Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 668 - Trip to france

In the sunshine in October, it is located in a manor in the middle of British Isles. Ryan, Hermione, Rose Crystal, and Gil, who rarely appeared in front of everyone, sat around the round table in the tea room to enjoy afternoon tea while listening to news that Gil had explored in London these days. As a hero born and raised in London, Jill does have her advantage in gathering intelligence.

“Now the attacker can basically be determined.” Jill said after putting down the teacup. “I have been lurking in Diagon Alley and Overturned Alley and the newly repaired Ministry of Magic for the past few days. Through the conversations with the people there, I can basically be sure. The attackers in this operation mainly came from the group of mercenaries. The group of guys suffered heavy losses after the failure of Hogsmead Town, so after the escape, they released their inner pressure on the innocent. “

“In addition, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic have done their best in this incident.” Jill continued, “According to the information I found, the group of black wizards met in the village of Poka for only seven minutes. The Aurors sent by Hogsmeade’s Ministry of Magic. If these Aurors did not arrive in time, the village would have suffered even more losses. “

“If you consider that Hogmore had just experienced an attack at that time, their response was already quick.” Hermione nodded. “It also confirms that at least there was no inner ghost buried by our side in this attack.”

“This is a good thing. In the next step, we only need to fight, and we don’t need to consider too much about the relationship.” Ryan smiled, and fighting the enemy simply was a simple matter. However, when it comes to internal hoaxes, there will be a series of sufficiently complex things to deal with.

“Our first goal is here.” Ryan took out a map of Europe and clicked. Everyone got together and found out that the place where Ryan was pointing was Calais, France. “According to the investigation of Jill in the past few days, the group of black wizards does not usually stay in the already depressed London wizard world, but chooses to live in a prosperous France. There is a manor of pure blood wizard near Calais, Jill I followed two of the dark wizards and found that all the dark wizard mercenaries live there. “

“Why do they live in France?” Rose Crystal asked curiously. “I mean, they were obviously hired by the dark demon to fight, why did these people not live in Britain.”

“It’s easy to understand, you can’t expect this kind of scumbags to have the habit of saving money. For them, of course, they need to enjoy some money after gaining wealth.” Hermione slightly lowered her head and explained to the puppet. “Compared to the gloomy London magic world, the prosperous French magic world is more suitable for them to spend their own gold gallons.”

“In addition, Calais is the closest French region to Britain. Even the most ordinary wizards can easily use the phantom to cross the English Channel to reach the United Kingdom. So living in France does not hinder their movement in the United Kingdom. “Jill added,” I found this on two dark wizards. “

“Can these black wizards openly go shopping on the street?” Rose Crystal’s eyes widened, and two purple eyes flashed like amethyst. “Where did the French Aurors go?”

“They are indeed free to travel down the street.” Jill spread his hands in a helpless expression. “As for the French Aurors, after seeing the Death Eaters on the arms of these black wizards, they pretended not to see this group of guys. At the same time, these black wizards also gave the French face, and never took the initiative to cause trouble in France.”

“Oh, the French–” Ryan and Hermione shook their heads at the same time. For the British, there are many things that the French term can explain the problem.

“So what is the most important thing we need to pay attention to in this operation?” Hermione asked, taking up the information that Jill had put there. “At least, 14 dark wizards who are not organized enough can definitely be our opponents.”

“Our core problem is that this operation must not attract the attention of the French Ministry of Magic. Otherwise, it is likely that Auror of the French Ministry of Magic will join the battle as a hostile third party.” Ryan said, “After all, for the French In order to ensure their own safety, they can even choose the London Ministry of Magic as the representative of the British wizarding community under the leadership of the mysterious people. Then in order to avoid the excuse of the mysterious people invading France, they directly directed us to stop us from attacking the genus It ’s also possible. “

“So can we paralyze the French Ministry of Magic in advance?” Jill asked. “If my uncle can open all weapons to me, I promise—”

“Although the French are not friends, they are not enemies.” Ryan touched Gil’s silver hair hard. “It’s not yet that time. The last British catapult operation has given us enough lessons. Sometimes, taking the initiative to attack will only get more enemies. Also, don’t keep thinking about the radiating world. The things in the bottom arsenal. They have destroyed one world. I do n’t want to see the next world destroyed. “

“Those people give it to me, as long as you stop them from fleeing.” Hermione said suddenly. “I learned a powerful magic from Ms. Yinyue last time, and now I want to try that magic.”

“If you are sure, I have no opinion.” Ryan and Hermione glanced at each other, and nodded slowly after seeing the perseverance and firmness in her eyes. “I will do my best to help you.”

On the third day after the massacre in Poka Village, at 2:30 in the morning. Ryan set off from their manor and took a stealthy spaceship to a hill near the manor on the edge of the port of Calais in France.

“Is that just below? They still carelessly.” Standing on the hill, Ryan was surprised to find that this manor actually had only some common defensive magics except the simplest Muggle expulsion spell and some invisible spells. A complex defense.

“That’s not the point.” Jill said. “Although the French can acquiesce them to live here ~ ~, they will never let them build a fortress on their territory. Not to mention that in the last war, the uncle ’s principal, Deng Bu The forces led by Mr. Lido basically rarely take the initiative to attack, so for the Dark Lord, excessive defense is not necessary. “

“So this time, we want to change their views and keep them in fear all the time.” Ryan said. “The only way to let them know that something can’t be done can stop them from further harming the innocent.”

After speaking, Ryan took out a dozen table tennis-size silver **** from the space bag and threw them into the air. Soon, the small wings stretched out from the ball and vibrated at high speed, and then flew around like the manor.

“How does this look like a golden thief?” Hermione asked, looking at the flying silver ball. “But it feels a little different from the golden thief.”

“This is a variant of the golden thief. I made it after I got an abandoned golden thief.” Ryan introduced, and then took out a gold plate inlaid with gems and held it in his hand. “Unlike the original Golden Snitch, this new small flying magic prop is equipped with dual optical and magic detectors. If there are multiple systems that constitute a system, it can detect the general situation of a small space in a short time. “

As they spoke, these silver **** were already in place. Soon a 3D three-dimensional map of sky blue phantoms was projected above the gold plate.

“Is this the manor below?” Hermione looked at the ghost image curiously before looking at the manor not far from the moonlight. “But what on earth are these bright or dark light spots and the lines connecting these light spots?”

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