Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 687 - Continuous fight

Remember in a second 【】

After setting up a complete monitoring system, Ryan began to attack frequently, and sometimes even lived in the wild for the convenience of action. Thanks to the last time I learned the magic of Leo Meng ’s cabin in Silver Moon City Lane, and then combined with all the protection, safe guarding and a series of spells, field operations are basically impossible to be found by those search teams.

Search teams are now everywhere in the South of England, and some obvious lineage discriminators have voluntarily joined the team. Their mission is to find hemp seed wizards or other intelligent creatures in the factory in various places. After all, not every hemp seed wizard or magical intelligent creature is willing to throw away everything and escape to the north.

During this time, they have been to the brightly lit cities, but also to dense jungles, dark cliff seams, purple marshes, and hillsides full of gorse flowers. In addition to rushing to the scene of the attack as quickly as possible to kill the attackers. In the wild, they occasionally read the name of Voldemort after setting up various magic circles, and then ambushed the Death Eaters who heard the news.

Even in some cases, they will randomly attack a Death Eater ’s manor or property, kill all the resistance spells and Death Eaters with blood on their hands, and hang their bodies on the pole. Then use the memory eraser from the world of men in black to wash all the magic-related memories of the remaining people and intelligent creatures like house elves.

Finally, Ryan and Hermione will use wildfire and the five very young dragons that were fostered in the world of the song of ice and fire to burn all the industries of the Death Eaters, and at the same time change the local area by communicating with the natural environment The magic distribution prevents those plantations from recovering in a short time.

During the last war, the most terrifying battle against Voldemort was not head-on fighting. Both the Long Bartons and the Potters have confronted Voldemort three times and survived, and such people are not a minority.

In that war, what really caused the Phoenix Society and the Ministry of Magic to suffer a great deal was that after the whereabouts were mastered, the mysterious people and Death Eaters were able to launch attacks and carry out killings at times and places that no one could imagine. Eliminate one rebel after another.

Professor Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic at that time did not have much resistance to Voldemort’s tactics. In addition to concentrating on protecting some points, they could only go back and forth to try to recover their losses. Unfortunately, this did not work very well. Judging from the group photo of the Phoenix members taken out by Hagrid at the time, at least most of the Phoenix members were killed in the last war.

If it was n’t Voldemort ’s last slice of his soul that affected his spirit too much, he firmly believed that Harry Potter, who was a baby at the time, was the assassination of the biggest enemy in the magic world, and Mr. Potter who just happened to have mastered some ancient magic. If you bounce the death curse. Voldemort might have won in the last war.

Now, Ryan and they started the targeted removal of the Death Eaters just like Voldemort had cleared those resistances. In the face of such an attack, the pure-blood families who target more in this regard are sorrowful, because they simply have no way to hide their manor or plantation. And for Voldemort, he would not release the complex and mana-hungry loyal mantra for several servants.

After trying various methods but no effect, the group of Death Eaters finally reduced those shameless attacks. And the group of black wizards abroad was also scared to stop the harm to the innocent after a large number of people were killed by Ryan. In short, after more than 40 lives and more than ten manor estates paid by Death Eaters in more than a month, they could not be stopped at all, and even after any early warning of their attacks, the killing of innocent Muggles was finally stopped. .

“Are we doing this, is it worth it?” After washing one morning in the morning, Ryan asked Hermione while they were walking by a campsite by the river. “To know what we are doing is shaking the cornerstone of the British magic world, I’m worried It will cause serious problems after the war. “

“Of course it is.” Ryan said. “As you said, it does cause serious problems after the end of the war. But the prerequisite for us to consider this problem is that we have won the war. Before we win, we There is no need to consider these things. “

“And the facts are already here. Under our reciprocal retaliation, from yesterday, the wanton killing of innocent people has temporarily stopped. We can say that everything we do is meaningful. After all, whatever Under what circumstances, talent is the most important. “

“You are right. Many times you have to choose things. I know this too.” Hermione nodded. “It’s just that sometimes after successfully completing the goal, there will always be some greedy hope to get all the benefits.”

After a few minutes of walking by the river, Ryan and they returned to the camp hidden by magic. Just after passing through a transparent barrier, I saw six or seven tents in the barrier distributed around the extinguished portable stove, and some people were going in and out at the door of the tent.

“Good morning, Commander.” Good morning. After seeing Ryan and their return, the wizards stood up to greet them, and Ryan and Hermione saluted them one by one.

These people were the wizards who were rescued from the Death Eater’s manor and various attacks. They are mainly hemp seed wizards, but there are also mixed-blood or even pure-blood wizards. Originally Ryan planned to transfer them to a safe Hogsmeade after rescue, but some wizards hoped to revenge with Ryan due to the death of their relatives and friends, and also hoped that through their own efforts to avoid letting others suffer their fate.

After some discussion, Ryan first sent those families and those who were not suitable for fighting back to Hogsmeade. And then took those volunteers to form a guerrilla squad

^ 0 ^ One second to remember 【】

Side training, but fortunately with their help, so that Ryan they can better destroy those manor in the previous battles.

Soon, the portable stove was reignited. The two guerrillas began to heat up a variety of foods, while Ryan sat while thinking about the goal of the next move. The next task is to maintain high pressure on the dead, keep them in a state of fear, and ensure that they dare not have the ability to kill the innocent.

When the meal was almost ready, the three people who had patrolled outside came back to change jobs. The only difference is that this time the three of them led others into the camp.

“Dirk, why did you come with two goblins? Was it because of the occupational disease?” After seeing the two goblins brought in, some guerrillas ridiculed the patrol leader who walked in front.

“No, I just caught the two of them outside. When I patrolled just now, I heard something happening by the river. I found that the two of them were trying to catch fish there. I think I can get some news from them. So I caught them both. “Patrol Captain Dirk said.

The patrol captain was the director of the Fairy Liaison Office who was rescued from the trial court when they were in the Ministry of Magic. I went home to pick up the child and prepared to run north, but unfortunately because of his higher position in the Ministry of Magic, he was caught up by the Death Eaters before he ran far.

After being overtaken, Dirk Cresway resisted very bravely. His resistance was quite effective, and he succeeded in attracting Death Eaters’ attention to buy time for his wife and children to allow them to escape to Hogsmead, but unfortunately he was caught by Death Eaters later. It wasn’t until Ryan three weeks ago that they captured a pure-blood manor that they rescued him and another wizard from a demented cellar.

After being rescued again, Dirk Cresway realized that only by destroying Voldemort and the Death Eaters would he and his family be able to regain a peaceful life. So after going to Hogsmeade to meet his wife who works in the Weasley joke shop, he joined the Ryan guerrillas.

As a student who could join the slug club as a student, Dirk quickly showed his value in the guerrillas. For example, he shouldered a very important patrol task, and today it was because of his vigilance that he discovered the two fairies who ran to the guerrilla camp.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^ 0 ^

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