Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 652 - dinner

“Grilled tenderloin, grilled chicken with onions, chunks of roast beef, pork pie. Ah-and this big pot of seafood cream soup. This is simply too rich, I believe that even our mother could not be so short Prepare this big table in time. “While Ryan and Hermione commanded these huge silver plates to line up and fly down the stairs through the hall to the back garden. Fred, who was commanding several oil lamps hanging in the air, said in surprise.

“Not all of them are freshly made.” Ryan said, “But the space equipment I made has a fresh-keeping function, which can ensure that they taste just as good as those just out of the pot.”

Put all the utensils in the place where they should be, and the front doorbell rang, and after Peñello heard the bell, he walked into the room. Soon, Lu Ping came in with the eleven werewolves.

“Good evening, Professor Lupin.” Ryan greeted them together. After returning to the ceremony, Lupin hung their clothes on the back of the chair and sat down.

“Ryan, what did you do today?” Lupin asked somewhat puzzled after sitting firmly. “A lot of wizard phantoms have come here in the afternoon, and they are still dragging their mouths. They keep saying that you saved them.”

“We just did something we should do.” Ryan said humbly, and then with Hermione, you probably talked about their adventures today.

“You are still too risky today.” Lu Ping persuaded after listening to Ryan’s words. “There are not many Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic right now. Like the Muggle Birth Registration Board Director Len Cowen. Albert, the wizard who sells and informs by fart does not represent the general level of all Death Eaters. , In case you have to meet a few high-level wizards, it will be troublesome. “

“The level of those professional strikers when we rushed out was the same.” Hermione said. “As long as one of them is killed, they will hesitate.”

“They shouldn’t adapt to your style of play.” A werewolf with a big beard said, “I have said that if we have been using non-lethal spells, we will be too disadvantaged in war.”

“It’s not just that.” Said the former Auror named William, then turned to look at Ryan and they showed admiration. “Although it is said that the training of strikers is much simpler than Auror, and now the level of strikers temporarily recruited from the scum is estimated to be even worse. But even if this is the case, it can kill the guy who rushed to the front. Life is not something ordinary people can do. Even the most elite group in Aurors has this level. “

“William, enough.” Just when William was talking, Lupin stopped him. “Ryan they are too young, these things should not be borne by them. You should not encourage them to continue their adventures next time.”

As the werewolf leader, Lu Ping no longer has the introvert of the past, but appears extremely majestic. After listening to what he said, William immediately closed his mouth.

“Thank you for your concern, Professor Lupin.” Hermione said, “We will pay attention to these things in the future. By the way, when it comes to high-level wizards, the two of us escaped from the hall of the Ministry of Magic. The dark wizard you are catching up is indeed what you said. The level is very high, and even the same style of play will be used. It’s just that we were killed by the two of us. “

“Powerful dark wizard, don’t you know who he is?” Lu Ping asked. “As far as I know, many powerful Death Eaters are by Voldemort’s side to prepare to execute his evil commands at any time, which causes most Death Eaters who are named in the Ministry of Magic to be outside the Ministry of Magic many times. So stay There are not many Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic. Many of them were the staff of the original Ministry of Magic who escaped the trial in the last war. “

“But I really don’t know that person. After all, Hermione and I are not wizards, so I don’t really know the staff of the Ministry of Magic.” Ryan said, “Yes, he should look like this. “

Finally, Ryan pulled out his wand and summoned a stone in the yard into his hand, then tapped it with his hand. Soon the stone became the head of the cold-looking wizard who rushed out and tried to attack Lion.

“Axley!” After seeing this picture, Lu Ping, the twins and several werewolves sitting at the table exclaimed at the same time, “You two actually killed the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the Ministry of Magic in London!”

“I don’t seem to have heard of this person.” Hermione said in a questioning tone, “You know, we were either guarding in Azkaban a few days ago, or taking the NEWT exam, and even after the exam, we didn’t take a break, and It is to prepare props for everyone and research new products. It is really not clear about the personnel situation of the Ministry of Magic in London. “

“It turned out to be the case, I almost forgot.” Fred said on his forehead. “The Daily Prophet has made this very clear. It has the latest list of officials from the Ministry of Magic in London. The Death Eaters and the pure blood of the mysterious people occupy all positions, and the original position is Those who refused to cooperate either came to our side or fled the country, or were thrown into the prison by the guys. “

“At this point I admire Fudge more,” George said. “We always thought that he would fall directly to the mysterious person when he regarded power as his life, but I did not expect him to choose to take his family in exile in France. Unlike a few The guy usually vowed to fight the mysterious man until the last moment, but after the real mysterious man came, he kissed his shoes first. “

“Humanity is often revealed at the moment of war,” Ryan said. “Okay, let’s eat first. Otherwise, these barbecues will become as cold as stones.”

It was only then that everyone discovered that the discussion was so fascinating that they did n’t notice that the sky was completely dark now. Only the lights that the Weasley twins hung in the air just now provided light to the table. So everyone stopped talking and ate. Soon, the food prepared by these hobbits conquered the taste buds of everyone here.

“I didn’t expect it ~ ~ There is something more delicious in the world than the food cooked by the house elves.” An elderly werewolf with white hair praised. “This is the best thing I have eaten in my life.”

And other people did not even raise their heads at this time, only to strive to eliminate the food on the table. Half an hour later, a table full of delicious food was eaten clean. Thanks to Ryan knowing that the wolf people have a bigger appetite than normal people, so the dishes selected in advance are all large. This made everyone at the table full.

After dinner, Hermione cleaned up the table with a spell. Then took out a few bottles of mulled wine and juice and poured it into the glass beside everyone with the wand conductor.

Soon, everyone here came together in twos and threes and chatted. For example, Hermione was talking to Penello and a female werewolf in the corner. Ryan walked to another corner with Lupin.

“Recently you must pay attention to safety, it is best to stay in Hogwarts Castle.” Lupin persuaded quietly. “This is not to detract from your courage or strength, but it is impossible for a strong hero to be vigilant at all times. Many times a glass of poisonous wine in daily life is far more terrible than a sword on the battlefield.”

“Thank you for your reminder.” Lane said. “At this time we stayed in Hogwarts Castle and went nowhere. Anyway, we don’t need to make all kinds of magic props. What raw materials are needed to directly send people into the castle.”

“That’s good.” Lu Ping finally smiled on his face, “You are very important to everyone now, so I hope you can all go well, don’t make any mistakes.”

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