Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 682 - Smooth plan

After spending more than ten minutes, Lane finally counted and handed over the magic items he had brought before. There are many kinds of magic props. In addition to the magic props used for magic defense, there are some new offensive props this time.

“What’s this?” George took a slim velvet-covered box from the space bag, and opened it to take out the contents. “It looks a bit like a wand …”

“Stop it.” Ryan hurried forward to split his hand and took the wand off. After putting it back in the box, he looked up at George. “Please, if you see magic items you have n’t seen before, it ’s better to ask me, otherwise you may hurt yourself.”

“Do you mean this is not an ordinary wand?” George asked, looking at the small blue box in Ryan’s hand. “Is it similar to the fake wand I sold with Fred before?”

“It’s a bit like, but it’s not the same thing.” Lane said, taking a wand that was previously used as a test article from another space bag in his arms. At this time, George discovered that although this wand looks like a normal wand, it looks more gorgeous than the ordinary wand. The surface is inlaid with a mysterious pattern of silver threads and a tiny crystal.

“It really looks a lot prettier than a normal wand,” George commented. “But at this time, although many people need a wand, I don’t think this gorgeous, pure-blood family-style wand can be welcomed by the hemp wizards who have lost the wand. And I don’t see anything about this wand special.”

“Hahaha–” Hermione could not help laughing when she looked at the wand in front of George’s solemn comment. After the laughter stopped a little, she said to George. “I really didn’t expect this thing to hide your observations. In fact, this wand is a consumable, and it can automatically cast magic.”

“Does magic work automatically?” George opened his mouth in surprise. “I only know that some magic items can automatically release magic when they need to be used, but I have never heard of a magic wand that can automatically release magic.”

“Accurately speaking, this should be a truncated version of the semi-automatic wand, because although it does not need to cast spells, it still requires the user to mentally lock the target of the spell. In addition, it can only use one kind of magic.” Ryan shrugged. Shrugging his shoulders, “I must say that the real auto-casting props are made. It’s really difficult, even if it’s really made, almost no one can afford it.”

“Even in this case, this wand is very powerful.” George looked at the wand in Ryan’s hand with awe. “What surprised me the most is that you can still mass produce this thing—”

“Okay, let’s try this wand now.” Ryan looked at George and seemed to start praising the wand and interrupted George quickly. “I have to show you this wand first. Power, only in this way can you introduce its role to those who need this thing. And develop a suitable method of use. “

“Open the fire.” After coming to the yard, Ryan raised the wand and aimed at a stone in the middle of the yard. He instantly fired a magical energy missile from the head of the wand, and then a baseball was exploded on the stone. The size of the pit.

“Pure magical energy?” After a few minutes of study, George also imitated Lane using the wand to make a pit of the same size on the stone, and then he took the wand and looked closely.

“Although it is not very aggressive, it can play a very good effect in the battle of wizards. Especially after using pure magic energy, it can effectively kill and destroy most of the magical defense methods now. In short, this It is a magical prop that is very suitable for combat. “

“So how much do you think the price of this thing is appropriate?” Ryan asked after briefly introducing the characteristics of this thing. In fact, this wand is a magically modified arcane missile wand. After getting this technology from Silvermoon City in the last trip, Ryan tried to restore a series of magical technologies in Silvermoon City.

However, technical restoration is a very complicated process under different world backgrounds, not to mention that the magic level of that world last time is much higher than that of this world.

This led to the fact that after such a long period of research, the arcane missile wand, which was not very complicated in that world, became the first magic prop that could be produced in batches using local raw materials among all the technologies obtained in that world, and it was comparable to the original For example, the magic wand made here is also quite different from its prototype.

“For pricing, 20 magic items are stored in each wand. The wand will be scrapped after use. You tell me that it costs about 12 gallons.” George tapped his chin with his finger, “I I think the price of 30 gallons is more appropriate, because you underestimate the complexity of making such magic props. However, I think the specific pricing will not be finalized until Fred returns. “

“It’s okay, I’m not in a hurry anyway.” Ryan asked George after shaking his hand that he didn’t urge him on the matter. “By the way, why are you alone in the shop, where did Fred and Penello go?”

“Penello went to the wolf planting base in Northern Europe today to buy.” George explained, “because the sales of magic props almost emptied our inventory, and the workshop on the other side of the town now needs more raw materials. To maintain production. “

“As for Fred, he went to Hogwarts today to find Hagrid. You know, Hagrid can often find some good things in the forbidden forest by accident. After discussing with Dumbledore and Hagrid before , We can now get some materials that are harder to obtain from Hagrid every once in a while. Seriously, I hope they come back quickly, and now they work alone in the store, even if it ’s just one morning. tired.”

“It turns out that way.” Ryan nodded, and now Weasley’s joke shop is far less crowded than in the past. Most of the former shop assistants now work in the new Ministry of Magic.

Because before, Ryan recruited and trained a large number of hemp seed wizards for their big plans, at the time this was just to improve the overall level of hemp seed wizards, so that they could be able to fight for their dues when the time came. s right.

But Ryan did not expect that the opportunity came so fast at this time, nor did he think that there were so many people in the magic world who opposed the establishment of a new order after the end of the last war ~ ~ The order returned to the state in the past.

This also led to Voldemort being able to seize the only opportunity that Dumbledore was unable to escape while Professor Dumbledore is still alive. Certain advantages. For many reasons, President Dumbledore could not recapture the Ministry of Magic in a short period of time, and the war became longer and longer.

Under such circumstances, Hogsmeade Ministry of Magic was established. Because a large number of pure-blood faction wizards chose to stand on the side of the Ministry of Magic in London, resulting in an extreme shortage of personnel, the Ministry of Magic recruited a large number of personnel after it stabilized. And this just gave Ryan a chance to start acting, a chance for more hemp seed wizards to get a better job, and then to get the status and right to speak.

Unsurprisingly, these hemp wizards who have been trained in the joke shop for several years have almost successfully passed the examination and were recruited by magic. It was a good thing for Ryan and they, but there were fewer people in the corresponding joke shop. Fortunately, after the outbreak of the war, the main business of the joke shop was changed to the production of magic props related to the war, and the shop in Diagon Alley was closed. This makes the store barely operational.

However, the lack of personnel is still a very troublesome problem. Although some new recruits are recruited from the escaped personnel, the lack of personnel will cause the store to run poorly until the training of these new recruits is qualified.

“Then we won’t disturb you.” Finally, after instructing George to help collect materials for wand making, Ryan and they quickly left. After George waved his hand, he began to refine the essential oil.

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