Mysterious country

Chapter 123 Silent murderous intent

"Damn! We're trapped!"

After several attempts to no avail, Xia Qi finally had to accept this extremely bad fact.

And from this point, it can be seen that his previous guess was not wrong. There was indeed a ghost capable of creating hallucinations in the incident.

At present, he has found a more reasonable explanation for why the ghost chooses to live on the top floor and kill people who have just moved. That is to introduce all the victims into the non-existent room.

To put it bluntly, it is to make the victims who have just moved into the top floor mistakenly think that they are actually living in a house they have just rented or bought. However, in fact, the new home they moved into is simply the extra haunted house.

Take Zhang Xiaoxiao and Zhang Chen as an example. Zhang Chen had already walked into the haunted house that he thought was his new home on the first day of moving, so he was brutally killed by ghosts that night.

It was not until two days later that the dead Zhang Chen came out of the haunted house and returned to his real new home to kill Zhang Xiaoxiao.

This is also the reason why the time of death of victims who are also found dead in their homes will be different.

Because of the previous victims, one of them moved in first, and then another moved in, so there is a difference in the time of death.

(The person who moves in first enters the haunted house, and the person who moves in later enters the new home.)

After the ghost kills the victim who moved in first, it will pretend to be the dead victim and tell the other victim that "he" will not be able to come back temporarily due to something.

When he came back, it was time to claim the life of another victim.

However, in the case of Wang Qianhua and He Chong, because the two people moved into the new home together, they entered the same haunted house, so there will naturally be no difference in the time of death.

The three of them also fell into the above situation. When they first moved in, they actually entered a haunted house.

As for the ghost staircase he saw in the cat's eye later, the red door he saw after leaving the house, and even Shen Ruotong who passed out by the door, these were just hallucination tricks played by ghosts and them.

The real situation is like this now, they are firmly trapped here and cannot escape.

If it were in an ordinary house, it would be impossible for Shen Ruotong, a living person, to disappear for no reason, but if it were in a haunted house, then it would be normal for such a bizarre disappearance to happen.

But what he can't determine now is what kind of ghost the ghost in the incident is, and how many ghosts there are.

Judging from the ability to create hallucinations and the ability to control dead victims to go home and kill people, the ghost hiding in this haunted house is probably a possessed ghost.

But it's not entirely certain that this is the case. After all, this haunted house itself is very weird. After all, there are things that even Leng Yue is not sure about. Who knows how many killer moves are hidden in it.

And considering that the possessed ghost needs to be attached to a human being if he wants to come out to cause trouble, and Shen Ruotong is missing now, and he and Zhao Anguo are the only ones here. If there is really a possessed ghost hiding in this house, then this People can't tell for sure...

"Senior...there is movement in the bathroom..."

Zhao Anguo pointed tremblingly at the bathroom where there were constant reports of pumping water, and pressed his body desperately against Xia Qi's body. His rookie nature was fully exposed at this moment.

"Let it ring."

Even if Xia Qi had no way to escape at this time, he would not be stupid enough to run to the bathroom to see what happened.

After all, ghosts like possessed ghosts, although their own strength is limited, cannot walk sideways and kill at will like evil ghosts, but their deceitful characteristics make up for this better, that is, they will constantly set traps to seduce you. Drill in.

As early as the incident at Qihe Women's College and the incident at Hulu Village, he had already experienced it deeply.

But having said that, the more intrigues ghosts play, the more they prove their weakness. This is why they are all trapped here, but they are still alive and well.

Seeing that Xia Qi didn't pay attention to the sound of pumping water, Zhao Anguo naturally didn't dare to risk it, so he had to stick to Xia Qi like a plaster.

Zhao Anguo's psychology was vulnerable, but Xia Qi was someone who had experienced several incidents, and his psychological quality was top-notch, so he didn't panic too much.

His hands kept groping along the edge of the door, but unfortunately this was not a false illusion. He could really feel the door panels and the somewhat cold walls.

"Senior...what should we do..."

"I'm thinking of a way! In the future, we will encounter situations like this again as long as we are alive. If you don't want to die so early, calm down from now on, use your brain to think and analyze, what should we do? what to do!"

Xia Qi's words were not only addressed to Zhao Anguo, but also to himself.

This incident can be said to be different from any previous incident. The reason is that Leng Yue, who he relied on in the past, is no longer there. So he can no longer expect Leng Yue to come like a savior. Everything here still needs to be solved by himself.

I don't know if he heard Xia Qi's words, but Zhao Anguo, who had been shouting in his ears, became quiet at this time.

Xia Qi glanced at him with a gloomy face and found that Zhao Anguo was thinking about something with his head lowered.

Without looking at him for too long, Xia Qi continued to touch along one side. If he was right, then this seemingly crowded cabin would inevitably undergo some kind of change.

Of course, there was one thing that particularly concerned him, and that was where Shen Ruotong disappeared to.

Although any weird thing might happen in a haunted house, he needs to figure out the reason why Shen Ruotong disappeared.

Because this is completely related to the safety of him and Zhao Anguo, if you think about it, since Shen Ruotong can disappear silently, the two of them can't escape either.

Although he had previously speculated that the ghost in this incident was probably a possessed ghost, it was not a source of danger.

Because he knew how much the possessed ghost weighed, he would never expose himself and act rashly unless he had to.

But if the danger does not come from possessed spirits, then where does the danger come from?

There is no doubt - it can only be this haunted house that Leng Yue calls a mobile ghost land!

Perhaps Shen Ruotong's strange disappearance before was a trick played by this haunted house, which also forced him to be 120% cautious.

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