Mysterious country

Chapter 111 Visit (please subscribe)

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Zhang Xiaoxiao threw her phone on the sofa irritably. Just as she was about to get up and get a bottle of drink from the refrigerator, she heard a series of loud "dong" sounds coming from upstairs.

It sounded like renovations were being done upstairs, and there was a deafening thud, indicating that workers were smashing the wall.

"This damn upstairs, it doesn't stop at night, and it doesn't let people be quiet during the day!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao was already very annoyed, but now he was completely ignited by the "dong" sound. She randomly found a coat in the closet and put it on her body, then walked out angrily.

When she opened the door, a very dilapidated staircase came into her sight, giving her the feeling that she was in an old building from the 1980s and 1990s.

Zhang Xiaoxiao was preoccupied with going upstairs to argue with the family above her, so she didn't pay much attention to the dilapidated stairs, so she took two steps and went straight upstairs.

But when she reached the seventh and a half floors, her hurried steps suddenly stopped.

Because at this moment, she suddenly remembered something.

Wait, isn't her house on the top floor?

She remembered clearly that because it was on the top floor, the average price of her house was lower than those on the lower floors, and they even gave them fine decoration.

In addition, she had come here countless times just to see the house before, and she never knew that there was a floor above her house.

"Strange? Why don't I have any impression at all?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't even remember that this building still had eight floors. The houses in this community were all multi-story, with the highest being the seven-story top floor.

But now, the seventh floor was at her feet. Standing here, she could clearly see the red door facing the stairs.

There was a layer of dark red paint on the door, and there was only one house on the entire 8th floor. Zhang Xiaoxiao thought that this house would only be 300 square meters at least.

The uncomfortable dark red door was slightly open to her. I wonder if it was because the people living inside did not draw the curtains, so Zhang Xiaoxiao, who was standing on the stairs, could not see clearly through the gap in the door.

But what makes Zhang Xiaoxiao very uncomfortable is that she always feels like there is a pair of eyes peeking at her from the crack in the door.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao asked tentatively, but no one responded quietly outside the door. The deafening "thunk" she heard in the house before could no longer be heard at this time.


Zhang Xiaoxiao muttered, wanting to go up and have a look, but she felt some inexplicable fear in her heart, so that she put one foot on the upper step, but hesitated to step up with the other foot. .

Just when she was hesitant, not knowing whether to go up or down, the red door was slammed shut at this moment.


Zhang Xiaoxiao was startled by the sudden sound of the door closing, and the shock made her feel certain in her heart that there was indeed someone hiding inside the door just now, peeping at her.

"This damn person actually scared me on purpose!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao was completely irritated this time, and the anger that suddenly rose in her heart also burned away the panic that originally enveloped her heart.

After taking a few steps to the 8th floor, standing outside the red door that made her feel a little uncomfortable, Zhang Xiaoxiao clenched her fists and knocked:

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone? I'm from downstairs..."

After knocking for a long time, there was no response from the door.

"Play dead with me, right?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao knocked hard twice more, but there was still no answer in the room. She put her ear against the door and listened with bated breath to the movement inside. It didn't take long for her face to change and she realized something.

She vaguely heard a series of "hissing" sounds coming from the door.

It sounded like... like someone crawling on the ground!

During the process, Zhang Xiaoxiao did not forget to continue to smash the door. At the same time, the "hissing" sound inside the door became louder and louder.

It was as if the thing climbing on the ground was getting closer to the door.

The more Zhang Xiaoxiao listened, the more terrified she felt. Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she cursed and ran downstairs quickly. When she opened the door and returned to the house, she vaguely heard a creaking sound coming from upstairs.

There is no doubt that the door she has been knocking on for a long time but not opened has just been pushed open.

Zhang Xiaoxiao felt inexplicably uneasy. This feeling was even worse than the irritability she felt before going upstairs.

Her right eyelid twitched again without warning, and she pressed her hand firmly on it, with unconcealable panic on her face.

After turning on the TV again and switching to a music store, Zhang Xiaoxiao's uneasy mood gradually calmed down.

She didn't know if she didn't have a good rest last night, and her nerves were a little tense before, so she fell asleep not long after.

When she woke up again, there was no light in the room. It was so dark that it was almost impossible to see her fingers.

She reached for her phone from the sofa, flicked on the screen and found that it was already past 8 pm, but her husband Zhang Chen still hadn't come back.

"This damn Zhang Chen, this stinky Zhang Chen, we all told him to come back at night, but we don't see him coming even though it's so late!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao muttered as she hit her husband Zhang Chen. The waiting tone kept coming from the phone, but no one answered the phone for a long time.

"Where do people go when they die?"

Just when Zhang Xiaoxiao was about to make another call, there was a sudden knock on her door.

"Dong dong dong..."

Zhang Xiaoxiao was once again frightened, but thinking that her husband might be back, she quickly put on her slippers and ran to the door.

Through the somewhat cloudy cat eyes, Zhang Xiaoxiao discovered that the person knocking on the door was not her husband, but two men and one woman, three strangers she had never met before.


Zhang Xiaoxiao asked tentatively.

"Hello, may I ask Ms. Zhang Xiaoxiao? We are from the Dongyu District Police Station."

There is no doubt that the three strangers who came to the door were Xia Qi and the other two newcomers.

Xia Qi took out his work permit and gestured symbolically at the cat's eye. Then he saw Zhang Xiaoxiao in the room opened the door and asked strangely:

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao had no idea what the people from the police station were doing at her house this late at night.

"Did something happen to my husband?"

Thinking that it might be because of Zhang Chen, Zhang Xiaoxiao's face suddenly turned pale and she hurriedly asked:

"Did something happen to my husband?"

"What? Are you the only one at home?"

Hearing this, Xia Xia Qi asked.

"Well, it's just me at home."

Zhang Xiaoxiao nodded uneasily and asked again:

"Did something happen to my husband?"

"Do you hope something happens to him?" This time it was Shen Ruotong who stood behind Xia Qi who spoke.

"What do you mean, how could I hope that something would happen to my husband!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao glared at Shen Ruotong unhappily, but Shen Ruotong ignored her and just replied lightly:

"That's good."

"Ms. Zhang." Xia Xia Qi called Zhang Xiaoxiao at this time, and then said with a smile:

"Recently, the authorities have stepped up strict inspections and asked us to go door to door to confirm our identities. We have already verified the houses across the street, and this building is just short of yours, so we hope you can cooperate with our work and answer a few questions. A question."

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