Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 655 - newspaper

“I have sent people to negotiate with the Ministry of Magic in various European countries, but seriously, the effect is not good.” Professor Dumbledore said with some distress. “The only result is the vampire. After seeing the messenger I sent, several famous vampire families promised that they would try their best to restrain the clan from the UK.”

“I’m curious why this is?” Professor Dumbledore’s tone was full of doubt. “I did not promise them anything, nor gave them any gifts. They just made a promise as soon as they heard that it was the messenger I sent.”

“Will they deceive you?” Hermione asked a possibility. “That group of vampires from an ancient family cannot be kind creatures. For their benefit, lying is as simple as eating and drinking.”

“No.” Dumbledore shook his head. “The messengers I sent told me that these vampires swear in the name of Cain. For vampires, such vows cannot be violated.”

“Anyway, this is a good thing. We don’t have to struggle too much.” Ryan said, he thinks this is probably because of the effect of killing a whole branch of vampires in his fourth grade. . After that incident, Professor Dumbledore’s reputation spread among the dark creatures. The near-extinction of the European giants reinforces this rumor.

For those vampires, they would n’t mind to fish in muddy water to benefit themselves in such chaos. However, if there is a high probability of fishing for the benefit of the whole family, the vampires will naturally not be too hard to ask for money and die.

After discussing all the things that had happened before, Ryan said a few more words and said goodbye to the principal Dumbledore. Because the principal still has a lot of things to do, and Ryan they also need to discuss the content of the latest issue of “Look, this is Muggle” and do some preparations for the publication of the new daily newspaper.

Since the outbreak of war, the newspapers and magazines in London have basically become the propaganda channels of the Ministry of Magic in London. In addition to the newly formed Hogwarts Optoelectronics Station in Hogsmeade, the only magazine that can be used for publicity is only Ryan. “Look, this is Ma Melon “.

Originally Hogmore’s Ministry of Magic still hoped to use the longer-released “Singing Opposition” as its own propaganda tool, but unfortunately they could not talk to Mr. Lovegood. At the same time, the absurd content before “Singing the Opposition” made this magazine’s credibility not high, and it was not conducive to the following publicity work.

On the other hand, Hogsmeade ’s Ministry of Magic is now severely understaffed and can only concentrate personnel in some indispensable departments. The person who runs the newspaper cannot be drawn at all. In this case, you can only choose to support the “Look, this is Muggle” hosted by Lane.

Although the Ministry of Magic is understaffed and unable to provide human resources assistance, it can be said to provide great convenience in other respects. For example, give them the special right to interview, and provide enough ink, printing equipment, and corresponding paper. In this case, “Look, this is Muggle”, in addition to being converted into a monthly publication, Ryan and they are also preparing to publish a daily newspaper and the “Prophet Daily” to fight against the stage.

“Don’t you think that the name” British Magic “is a bit too ordinary?” After returning to his residence, Lane looked at the sample of the first daily newspaper that will be released tomorrow. When they were in Boothparton It is mainly used as a cover, so there is more free time. Naturally prepared all the work of newspaper distribution.

“At least much better than the” Hogwarts Light “or” Truth “you proposed.” Hermione glared at Ryan. “The name in front of me not only sounds like a school newspaper, but also plagiarized Li Jordan now. The name of the station that is being run. As for the name behind, do n’t think I do n’t know where it came from. ”

“Well, the name you think is the most appropriate.” Ryan had to admit that he was indeed a naming, and soon he turned the subject to other directions. “I hope that all our newspapers will be distributed smoothly tomorrow.”

“It will go well.” Hermione took Ryan’s hand. “Because there are a lot of original things in this newspaper, at least the detailed teaching of magic principles and combat magic can never be found in other newspapers. “

Thanks to this war, Ryan and they thus obtained a best opportunity to popularize basic combat magic. Everyone needs this because of the current situation, and the groups of pure-blooded families who will object because of the loss of interest are now on the enemy’s side.

“What about the pure-blood family on our side?” Ryan asked seriously. “Although according to the current situation, I believe all of this can go smoothly. But it would be better if we could minimize the internal conflicts.”

“It’s not a big problem.” Hermione took out a pile of parchment. “During the last meeting of the book club, did we ask a lot of people about this issue? These are letters from their homes, which are basically support.”

Lean received the letters and read them one by one. From these letters, he could confirm that the Weasley family, Aibo family and Longbottom family all supported his own practice. Even each of them attached some small spell-casting tips about the circulation of their own family behind their letters. Especially for the Longbottom family, the tips sent by Neville’s grandmother were enough to develop an Auror.

“It’s much better than we thought.” Hermione frowned, “I just don’t know why they would–why they would cooperate with us, and even gave so much information. To Knowing that this is their simple contribution, I did n’t even make any request before. “

“The truth here is simple.” Ryan explained, looking at Hermione’s distress. “The Weasley family is good at making magic props, and the Aibo family is good at all kinds of magic about housework and food production. So for these two families, the magic related to combat is not what they are good at. Yes, disseminating this knowledge will not affect them. Supporting the dissemination of knowledge will instead bring them a good reputation ~ ~ They will naturally seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and choose practices that are beneficial to them. “

“And Longbottom family.” Lane said paused here. “Their families have been Aurors for generations, and in theory they will not support us. But now, the future of the entire Longbottom family is only left by Neville. For them, this time to restore the family voice The most important thing is that instead of holding on to the heritage and disappearing in the dust of history like the Mavolo family. “

“I even doubt that the reason why Mrs. Longbottom provided so much precious information to us is to build momentum for Neville, even if this is not the core knowledge of their family.” Ryan looked again at the thick attached to Mrs. Longbarton’s enclosed letter A thick magic record. “Know that for a pure-blood family, the reputation can sometimes determine the rise and fall of a family.”

“You mean, this is out of everyone’s selfishness, so we can push this thing so simple.” Hermione looked a little frustrated. She had always thought that her previous persuasion for justice had worked.

“If our classmates will be impressed by the reasons for justice, those ancient pure-blood family heads are not so simple. These families with hundreds of thousands of years of history have experienced so many things. They have survived to this day absolutely It can’t be done with the intention of justice. “

Ryan said that after picking up the sample of the newspaper that will be released tomorrow, he turned to the eighth edition of the spell analysis section. The first period of the spell analysis is the method of using the coma spell, and there is also information from the Longbottom family. Here is a little trick. “But this is not bad, at least our goal has been achieved, and this knowledge will be spread to everyone who needs it.”

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