Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 75 - 1st combat practice

At 6:15 the next morning, Ryan got up early to wash and came to the common room. Hermione was already waiting for him with her schoolbag on her back. Because Hermione had previously agreed with Ryan to learn something about combat from him, this idea was born out of the protection of her parents when Miss Granger discovered that the magic world was not friendly to Muggles during the summer vacation .

The two came to an empty classroom on the second floor. Ryan closed the door and began to speak: “Since you want to learn how to fight, then I can share all my experiences with you.”

Hermione saw Ryan finished and took out a book. It is the standard textbook “Dark Power: Self-Defense Guide” of the black magic defense class and an extracurricular book “Self-Defense Curse Collection”.

“Since we want to learn, I think we should start with the most basic and simplest and most orthodox. Although these spells may be simple to release, single-use and general effect. But at least can guarantee the safety of learning.”

Hermione nodded in agreement.

Ryan opened the book, then pointed to one of the pages and said, “I think we should learn from this: disarming curse, one of the most basic but effective spells. Of course, this thing should be for African wizards. It ’s useless because they cast their spells empty-handed. But at least in the UK, it ’s very useful. ”

Ryan finished handing the book to Hermione. After receiving the book, Hermione read it carefully several times, and then waved her wand in the air, her lips wriggling. After a while, she stopped the motion in her hand and said to Ryan: “I think the theoretical knowledge I have learned is almost the same, we should practice it. Because the curse must not be learned just by reading.”

“Of course, I think so.” Ryan said and pulled out his wand. He had to admire Hermione’s cleverness, because at that time he learned this spell 20% more time than Hermione.

When the two people were about ten steps apart, Ryan raised his wand and said, “I count to three, and then we start together. One, two, three.”

“Except your weapon.” As soon as Ryan’s voice fell, Hermione pronounced the spell. The spell had a good head, and a red beam of light flew from the head of Hermione’s wand and hit Ryan. However, because it was the first time to use it, Hermione had a problem with the magic release. This spell just made Ryan’s hair comb up.

And Ryan’s counterattack easily let Hermione’s wand spin and fly out.

“Why doesn’t my spell work?” Hermione asked strangely.

“This is the problem of self-study only by looking at textbooks. There are only spells and principles in the textbooks. It is used in conjunction with the teacher’s classroom teaching. How to cast spells depends on the teacher’s demonstration. Fortunately, the” Self-Defense Curse Collection “contains the key point.”

After finishing, Ryan showed Hermione one of the disarming spells in the Self-Defense Curse Collection. Hermione glanced and discovered her problem. “It turns out that the sound of the letter p needs to be accented.”

After reading, Hermione closed the book and continued training. Under the circumstances of finding the right method, her magic progressed quickly, and it took a short while to fly Ryan’s blow.

“I think I have mastered this magic, can I learn the next one.” Hermione looked a little proud and said to Ryan.

“Have you really mastered it? Then let’s really test it. After all, you have to know that in real combat, it is impossible for two people to stand still and shoot each other with a spell. You can use it without a spell at your level now. Beat you. “

“I don’t believe it. After all, you haven’t studied these spells for a long time. Even if the level is higher than mine, it won’t be too high.”

After the two people were ten steps away from each other to start a new round of practice, Hermione fired a spell on Ryan, but they were either dodged by Ryan or blocked by the desk in the classroom. Finally Ryan jumped over several tables, dodge the spell and approached Hermione, then pointed her at her wand.

“When did you learn these? It looks a bit like parkour. But seriously, this skill should have some role in combat.”

“How do you know this? I remember that this thing is only popular in France, and basically no one in the UK will know this. I just learned it by chance from a sailor traveling around.” Ryan asked.

“Because I have a French relative, he came to our house last time and told me that my distant cousin broke his leg because of participating in this sport.”

“Sure enough, extreme sports are risky, so you still have to be cautious.” Ryan continued: “So I said you haven’t mastered this magic at all. Or, to be precise, you haven’t mastered how this magic should be used in combat. And as a combat magic, this is the core. “

“It is indeed.” Hermione admitted this. “But you should have practiced this sport for several years, I think it is difficult for me to be as flexible as you.”

“It ’s not necessary to be the same as me, but it ’s always good to exercise to enhance athletic ability. Think about the many magic spells in the magic world that are difficult to block. It is necessary to aim at the front. So you can flash these spells. Even the most terrifying life-spell, as long as it ca n’t hit you, of course you ca n’t kill you. “

After that, Ryan gave Hermione the way to exercise in some Assassin heritage, and finally said to her: “Although it is a simple matter to say that the magic world treats common diseases, it is better to get as few diseases as possible. Madam Pomfrey ’s potion is really bad in taste. So it ’s not a bad thing to exercise to strengthen your body. “

Hermione nodded her heart. She had drunk Madam Pomfrey’s potion because of a cold last winter, and the taste could be said to be terrible, and the outside ears kept steaming out.

In the time after, Ryan pulled out a few small **** from his pocket and directed them to move up and down with a floating spell. Let Hermione use these **** as moving targets to practice her disarming spell.

Soon, the time came to 7:15. The two packed up the things in the classroom and went to the auditorium for breakfast.

On the way, Hermione asked Ryan: “When is our next practice time? I think this requires weekly practice to be effective, otherwise it will be easy to forget.”

“Then simply Saturday or Sunday, when will be free, when we will notify each other.” Ryan said after thinking about it, after all, only the holidays will have a lot of time for practice, like today The practice time before breakfast is too tight.

Then they discussed some tips about the use of the disarming spell, and what their opponents should do when casting the spell or attacking the moving target.

Walk to the hall in front of the hall, and they stopped discussing. Go to Gryffindor’s long table for breakfast.

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