Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 78 - New world opens

Ryan didn’t want to be messed up in the classroom, especially these elves would destroy the students’ property. He used his wand to point at the desk and read a metamorphosis, which turned into a fine net. Then he read Wadi Wasi to the net. The net covered the cage on the podium like a bullet and wrapped most of the elves together with the cage.

The remaining elves of the missing net were easily subdued by the students. Harry even photographed an elf with a book with his agile skill.

When all the elves were stuffed back into their cages, Lockhart had some intentions. He praised the classmates briefly, and then added five points to Ryan alone.

Lane’s smile appeared on his face, not because of Lockhart’s praise, but because he received a message from the system in his mind: because he prevented the disaster caused by the elf in class, he obtained two deviation points.

Lockhart mistakenly thought that the smile on Ryan’s face was an admiration for him, so he boasted more vigorously. “When I was traveling in Scotland, I met hundreds of elves. But I subdued them all with a self-made spell …”

Fortunately, after this farce, class time was running out, and the sound of the bell after class quickly saved everyone’s ears.

After class, Lane and Hermione went to the library to do their homework as usual. Soon, Ginny also came to the library to study. She first thanked Ryan for sending her notebook and consulted them about Lockhart’s class.

“I can only say that Lockhart may not be a good teacher. He brought all his star sets to the classroom, which is very inappropriate.” Lane whispered his opinion to Ginny. . Hermione wanted to say something, but gave up after thinking about it.

After dinner, Ryan returned to the dormitory to collect some things, and then entered the bathroom when no one was there (Ryan can be sure that there is basically no surveillance in Hogwarts except the bedroom is the bathroom).

After entering a compartment and locking the door, he opened the space door and came to the Wanjie grocery store.

Because during this time Ryan felt that his previous inheritance was almost absorbed, he decided to take a new world adventure to see if there was anything suitable for him.

Looked at the 49-point offset point in his hand. After a while of thinking, he decided to go to a level 5 world adventure. After all, the more powerful it is, the more deviation points you need to master. If you choose a level 6 world, on the one hand, you may not be able to deal with the dangerous situations you encounter. After all, there are 100,000 levels of zombie wars, Plants vs. Zombies World, which is a fifth-level world. The danger of the sixth-level world can be imagined. On the other hand, there may not be enough points left to increase strength.

After making a decision, Ryan communicated with Wanjie Grocery Store and paid for the offset points. Later, with a ray of light, Ryan was sent to a new world.

“Where is this? It looks no different from the normal world.”

Ryan stood on a dirt road while looking around, silently muttering in his mouth. The dirt road under his feet now appears to have been stepped on by people, and the shoe prints on it indicate that there are people in this world.

Both sides of the road are barren mountains and woods. Ryan walked to the roadside to observe carefully and found that the trees on the roadside are some common tree species in southern China. It seems that this world is an oriental world, and I don’t know what the specific situation is.

Ryan used life magic to perceive the surrounding situation, and found that the biggest feature of this surrounding is that the breath of death exceeds the breath of life. He shaved his feet at the place with the strongest breath of death by the road, and actually kicked out a human tooth.

“This place does not look very good, I hope to meet a living person.” Thinking about it, Ryan decided to look around for clues. After all, according to his own experience before, when he came to those worlds, he often came near the children of luck in this world.

Since there is a way under your feet, it is definitely the best solution to go along the road. Ryan took some things from the grocery store, then took off his robe and stuffed them into his schoolbag with them to dress up as a traveler. As for the reason for taking off the robe, it is because that black robe does not look like a good person in most of the world.

Walked along the dirt road for more than ten minutes, on both sides of the untouched barren mountains and woods. Ryan also determined at this time that the breath of death in this area is not just a little problem, but that the entire region has this problem.

Lane silently prayed that he would not come to a certain doomsday world this time, because few living people represented a lot of shrinking harvest.

Fortunately, after turning a small mountain bag, pedestrians slowly appeared on the road. Both sides of the road also became rice fields, and some farmers worked in the rice fields.

Looking at the clothes of the merchants and farmers in the field ~ ~ This should be the dress style of the Republic of China period. Ryan started to figure out what kind of world he traversed. This should be the world of a Hong Kong film, but which world still has to find someone to ask.

He walked a little bit further and saw a very prosperous small town in front, which should look like a county town.

This county is surrounded by a circle of walls, facing the dirt road is a tower. However, the city walls and towers are dilapidated. In the cracks of the bricks, there are some wild grasses floating in the wind.

There are several soldiers standing guard at the gate of the city, but these are the soldiers from the warlords. It’s not so much a soldier as a group of rascals. One by one hanging his arms wide open, looking at the things of the common people entering and leaving the city gate. From time to time put an egg and two copper plates in his arms.

Lane was not afraid of these soldiers because of his magic. He walked into the city with his head high and swaying. Because modern people have superior living conditions, Ryan naturally grows tall and has fair skin. In addition to wearing a standard dress, and the pride brought by self-confidence, the guards at the door did not dare to come over and stop. He even nodded to Ryan.

“Count your acquaintances.” Ryan spit out this sentence from the mouth of the young masters in the TV series. Then he took out several silver coins from his pocket and threw them at the guards.

Several guards quickly picked up the silver coin and found that it was quite pure. It’s just a little smaller than the normal ocean, and it also has foreign words that it doesn’t know.

“It is estimated that the young master came back from abroad, and the rewards all use foreign money.” One guard said that although the foreign money was a bit less, it added up to about two or two. In the early years of the Republic of China, the money was enough for some people to live for a month. For the guards, it was enough for them to have a good meal.

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