministry of Magic. It’s okay to deal with those fleeing Muggle wizards that they usually look down on, but if it’s the kind of powerful and brutal wizard who directly killed the Muggle Birth Registration Committee director in court.

After seeing that the front staff did not stop the group of hemp seed wizards as expected, the group of strikers had to speed up. But soon they stopped because at this time, neither their own shadow nor the wooden floor were trying to hinder their progress.

“Continue to run, don’t stop.” Ryan shouted loudly at the stunned hemp seed wizards, and then waved his wand to make one after another wooden thorns attack the slickers on the smooth wooden floor. Hermione is also manipulating the shadows of these people into claws or ropes to hinder their progress.

After seeing this scene, several strikers began to release various spells to Ryan. After avoiding a life-spell, Ryan released a finger of death and killed the guy who blocked the road.

After seeing that a companion was killed, the other strikers involuntarily slowed down their pace, and the spells they came over were also sparse. This calmed down the remaining hemp seed wizards, stooped and trot, and retreated as planned. After 15 seconds, all the remaining eight hemp wizards successfully retreated along the fireplace.

Just after the last hemp breed wizard left, a middle-aged wizard wearing a gorgeous and elegant robe inlaid with gold wire ran from the direction of the elevator. Unfortunately, his gloomy and slightly brutal face and His gorgeous clothes do not match.

“Grab those two little guys, don’t let them run away.” The somber witch shouted with a sharp voice. “Otherwise, none of you can escape the punishment of the Dark Lord today. Of course, if you can catch or kill them, the Dark Lord will give you enough rewards.”

“The prerequisite is that they can live to that time.” Ryan also shouted in a loud voice. “Besides Voldemort, it is impossible to kill them all. Of course I can’t, but whoever rushes to the front can kill me.”

After speaking, Ryan shot with another finger of death ~ ~ The striker rushing to the front was directly hit by the green light and fell to his face. And there was a wooden thorn just behind him coming out of the floor and directly plunging into his back and popping out of his left eye frame.

After seeing this scene, the morale of all the hitters who had just been inspired and rewarded and intimidated just now withered like a splash of cold water in front of them. No matter how inspiring the gloomy wizard was, intimidation or even a heart curse hit someone. Others still stayed in place.

“It seems that even if you occupy the Ministry of Magic, the smell of the mouse in the gutter can’t be washed away.” Ryan saw this scene with a satire, then raised his wand and shot at the large statue in the hall. A pink spell.

After being hit by the curse, the statue collapsed like a sand structure. In the billowing smoke of the collapsed statue, Ryan took Hermione and Rose Crystal into the fireplace together. After spinning for a few seconds, they sprayed from a toilet.

“How much do the wizards love toilets.” Ryan complained. When the Hogwarts were rebuilt, the Gunter family hid the secret room entrance in the toilet, and the Ministry of Magic also hid the entrance in the toilet.

“That’s because the toilet is so concealed, and nobody cares about what’s going on in the next compartment?” Hermione shrugged, then listened nervously to the surrounding movement.

According to the plan, they intend to ambush another wave here. On the one hand, it is to try to eliminate the other party’s vitality, on the other hand, it is to create enough chaos to help those hemp wizards run further.

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